Because Religion Is for Morons

From The Atlantic, “But in private, many of Trump’s comments about religion are marked by cynicism and contempt, according to people who have worked for him. Former aides told me they’ve heard Trump ridicule conservative religious leaders, dismiss various faith groups with cartoonish stereotypes, and deride certain rites and doctrines held sacred by many of the Americans who constitute his base. … It helped that Trump seemed to feel a kinship with prosperity preachers—often evincing a game-recognizes-game appreciation for their hustle. The former campaign adviser recalled showing his boss a YouTube video of the Israeli televangelist Benny Hinn performing ‘faith healings,’ while Trump laughed at the spectacle and muttered, ‘Man, that’s some racket.’ On another occasion, the adviser told me, Trump expressed awe at Joel Osteen’s media empire—particularly the viewership of his televised sermons.”

What a perfect example of the abject stupidity and religious tyranny under which Americans live and that rules government. Truly! I hate religion because it only seems to attract morons, and not just any morons but credulous, hateful morons. Religion rarely seems to attract moral people, paradoxically. It’s probably because truly righteous people don’t feel the need to be part of a cult to make themselves “feel good” about their morality. True morality is in one’s anonymous actions. It is not the demonstration or advertising of one’s “moral” activities to the public as with those who must wear their religiosity on their sleeves, usually only as a tactic to elevate themselves by scorning others. But I digress. Religious people are so f***ing stupid that the only way they can lift themselves up is to believe in myths and hate others. That’s what makes them feel good — not by doing right by helping and feeding the poor, the sick, and the lesser among us, for example. No! These people only seek to get rich and dominate everyone else in the name of religion. Enter traitor trump. Finally! He’s their con man! It is why they love and identify with him so much. These religious f***tards are merely shifting (or splitting) their loyalty from one megachurch prosperity preacher con man to the con man that is traitor trump. The transition is seamless! Welcome to stupid America. Home of religious f***tards! I live in stupid, religious hell! Get ready for four more years — at some point! Mark my words!