QAnon and Adrenochrome: WTF!?!?

QAnon and adrenochrome. What the f***!?!? OMG! I can’t anymore with the stupid. It hurts! I hate these people for being so m*****f***ing G.D. stupid! Seriously! This level of stupid cannot be allowed to survive in American society. This is smother-in-the-crib level of stupid. This is euthanasia/mercy-killing level of stupid. But here we are. America in all of its stupidity on full display. I’ve been saying it for well over a year now: America is just too f***ing stupid to survive. It really is. By some miracle of God, Americans managed to purge the head idiot, traitor trump, from office (for now), only to see the continuing rise of conspiracy theorists take further hold (i.e., MTG and the other whack-job in Congress, Boebert).

To be sure, idiots believing in fairytales — ala Christianity — is nothing new, but this — this QAnon — level of f***tarditude is off the f***ing scale and gaining popularity and acceptance as politicians are getting elected to positions in government. It used to be morons who believed such idiocracy would be shunned from society; now, QAnon morons are being embraced and rising to cult-like fame! And not cult-like as in a cult of brainwashed worshipers — QAnon followers certainly are that too — but like cult movie fans (e.g., The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Idiocracy, Reservoir Dogs, and The Big Lebowski). QAnon followers are fashionable because why not? It’s the new thing to be because of social media. The consequences? A truly, truly stupid society that is becoming more dysfunctional, doesn’t believe in science or reason, hates masks, FREEDOM!, the children, and would rather die than be part of the social compact that defines American society and values. These people are stupid and dangerous. They will destroy this country left unchecked. They want to see the end of America. These are true dead-enders! They just keep on believing, and people mistakenly laugh them off as too far out there to be of any concern when, in fact, Americans should be openly mocking them and diminishing them publicly. Do not avoid these people as too crazy to handle, but confront them as too crazy to allow to be part of America! Public shaming is the only way to drive these f***tards back underground. It is the only way to suffocate the movement to a point where AQnon is no longer mainstream. But like everything in America, crazy and stupid and dangerous sells, especially as website clickbait. Ugh! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to stupid America! It’s as dumb as it’s ever been.

QAnon Is for Morons: Happy March 4!

Today is another watershed date on the calendar for the hoards of QAnon morons that define the general level of stupidity pervasive in American society. The belief is that today is the date that traitor trump will officially become president because somehow, the 20th Amendment to the Constitution really does not, nor has ever, applied since its passing. The 20th Amendment, for idiots out there that don’t understand how their own government works, is the change to the Constitution that moved inauguration day from March to January following election day, which occurs on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. In other words, election day cannot be the first day of November if it happens to be a Tuesday. But everyone knows that. Right? Ugh. Why do I bother asking stupid questions? Anyways, QAnon followers are f***tards because they just f***ing are, and I haven’t even started picking apart the contradictions in their moronic inaugural day beliefs.

There are two paradoxes at work. First, here we have a group of f***ing morons of the highest m*****f***ing order who are supposedly uber patriots that love babies, the police, the Constitution, and everything for which it stands! They followed traitor trump and stormed the Capitol and continue to believe because they are the “law and order” party; they are the “true” patriots, unless, of course, when the Constitution doesn’t suit them, namely the 20th Amendment. They love the First and Second Amendments, and the rest of the Amendments they have no idea what they are, except for the 20th. Typical! They like and want to uphold only some of the Constitution. Naturally! It’s all consistent with the same mentality akin to evil evangelicals, where people pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to believe and enforce. It’s all the same level of stupid; there is no difference! QAnon and evangelicals — the twin American cancers.

Of course, the second contradiction in their beliefs is even more perplexing. So! If only a real president must be inaugurated in March, then what was traitor trump during his entire time in office? A fake president? I heard nothing about him secretly taking the oath of office on this day in 2017. QAnon certainly made no mention of it, nor had they any concerns about traitor trump being sworn in during a supposedly false event when Obama would have still been president — or not, according to their stupid “thinking.” Again, no mention from QAnon about Obama being illegitimate because of being sworn in on the wrong day. Of course, they claim he was illegitimate because he was born in Kenya. (Ugh! Kill me now!) It’s only now morons “think” of this alleged massive flaw in the Constitution that they so fervently claim to love and respect and blah, blah, blah. Whatever! I give up. Look, f***tards. I will say it again and again: America is lost, morons! Mark my words. This level of stupid cannot be undone — ever. The long slide to the bottom began the second traitor trump won, and it’s been downhill ever since. Dumbass Democrats are not — and will never be — strong nor ruthless enough to reverse the damage that is the Great American Stupidity that has been exacerbated, facilitated, and encouraged vis-à-vis traitor trump’s rise and hold onto political power! Welcome to stupid America, forever and always! America as we know it is ending, morons! The stupid is going to overtake this country and run it into the ground. Mark! My! Words!

