Is Capitalism Waking Up to Democracy?

While it is fantastic and refreshing news that American and European companies are initiating their own “sanctions” by severing business ties with Russia, there is a more unsettling and fundamental truth underlying these actions; capitalism has been in bed with authoritarian nations and dictators for too long. Unfortunately, there is a potent anti-nationalistic proclivity in the pursuit of expanding capitalism at the expense of democracy. American and European companies eager to do business in international markets all too often sacrifice domestic interests while knowingly enriching dictators and their regimes. Putin and Xi are two prime examples. What has American capitalism, in particular, wrought with its relationships in Russia and China? A militaristic Russia and a relentlessly rising China that is also bent on military expansion.

Moreover, American companies have been sacrificing American workers for decades as every company pursuing higher and higher profits exports manufacturing to China and outsourcing work to other, low-paying countries. Incredibly, American companies have consistently failed to weigh national interests in their cost-benefit analysis; it is purely a bottom-line calculus, which may finally be coming back to bite them but only by force. There is a reason why “Made in America” is a laughable cliche. There is profound hypocrisy in the way businesses — like traitor trump — proclaim the great American manufacturer, yet they send their manufacturing operations overseas. The traitor trump brand (e.g., suits and ties to name a few of many) is made in China. Adding insult to injury, his “see you next Tuesday” daughter miraculously procured dozens of Chinese patents in the first year of her work in the White House. For all those American business leaders who profess the need to bring business back to America but never do, I guess it takes a war for them to realize that having done business with dictators and authoritarian governments may not have been in the world’s best interest and — ultimately — their bottom line.

Idiocracy and Inflation

If it’s Friday following CPI Thursday, then it means the MSM is going apoplectic over inflation and wondering why Biden hasn’t fixed the world yet. Pick a headline! For example, Yahoo! Finance writes, “Inflation reaches 40-year high: January CPI posts 7.5% annual gain.” And from The Wall Street Journal, “Inflation Haunts the Biden Economy.” Then add hot-off-the-presses from new Biden approval numbers CNN, “Nearly 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his presidency, with most of that group saying there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of. … His approval rating for handling the economy has dipped 8 points to 37% since early December, while his ratings for handling coronavirus have dropped 9 points to 45%.”

The inflation numbers are what they are, and Americans are too stupid to apprehend them fully. People pretty much look at gas prices and think Biden — bad! The MSM only adds to America’s moronity, especially when these inflation reports drop. They act like a dog who just won’t let go of his bone. CNN is the most culpable. Yesterday they kept talking about how the price of used cars increased 40 percent year over year. OMG! Wow! How many used cars does an average person buy in a year? Major purchases like this typically don’t register as inflationary, especially when prices can be negotiated and the purchase is rare. When someone buys a car, they don’t sit there and think, How much would this have been five years ago? They want to know how much their monthly payment will be. And another thing. Guess what also gets inflated when you trade your used car? Any guesses? The sale price of your used car — assuming you’re a competent negotiator. Nonetheless, the MSM kept harping — oddly — on this one data point as if it was breaking a person’s bank. Then they talked about how a new T.V. — because you know the Super Bowl is coming — will cost you 2 percent more. OMG! Two percent! Holy-f***ing-sh*t! No! Now everyone’s Super Bowl Sunday is ruined. You’ll just have to watch the game on last year’s 4K UHD model. Oh, and don’t get me started on Avocados! But that does bring me to my next point. While food prices are higher, I hope people realize that when the MSM advertises that chicken or beef increased by 25 percent, it does not mean 25 percent of a person’s paycheck goes to paying for meat. I would not put it past the average American to think to themselves that 25 cents of every dollar they earn have to pay for their chicken and beef consumption. No! That’s not how it works. Unfortunately, economics is part reality, part perception, and part feelings.

People’s “feelings” about the economy are why Biden is getting crushed in the polls. As usual, what people think about the economy is measured more by their false perception of reality. My infamous dingbat hairstylist said she heard gas would be $7 per gallon. (No doubt from Faux News or Facebook!) It’s never happened before, and sure it could happen. But that’s how people “think”: Gas is $4 going to $7 because they “heard” it somewhere. (Assuming Russia does not invade, in which case all bets are off for gas prices.)