QAnon F***tards Have Dain Bramage!

From Salon, “Followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory have for years believed, in the face of all available evidence, that Donald Trump would soon begin mass arrests of his political foes and retain power indefinitely. Many of them appear to be struggling to cope with reality after President Joe Biden was sworn in on Wednesday and the mass arrests never came.” Imagine that! QAnon f***tards are disappointed that yet another crazy-town prediction has not come true. What the f*** else is new? It’s just another example of a supremely stupid, stupid America. Only in stupid America do such conspiracy theories emerge and thrive.

I have been hearing and reading much discussion among moronic political commentators, pundits, and various academics about working to bring QAnon followers back to reality, that the “fever” has been broken with the loss of traitor trump and the swearing-in of President Biden, and that the truth is finally starting to sink in with these people. To that, I say hell f***ing no! No f***ing way. We should not consider bringing these f***tards of the highest f***ing order back into polite society. They deserve to be left in the cold and ostracized from society forever. Look, morons! Whatever level of stupid brought these morons to believe such craziness cannot be absolved or undone just like that.

I keep hearing professionals talk about “de-programming” these people and advising others (not crazy stupid people) to try to understand what may have brought QAnon morons to believe such conspiracies. And I am sure there are some interesting (and pointless) psychological and sociological theories that try to explain the phenomena of people who believe in conspiracies. I, however, take a far more simplistic view — because that’s all it takes, really — to understand these people. They have a brain defect! Yes, it’s that simple. Conspiracy theory believers have f***ing brain damage, and I don’t need some complex and needlessly overworked theory to understand that QAnon people are just plain morons! I’m sorry to have to state the obvious, but it takes a special type of crazy stupid to fall for such QAnon beliefs. (And that goes for MAGA morons with their five years and counting belief in the traitor trump con.) One must have a mental predisposition to be so easily duped for so long. QAnon beliefs don’t even pass the most basic test of rationality. The government is run by a satanic cult of Democrats who are also part of an international pedophile ring. Really?!?! Does that really make sense? It doesn’t pass the laugh test, but whatever. It’s called critical thinking, morons! I can’t with the stupid anymore. We should not be encouraging QAnon f***tards to return to society; in fact, we should be preventing them from breeding and breathing.

One last point. People who think QAnon will finally go away without traitor trump are just as f***ing stupid as QAnon followers. Look, morons. There is no way this pervasive conspiracy theory (and all of its derivatives) is going away. They have members of Congress believing this bat-sh*t-craziness for God f***ing sake. People elected these morns to office — on purpose. And there is no difference between Christians waiting two thousand years for Jesus to return and QAnon f***tards waiting for “The Storm,” both of which are never going to f***ing happen, but you can’t convince idiots of the truth of their absurd beliefs. Conspiracy theories and religion — the twin pillars of American stupidity! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s never going to get smarter! Yeah, we’re doomed! The stupid never ends.

Praise Jesus: A MAGA Moron Insurrectionist Is Killed!

Ashli Babbitt is killed! God is great! Praise Jesus! She f***ing deserved it, and the man who pulled the trigger is a hero who deserves a f***ing medal. I saw the video where I heard the gunshot, and she f***ing dropped like a lead balloon! It was great! Praise Jesus! Praise him! I’m only sorry more of these MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan insurrectionists were not killed during the domestic terrorist attack on our Capitol — on the people’s House. The streets should be running with traitors’ blood, but one dead f***tard is a good start. Do not feel sorry for these trump stupid people. I don’t give one G.D. f*** if they are too stupid to discern fact from fiction. Do not feel sympathy for these idiots who have been led “astray” by QAnon conspiracy theories and lies. These alternative fact morons deserve what they get. If their stupidity gets them killed, then I say Darwin was more right than ever! Nature weeds out those who cannot — should not — be allowed to survive or breed! This only reinforces my belief that traitors must be eliminated generationally. Sorry, people! One bad apple does ruin the bunch — parents, grandparents, children. Just don’t be in that bunch!