And it’s all Biden’s fault, naturally, for something that may never happen. I know. I know. The president always gets the blame, but a couple of undercurrents are worth discussing. First, Americans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order, and they have absolutely no understanding of economics in general and the concept of inflation more specifically. Guess what, f***tards? Looking at gas prices and the price of food does not mean you understand inflation; it means you understand the difference between higher numbers and lower numbers. I have written on this topic extensively before, so I won’t belabor the point here, except to say Biden has no f***ing control over the economy or inflation. I suppose voters are punishing Biden because he does not sufficiently “feel their pain,” as if that is really going to help them. Although, it did work for President Clinton, who had a special knack for understanding the ordinary American moron.

Second, the primary causes of this inflationary period are supply chain issues (including labor) and the price of energy (aka gas), which is a significant input cost for everything you buy. Gas costs more because the OPEC+ cartel targets oil production output to meet a barrel price of their choice! Not to mention the tensions with Russia — also a significant oil producer — is not helping matters. But, of course, morons of America look at the grand total to fill their gas tank, and it’s Biden’s fault! F*** me! Add to the economic mix the fact that fewer people are returning to the workforce for whatever reasons — but one of them is not unemployment or welfare — and guess what? Fewer workers mean higher wages, which means higher retail prices. The irony here is that inflation in today’s environment results from a red-hot economy, not fiscal and monetary policies. Do you want to know why prices are so high? Look in the f***ing mirror, a**hole! God! I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore.

Last, I am astonished that most people say, “there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of.” Seriously? I’ve been hard on Biden most of the time, but ironically, I think he’s doing better with his firm stance on Ukraine and Russia in the last few weeks. Yet, people can’t think of one thing he’s done correctly? How about COVID, f***tards? Does anyone really think we’d be in a better position today if traitor trump were still running the show? He literally held daily COVID press conferences merely for the show! Of course, large swaths of the population — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon cultist kooks — want Biden to fail and want to perpetuate the pandemic misery and want the economy to tank. Then they blame Biden for the dysfunction they forced upon America. Biden is only at fault for his naivety in assuming the “loyal” opposition still believes in American democracy and a shared sense of citizenship. Clearly, they do not. They just want Biden to f*** up, and they’re actually succeeding at it, convincing some Democrats in the process.

People know nothing, yet they vote and base their political decisions as if they’re actually informed and enlightened. As I constantly say, America is too stupid to endure. Welcome to stupid America! “It’s all Biden’s fault!” Kill me now!

Worthless Poll Question

According to Axios, “69% of Americans disapprove of President Biden’s handling of inflation, according to an ABC News-Ipsos poll published Sunday.” What a f***ing G.D. worthless poll question. Seriously! What a joke. First, the question assumes the president of the United States actually has any sort of control over inflation. WTF?!?! The Fed has more influence over inflation than the president does, and to remind morons of America, the president does not tell the Fed what to do. Second, the question evinces the incomprehensible stupidity of voters and, of course, their profound lack of understanding of economics. Gas prices are a ubiquitous example of this, and they are often viewed as a barometer of inflation for everything. (By the way, it’s not; it’s just the most noticeable. But one would swear people vote based on gas price on their way to the voting booth — God help us!) Now, when Biden announced he was going to release 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in response to pressure from “people” to do something about gas prices, I rolled my eyes and remained silent on the subject because I thought it was a ridiculous tactic, although it was a good play optically for morons of America. And, as I have said several times before, Biden needs to play the optics game more effectively, so good on him. Let the confused masses be fooled. That being said, would anyone like to venture a guess about how many barrels of oil the U.S. consumes per day? Anyone? Anyone at all? About 18 million. So, Biden will release about three days’ worth of oil — a drop in the bucket and obviously not enough to impact gas prices significantly.

While, in fact, gas prices have dropped about 10 percent since his announcement, I have two concepts that more likely explain this “phenomenon”: Reversion to the mean and correlation is not causation. (I will leave it to the uninformed reader to Google for a fulsome explanation.) Needless to say, the recent drop in gas prices is more a coincidence of timing, which reinforces my previous point: Biden has no control over inflation (i.e., prices)! But the MSM likes to gin up its pathetic, stupid viewership into believing he does, and that false narrative exactly mirrors the results of this poll. And that leads me to my final point. Of course, the MSM (and pollsters) want to play this inflation story for all it can by asking stupid people stupid questions that yield stupid (worthless) results which add no value to our knowledge base except to convey a message that voters are pissed — about something. What else is new? F*** me! I live in stupid, stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!

‘Americans say they hate the economy but act like they love it’

From CNN, “The Biden economy is a walking contradiction. Consumer sentiment is at a 10-year low, tumbling in November to levels unseen even during the height of Covid-19. A staggering 70% of Americans rate the economy negatively in an ABC News-Washington Post poll. And yet Americans are shopping up a storm, with retail sales soaring in October at the fastest pace since stimulus checks were sent out in March. Walmart, Target (TGT) and Home Depot are booming. Hiring is strong (much stronger than the government initially thought). And workers are quitting their jobs at a record pace, in large part because they are very confident they can easily find a better job. Something doesn’t add up. And that something has a lot to do with the nation’s first inflation scare in decades. … The good news is that despite elevated inflation and the supply chain crisis, Americans are still shopping. That’s crucial because consumer spending makes up two-thirds of the economy.”

Of course! I expected nothing less from a f***tarded electorate. Indeed, Americans are (and America itself is) one big amalgamation of contradictions, and this is particularly true for the one aspect of society that will cripple Democrats’ chances to retain power and save American democracy. This is all because people can’t help themselves from splurge-spending as they did before the pandemic. People have more money in their wallets, and all of it just has to be spent — now! Then they simultaneously b*tch about the consequences of such spending (i.e., inflation) while continuing to spend, spend, spend. Again, inflation is the result of too many dollars chasing too few products. Plain and simple. And as long as consumers are willing to pay higher prices, then firms will continue to charge them. This is Economics 101 — apparently a life course few have taken or understand. Yet the vast majority make political election choices based on a subject they don’t fully comprehend. Fan-f***ing-tastic! I live in stupid hell! Granted, food and fuel are two goods with fairly high price inelasticity coefficients. That is to say, higher prices of these items do not significantly alter the amount demanded of them. Presumably, having to spend more on food and fuel would crowd out spending on other items, but that’s not happening either because I guess people need their new electronics. They need that new car. They need that new home. They need to eat out instead of cooking at home. They need to make more unnecessary car trips, thereby wasting more gas. They need to take that vacation. These are examples of pressures put on the demand side of the equation. Supply chain issues, which are well-known, contribute to the supply side of the equation. (Adding to the problem, I have no doubt people are not paying off their debt before they continue to spend because Americans love to carry unnecessary debt.) In short, inflation is on the rise, yet no one is altering their behavior in response. People are too stubborn and too stupid to change their habits proactively. Oh, no! Instead, they just b*tch more about inflation and blame Biden and Democrats for something that consumers are collectively perpetuating.

Not to mention that because oil prices are an input cost for everything in the consumerism chain of expenses, all it takes is OPEC+ to restrict output long enough and oil refineries to dial back capacity long enough to cause widespread and sustained inflation. Oh, and did I mention this high inflation phenomenon is worldwide? So, this is not an American thing, nor is it a Democratic governance thing. But, I guess this is all Biden’s fault despite reality. Nonetheless, people are still spending like no tomorrow — because they can and are willing to pay more. “The ironic thing about these inflation fears: A big part of the reason inflation is here today is because demand is booming as the economy recovers from Covid faster than many imagined possible back in March 2020. Inflation wouldn’t be a problem if the US economy were experiencing something like the painfully slow recovery from the Great Recession.” And then this from Politico, “Jobless claims dropped by 71,000 to 199,000, the lowest since mid-November 1969. The drop was much bigger than economists expected. The four-week average of claims, which smooths out weekly ups and downs, also dropped — by 21,000 to just over 252,000, the lowest since mid-March 2020 when the pandemic slammed the economy.” But, whatever! Inflation! Inflation! Inflation! Nothing else matters but inflation, inflation, inflation. Did I mention the more people with money in their wallets thing? People need to get a f***ing G.D. grip, and the MSM should find another daily topic.

All in all, the economy is improving fast, but leave it to Americans to b*tch about a recovering economy. And I have no doubt voters will reward RepubliKKKlans as a result. Un-f***ing-believable. Welcome to stupid America! Never dumber than when it comes to understanding the economy and the world, more generally, in which they live and, worse still, make political decisions based on faulty reasoning.