So, the civil war just turned hot. Mark my words, morons. They started it, and we will finish it. But you need to wake the f*** up, people. While most of America is shocked — Ugh! Really? Still shocked during the traitor trump presidency? — the enemy is regrouping. These so-called “patriots” must be executed. Biden must enter office and unleash holy-f***ing-hell on these people. These people are a cancer on society and must be cured like cancer. Co-existing with cancer does not work! As an aside, I always find it amusing that people throw around the term patriot without understanding the history of the term in America. The only reason patriots of the American Revolutionary War can be called patriots is because we won the war. Do you know what losers of a revolutionary war are called? Traitors! MAGA morons presume too much! And don’t even get me started about how these “blue lives matter” f***tards killed a Capitol Hill police officer. All the more reason why every single person in the treasonous mob should be executed, whether they were inflicting harm or just milling around and looking on — they are all guilty! Full! F***ing! Stop! No quarter! Ever! Liberals need to grow a m*****f***ing G.D. spine and start fighting back. Traitor trump is right about one thing: We cannot take our country back without strength. It is our weakness that provoked and exacerbated this domestic terrorist attack by white nationalists. They saw our weakness and f***ing attacked. Ugh! F*************ck me! I’m over it. America is so f***ing lost! Wake up, people! Wake up!

America cannot survive with this level of stupid existing in the country. How many times do I have to say it? How many f***ing times? Morons must be culled from the herd — via civil war, Tiergartenstraße 4, euthanasia, concentration camps, death camps, whatever. Just get the job done. Now, of course, I recommend all this blood-letting be left to professionals, so give police and military the unqualified prerogative to shoot first and ask questions later; do not take offensive matters into your own hands. You’ll poke an eye out! Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s about to get a whole lot dumber! A country this dumb cannot survive!

The End of America!

The Capitol is being overrun and evacuated! America is the dumbest nation on the planet. Embarrassing! This is not a protest. This is a rebellion. Every single one of these people is a traitor and should be shot! Just remember: You did this! All those f***tards and MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans who thought it would be fun to elect traitor trump to “shake things up” in Washington, D.C. Yup! Or the morons of America who thought what harm could it do to elect a failed reality TV star as president? Un-f***ing-believable. I’m done with the stupid! And did I not say this is only going to get worse? I may suck at predicting election outcomes, but I know a dying democracy when I see one. We have not reached the bottom yet. Mark my words, idiots!

We need to unleash the Einsatzgruppen on all these people and their families — one generation older and one generation younger. This level of stupid and insurrection must be eliminated generationally! Am I the only one who seems to understand just how deep this trumpism and conspiracy theory idiocracy (QAnon) exists in America? How many times must I say it? Traitor trump permanently broke this country and there is only one way out! It will be bloody. Mark my words, f***tards! Ugh! I give up. Welcome to trump stupid America! (And I love how the stock market is way up during all this. America disintegrating! Eh, no one cares! It’s all about the money! Buy more stocks!)

America Will Not Survive Because This Country Is All F***tards!

According to Politico, “George Soros directs a ‘Deep State’ global conspiracy network. A Joe Biden win would put America in control of ‘Jews and Blacks.’ The Democratic nominee has a pedophilia problem. Wild disinformation like this is inundating Spanish-speaking residents of South Florida ahead of Election Day, clogging their WhatsApp chats, Facebook feeds and even radio airwaves at a saturation level that threatens to shape the outcome in the nation’s biggest and most closely contested swing state. The sheer volume of conspiracy theories — including QAnon — and deceptive claims is already playing a role in stunting Biden’s growth with Latino voters, who comprise about 17 percent of the state’s electorate.” I can’t with this f***ing country anymore! I just can’t deal the stupid anymore! Of course, these conspiracy theories are working. Of course, they are because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America where the idiocy is endless. All these pundits and progressives and dumbass Democrats who have been predicting for years that the changing “demographics” of America would eventually favor Democrats in the long run are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order. Ugh! I can’t with the stupid! Demographics are not and were never going to save Democrats because the stupid is too pervasive and the racism is too pervasive and conservativism is too pervasive. And I’m talking about racism, in part, within the Latino community because either they don’t care about being discriminated against by RepubliKKKlans or they are more worried about being racist against other Latinos and other minorities. Mark my words, morons. This is a group that acts more like white, non-college educated America, and conservative Latinos don’t care if they, in the end, hurt themselves (and their community) because like the rest of dumbass America, as long as they are hurting the next guy more than themselves then they don’t mind cutting off their nose to get there. And if conspiracy theories are the means by which to confirm their notion of superiority at their own expense then they’ll fall for them. Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s only going to get worse!