So, Terry McAuliffe (and Democrats) Are Screwed

Very recent polls have McAuliffe and Youngkin either deadlocked or too close with less than a week before election day. Earlier this summer McAuliffe had a seven-point lead. Not to mention this was a state Biden won by 10 points and now his job approval is underwater. Clearly, momentum favors RepubliKKKlans — unbelievably. And I put more stock in momentum (the “mighty mo”) than in any other political measure because it energizes the ascending faction and demoralizes the descending faction. But maybe this momentum is less so unbelievable when viewed through the prism of a supremely stupid America. Then everything makes sense. Then, of course, dumbass Democrats are f***ing up what should be an easy win. Then, naturally, voters really do want traitor trump’s return to the White House — or people just don’t care. It is not hyperbolic for me to place such import on this gubernatorial election three years out from the next presidential election, for this real-time assessment of the Biden administration could easily be the mighty mo needed to place RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump on a path to recapture all branches of government in 2024. To be sure, a great deal can happen in three years, but we must consider this election sequentially and at the beginning of a set of cascading (not mutually exclusive) events. A RepubliKKKlan win in Virginia energizes the crazies, and that energy propels the midterm elections, which then energizes RepubliKKKlans in the next presidential election. All the while, Democrats grow more pessimistic and feckless. Like I’ve said countless times before, RepubliKKKlans are always enraged to vote about something; it’s just a matter of what level of rage they’re at — 11 or 100. On the other hand, dumbass Democrats are generally at a rage level of 0 to 3 and maybe up to 10 when traitor trump is on the ticket. Other than that, Democrats seem perfectly content to let RepubliKKKlans kill democracy. How many times must I tell dumbass Democrats? They need two or three issues that permanently — election in, election out; all the time, every day — enrage the Democratic base to match that of RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, QAnon, and evil evangelicals!

All that being said, I think McAuliffe is going to lose, and I was convinced of that, even more so, when I looked up his job approval during the last year on the job; it was 48% approval and 31% disapproval. Ugh. So, his current polling numbers are basically reflecting his ceiling from where he was four years ago. Fan-f***ing-tastic! It is not difficult to imagine that Independents, who will decide the election, could easily give Youngkin a shot at governing. That seems to be a pretty common and mindless “analysis” by many voters — let the other guy try it. Kill me now! Witness traitor trump’s 2016 win! Then there are the topics of the culture wars and inflation (the economy, stupid). As usual, RepubliKKKlans are exploiting outrage over fake issues like CRT in the classroom as evinced by the violence and stupidity at local school board meetings. And that’s all it takes. Remember, Americans are f***ing morons. They believe everything, especially baseless narratives and conspiracy theories. And, of course, snowflakes hate the truth, namely that America is a racist country (and all the other -ists that go with it). God forbid they should have to look in the mirror and remind themselves they love the traitor trump reflection after all! We see them for who they are.

And as for the economy, unfortunately, the people most impacted by — and vote based on — the complexities of the economy are those least capable of understanding it. So, the morons of America who are most affected by inflation are those least qualified to make judgments about or understand the causes of such economic vicissitudes. As a consequence, fairly or not, Biden and Democrats get the blame for the current inflationary period. The extent of economic theory comprehended by the average idiot goes no deeper than one spouting out “supply and demand!” While a bedrock concept of economics, people generally have no clue what they mean when they say such things. Morons probably don’t even realize they’re talking about how a supply curve intersects a demand curve, let alone which line generally slopes up and which slopes down and what the intersection of the lines represents — an equilibrium. No, they just say “supply and demand” imagining they are now economists! Moreover, most people can’t even properly explain what is inflation. People might say higher prices. Well, yeah. Congratulations you’ve defined the word with a version of the same word. Classic stupidity! Here is a learning moment for the future: Inflation means too many dollars chasing too few products. How and why there are too few products and too much money is the real key to understanding the economic phenomenon. But I digress. The point is this: There are many factors contributing to inflation — many of which are exogenous to America. Supply chain disruptions are a chief contributor. Yet, American morons seem more than confident in their economic “expertise” to wrongly blame Biden. More often than not, peoples’ experience is not caused by what they believe to be the impetus. In other words, people wrongly connect cause and effect; correlation is not causation! People still think traitor trump was a great businessman and the economy performs better under RepubliKKKlans compared to Democrats — both of which are demonstrably wrong! And don’t get me started on the fact that anti-vaxxers are part of the drag on the economy, which is definitely not Biden’s fault but every RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron — the very same who are about to elect Youngkin as Virginia’s next governor. But whatever! I give up! Nonetheless, Carville has never been wrong when he’s asserted “the economy, stupid” as a primary political driver. I guess I never really understood until now that he may have meant it’s the stupid people who ultimately misjudge the causes and effects of the American economy where somehow RepubliKKKlans get the praise for a booming economy that isn’t and Democrats get blamed for a not booming economy that is. Welcome to stupid America where most people don’t understand the truly important stuff!

He Keeps Getting Away with It!

According to NPR, “The U.S economy rebounded with surprising strength last month as businesses began to reopen from the coronavirus lockdown. U.S. employers added 2.5 million jobs in May, and the unemployment rate fell to 13.3%. It was a stunning turnaround from April, when the U.S. lost nearly 20.7 million jobs, slamming on the brakes of the economy in a desperate effort to slow the spread of the pandemic. ‘Now we’re opening and we’re opening with a bang,’ President Trump said, during a celebratory appearance in the White House Rose Garden. ‘This is a rocket ship.’”

At some point, one must believe God is mocking America because there is no way traitor trump keeps failing upward. His entire life and business “success” has been built on bluster, bullying, lying, and showmanship; he has never built anything substantive based on reality and truth. It’s all one big con job. Yet! He keeps getting away with it! I know people look at the unemployment numbers and the stock market returning to near-record highs and think to themselves: “Yeah, he was right. All America needed to do was push through this pandemic and force our way to reopen.” I just f*** know it! Mark my words, f***tards! And right on cue. The economy bends to traitor trump’s will and he runs with it while people nod in agreement without giving the reality of the moment any thought!

Let us be clear: the pandemic is still out there, but apparently the “wisdom” and “perfect knowledge” (as they say) of the stock market have taken the tone of traitor trump — it’s all behind us, folks! Nothing more to see here. Everyone, go back to work! Second quarter earnings will be gangbusters! Don’t mind the civil unrest and the protestors! Let the good times roll. Un-f***ing-believable! Welcome to trump stupid America where schizophrenia is our middle name!

The Idiot-in-Chief Gets Credit for Nothing

This graph from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics is but one illustration of many others that traitor trump gets credit for nothing except hurting the two industries he claims to be helping — manufacturing and coal mining. It is beyond incomprehensible that the public gives the moron so much credit for basically doing nothing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the only positive credit traitor trump deserves regarding the economy is that he has not managed to f*** it up — yet; I’m sorry to say it f***tards but the unemployment rate graph below clearly shows we are still in one long trend started by Obama. I guess if it’s on the talking TV box then it must be true. Let’s not critically think about information or place data into a larger, long-term context or anything of the sort. I realize that it is difficult for 42% of America’s morons. Oh, by the way, that huge spike in the unemployment rate that approximates the Great Recession from December 2007 to June 2009 was because of the RepubliKKKlan President Bush II, yet people still think Democrats are worse for the economy compared to RepubliKKKlans. F*** me! I can’t anymore. I can’t take the stupidity of America anymore! So many f***tards out there who are just too stupid to understand — anything — especially those matters that directly impact their livelihoods. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Laissez-faire Capitalism

According to Axios, “The Trump administration is considering moves that would stem the flow of money from U.S. investors to China, Bloomberg and other news outlets report and Axios has confirmed. … What’s being floated: [a] Delisting Chinese firms from U.S. stock exchanges. [b] Banning the U.S. government from including Chinese equities in pension funds. [c] Limiting Chinese companies’ inclusion in U.S. stock indices.” Wow! Where’s the RepubliKKKlan outrage? Why aren’t they demanding the government stop interfering with capitalism? Of course, if Obama had been contemplating any of these things RepubliKKKlans would be calling him a socialist who wants to end capitalism. I f***ing hate all — without exception — RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons because they are all hypocrites on every issue at every moment!