More QAmericanon Stupidity from the Moron-in-Chief Himself

From The Daily Beast, “President Donald Trump on Wednesday tentatively praised adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory movement, thrilling followers of a crowd the FBI has described as a domestic terror threat with what they saw as new encouragement from the White House. … When a reporter pressed the president about the movement’s false belief that he is ‘secretly saving the world from this satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals,’ Trump instead played coy and even seemed to affirm the bogus QAnon belief that he’s leading a shadowy war against his child-molesting enemies. ‘Well, I haven’t heard that,’ Trump said. ‘But is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing? You know, if I can help save the world from problems, I’m willing to do it. I’m willing to put myself out there. And we are, actually. … ‘I don’t know much about the movement [he lies], other than that I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,’ Trump said.” Yeah, I hate this country. The dumb hurts!

Where to begin? QAnon is starting to take over the RepubliKKKlan Party because that’s what the morons want. Traitor trump doesn’t mind it. MAGA morons love it and evil Evangelicals embrace it because I live in stupid America hell! If there is one thing that binds idiots, then it is a conspiracy theory, and the f***tards of America elected the chief conspiracy theorist to be president! I can’t anymore with these morons. F***! I! Just! Can’t! Anymore! How the f*** did we get here? Seriously?!?! How did the dumbest people on the planet elect the dumbest person on the planet to the highest office in America? Oh, I know. Because America is the m*****f***ing G.D. dumbest nation in the galaxy. One could say Americans are galactically stupid! Every day I wake to wonder how the f*** did the f***tards of America pick traitor trump to be the leader? Whatever! I give up. Now, QAnon members will start seeping into government and idiots will wonder how the f*** did that happen? Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid, all the time! All day, every day.

Mark my words, idiots. America is lost, but no one realizes it yet — except me, of course. It was lost the day morons of America elected traitor trump because people were too stupid to understand otherwise; they wanted to shake things up by blowing up the government! Congratu-f***ing-lations, idiots! I live a conspiracy theory hell and trust me when I say such beliefs are more pervasive that one thinks! Trust me! This is what we get and deserve. Whatever! At this point, we should just burn it all down and start from scratch.

And Why Aren’t QAnon Morons Being Killed in the Streets?

I am just asking! Welcome to the dumbest nation on the planet: QAmericanon! I can’t anymore with this country of f***tards. Honestly, where is the Einsatzgruppen for QAnon believers? Or perhaps we need to start a Tiergartenstraße 4 program for QAnon believers, yes? I mean these people do have brain damage and should be euthanized for their own good, yes? So, a T4 program would really be like a mercy killing, yes? I’m just asking the hard questions. I’m hypothesizing about how to cure a societal disease. We can’t take America back by wishing people get smarter or somehow become enlightened. Of course, I would never condone violence against intelligent beings.

Look! I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say it, but we are trapped in this nightmare of stupidity. People are getting dumber, voters are getting dumber, RepubliKKKlans are getting dumber and more popular. Yeah! We’re f***ed! F***ed, I tell you! F! U! C! K! ‘D! The lunatics are taking over the asylum and no one seems to care.

Incomprehensible Stupidity: People

From NEWS4SA, “A patient in their 30s died from the coronavirus after attending what is known as a ‘COVID party,’ according to health care officials. … ‘Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and said “I think I made a mistake, I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not,”’ Appleby said.” This is a perfect case of social Darwinism where the conspiracy-theories-for-morons are culled from the rest of humanity, just as it should be.

Welcome to Stupid F***ing America: QAnon!

Forbes headline reads, “QAnon-Friendly Owner Of Restaurant Where Servers Carry Guns Upsets GOP Incumbent In House Primary In Colorado.” Un-f***ing-believable! Seriously! WTF? This is not an isolated incident. These QAnon f***tards have been winning more and more primaries pulling the RepubliKKKlan party further into the looney right-wing nutjob zone! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t. America is so f***ing lost! I live in stupid f***ing hell where QAnon is gaining popularity and mainstream status because the level of idiocracy in America is reaching incomprehensible levels. Truly. It’s all beyond comprehension. Stupidity is incomprehensible to me. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a hundred times before: think of a dumb person in life. Now consider that half of Americans are dumber than that. Ugh! And most of them are MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals. Such groups are magnets for morons. This is why I still refuse to count traitor trump out of the presidential race. Americans are getting dumber. The RepubliKKKlan party is getting more conspiracy-theory focused and right-wing bat-Scheiße crazy — and winning.

So, whatever. It’s all lost. Mark my words, morons. America is lost. America cannot survive with such a level of stupidity thriving in the nation. I don’t f***ing care if these extreme morons only account for 10-15 percent of the population. If the citizenry of America is a living organism then how can any organism survive with 10-15 percent of that organism being necrotic? It can’t. We can’t. So, congratu-f***ing-lations to America for cutting off its nose despite its face by electing traitor trump to “make America great again.” We’ve gone over the cliff of complete stupidity and there is no turning back. Welcome to trump stupid America!