If people want to know why China is eating our lunch then they should look in the mirror. People act as if American companies have a gun to their heads to start doing business with China. Corporations are all too eager (and stupid) to move manufacturing and other supply chain channels to China because it’s cheaper! Traitor trump gets a thing or two correct once in a while and he is correct about American companies moving to China, but he blames the wrong people. It’s not China’s fault they welcome American business. There has been a slow drain of American jobs to China for decades because we as Americans don’t demand that corporations behave differently. We just gladly accept lower quality and lower prices no matter what the national cost. Seriously! People want their Laissez-faire capitalism but they don’t want to be held accountable when it goes wrong for them. The best fix for this is that Americans demand (buy) only American made. Not every shoe, shirt, or jean has to be made oversees. The government can’t and shouldn’t force companies back home; however, consumers can and should with their pocketbook and activism; that is if they cared enough to do so, but they don’t!

‘Good Luck — Sucks to Be You’

Bill Maher and Michael Moore discussed capitalism vs socialism on the 13 September 2019 episode of Real Time, and Maher nailed the essence of capitalism in this single statement: “Good luck — sucks to be you!” Therein lies the ethos of America! I agree with Maher more often and more intensely than any other political pundit and personality. As for Michael Moore, his beliefs are in the right direction, but I take him with a grain of salt when he articulates certain arguments and his documentaries are a bit too biased to watch; it becomes difficult to distinguish fact from exaggeration, and once that happens then everything in a film becomes suspect and unwatchable. But I digress.

Now, back to the “sucks to be you” American capitalism. Has anyone ever questioned why capitalism works so well in America? Why is it that capitalism in its most unencumbered form seems to “prosper” best in American society? Capitalism in Japan is probably the closest corollary to American capitalism — we did remake the country after WW II in our own economic image after all — but they experienced the lost decade. While America has survived periods of massive booms and busts, capitalism has persisted whereas other countries have progressed to more socialistic economies. Why is that? Again! I ask why does capitalism exist so well and so longlived in America? Answer: America is precisely the country of opportunism, selfishness, and greed by which capitalism thrives. Everything that defines this country perfectly reflects the qualities capitalism needs to survive. It is a sad truth that morons of America simply accept this pernicious characteristic of a country as part of the “price of freedom.” Citizens are blithely unaware and too stupid to understand that the revered American-style capitalistic economic structure is not the solution, but it is the problem.

Yet egalitarianism and socialism are still considered four-lettered words because fundamentally while Americans aspire to and preach equality, fairness, and just consequences of one’s industriousness, they simply only want those favorable consequences to come to themselves and no one else. This country is the epitome of “sucks to be you!” and RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and Christianity (especially Evangelicals) are the paragons of this American moral ethos. And we wonder why nothing ever changes for the better. It’s because this is America at its deepest, truest self. Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s a trap and no one seems to understand this or care, but they love to complain about it while doing nothing to change things! Steady as she goes!

The Idiot President Knows Nothing (at All)

CNN reports, “Under pressure from retailers to prevent a move that would likely have caused prices of popular consumer goods to spike, the President’s team came to him during a meeting last week with a warning. Applying new tariffs on all Chinese imports, they cautioned, could effectively ‘ruin Christmas,’ according to people familiar with the matter.” Traitor trump’s reversal is, of course, a huge implicit admission that he comprehends nothing about trade, tariffs, and negotiating, yet RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons in all their glorious stupidity continue to believe and trust that the Moron-in-Chief is some f***ing G.D. genius because this is a trump stupid country. The leader of MAGA morons has repeatedly told his f***tarded following that China pays for the tariffs — $63 billion worth at the time of this writing. Since most of his supporters are uneducated morons that have never taken the most rudimentary economics class (or failed to educate themselves about trade by reading any f***ing financial publication’s article on the topic — must be fake news if it disagrees with traitor trump), they readily believe whatever the head idiot says. It is the stupid leading the stupid, and we’re all paying for it — literally!

What is most frustrating is that his idiot followers fail to see inherent inconsistencies in traitor trump’s trade decisions and rationalizations. He says China (not consumers) pays for tariffs, which of course, is wrong, but by his logic the more tariffs imposed, then the more China would pay in absolute dollars, so why not increase them? It’s free money in traitor trump’s mind! So, what is the rationale for delaying more tariffs until December if not for recognizing that tariffs really do hurt the average American because U.S. consumers are the ones who pay them — and he does not want to imperil the holiday present-purchasing season. Yet, he will contend to his idiot supporters that China is still paying for tariffs because he’s a moron that knows nothing and his f***tarded followers know even less than he does. Welcome to stupid America!