More Mirror: An A**hole Country! (USA)

Sometimes I fail to remind readers that morons of America are only 40 to 45 percent of the population (maybe as much as 50 percent on a bad day), but it is a critical segment of the population because it is enough of the electorate to re-elect traitor trump and hold the rest of the nation hostage to white supremacist rule. There is just enough stupidity to be lethally dangerous to the majority and enough for a minority of the population to reign over the majority thanks to the Electoral College. Make no mistake about it: we are trapped in stupid America hell where the minority ruins it for the majority and it’s inescapable! And I say this based on more recent polling and the RepubliKKKlan tactics that I see.

The first case in point: From The Hill, “The survey found broad agreement across demographic groups over how people approach political surveys, though Democrats in the poll were less likely than Republicans to say that people lie in polls. … An Aug. 19-27 study conducted by CloudResearch, an online market research and data collection company, found that roughly 11 percent of Republican voters and 10 percent of independent voters said they would not report their true opinions about their preferred presidential candidate on telephone polls.” If I’ve said once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: there is a silent majority of traitor trump supporters who lie to pollsters because deep down inside the vile, black hearts of Americans is traitor trump reflecting back precisely what these people see, like, and accept in themselves! They tolerate and accept an a**hole president because they are a***holes; they think Americans are (or should be) a**holes. That’s how America was built and founded. A bunch of a**holes ripping off and conning neighbors and friends to get ahead and make themselves great (again). This really is the essence of America! Mark my words, morons! They love traitor trump because he’s the Everyman of stupid a***holes!

The Obama presidency was an aberration but traitor trump is the rule! After eight years of a “black man” in office white America is never going to let that happen again. I keep hearing these pundits talk about changing demographics in America as if a younger cohort of citizens is somehow inherently more progressive and more enlightened. Wrong! One need only look to the nearest traitor trump Klan rally or MAGA moron parade to see they are filled with youths. How many times must I say it? RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals all f***ing breed like diseased rabbits and they breed more and faster than Democrats because when people are white non-college-educated morons all they know how to do is breed, which, of course, is traitor trump’s biggest demographic of support because I live in stupid America! I will say it one more f***ing time! Traitor trump can win with 45 percent of reported support, which is likely closer to 50 percent of the actual vote. Mark my words!

The Riots Are Going to Sink Democrat’s Chances

Reporting from CNN, “Unrest in Wisconsin following the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha has quickly turned into a political flashpoint in one of the nation’s most important swing states. President Donald Trump and the GOP are using this week’s Republican National Convention to shine a spotlight on violence and property damage that has resulted from some of the protests over racial injustice and police brutality this summer — as fires have raged in Kenosha on consecutive nights. The way voters in Wisconsin interpret Blake’s shooting and its aftermath could be central to November’s outcome in a state Trump won by fewer than 23,000 votes in 2016. Trump was the first Republican to carry Kenosha County in 44 years.” I am sensing that all these protests and riots across America are wearing thin with voters, especially those “independent” voters, to the extent such a group exists. This becomes an opportunity for the traitor trump administration to appeal to the lizard brain (amygdala) of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil Evangelicals, and any other would-be traitor trump supporters — that silent majority, which does exist! Because fear works and his repeated “law and order” mantra is going to work. Mark my words, morons. It will work because people are f***tards.

I recently started re-reading a textbook on critical thinking from a critical thinking course I took in college years ago. I thought it a good idea to brush up on this skill. In short, the book teaches how people should evaluate claims, and in the first couple of chapters, I see already how Americans do not think, let alone think critically. Shocking! I know! I bring this up because this entire law and order angle from traitor trump and voters’ subsequent acceptance of it is a prime example of an electorate that doesn’t think. Like everything with traitor trump, his followers just accept whatever he says without question. Perhaps what is most infuriating is how traitor trump claims the law and order mantel while protests, riots, and general unrest are all happening under his watch. They have been going on for months and have spread across the country under his watch. Where exactly is this law and order of his? As usual, his supporters never hold him accountable for what has or is happening across the country now, but they trust him to fix things in the future — nevermind all the time he’s had over the last four years to secure law and order.

In traitor trump’s inauguration speech be said the “American carnage” stops now! Are you f***ing kidding me? It has been nothing but American carnage for the last four years, yet people still think he is the law and order president. This American carnage is traitor trump’s America! I can’t anymore. I! Just! Fucking! Can’t! This country really is just too f***ing stupid to survive! F*** me! I’m over it. Just let it all burn down at this point! America needs to start over, preferably with a smarter citizenry. Not to mention, traitor trump has not (will never) address the root causes of these protests and unrest — police violence against black and brown people. Traitor trump wants violence and disorder because it helps his re-election chances. And it’s going to work, f***tards. Mark my words! Watch the polls start to shift toward traitor trump, especially on this law and order issue. People will look around at the protests, riots, and general unrest and conclude, “Yeah, traitor trump is my guy!” Yet, he is the law and order president! I can’t with the incomprehensible stupidity of Americans! Eh, but none of this matters because it’s all still Obama’s fault and probably Hillary’s fault too from that time when she was president. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will believe him because I live in trump stupid America hell! Mark my words, idiots. Get ready for four more years! Double mark my words, morons! It’s going to happen. I give up!

All Hypocrisy, All the M*****f***ing Time

From the Washington Examiner, “Jerry Falwell Jr., suspended as president of Virginia’s Christian-focused Liberty University after a string of embarrassing acts, today said that he has suffered depression caused by a former family friend who had an affair with his wife and has been threatening to expose it. In a statement exclusively to Secrets, Falwell revealed his wife Becki’s affair for the first time, said it was short lived and that the two reconciled quickly.” Have I mentioned how much I hate evil Evangelicals, especially for their hypocrisy?

Dare I quote: “And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death” (Leviticus 20:10, KJV). Well? I’m waiting! Naturally, this is typical hypocrisy by Christians because they readily ignore this command, but God forbid the gays should have equal rights. I can’t anymore. I hate Christian hypocrisy. They’re all evil, without exception. And don’t believe for a second these “outliers” or sudden Christians against traitor trump; their decades-long infiltration into and embrace of right-wing crazy politics can never be forgiven by a last-minute “change of heart” with regards to traitor trump. It is their long, long advancement of religious hatred, bigotry, and desire for a Christian theocracy that has engendered traitor trump’s ascent.

More QAmericanon Stupidity from the Moron-in-Chief Himself

From The Daily Beast, “President Donald Trump on Wednesday tentatively praised adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory movement, thrilling followers of a crowd the FBI has described as a domestic terror threat with what they saw as new encouragement from the White House. … When a reporter pressed the president about the movement’s false belief that he is ‘secretly saving the world from this satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals,’ Trump instead played coy and even seemed to affirm the bogus QAnon belief that he’s leading a shadowy war against his child-molesting enemies. ‘Well, I haven’t heard that,’ Trump said. ‘But is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing? You know, if I can help save the world from problems, I’m willing to do it. I’m willing to put myself out there. And we are, actually. … ‘I don’t know much about the movement [he lies], other than that I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,’ Trump said.” Yeah, I hate this country. The dumb hurts!

Where to begin? QAnon is starting to take over the RepubliKKKlan Party because that’s what the morons want. Traitor trump doesn’t mind it. MAGA morons love it and evil Evangelicals embrace it because I live in stupid America hell! If there is one thing that binds idiots, then it is a conspiracy theory, and the f***tards of America elected the chief conspiracy theorist to be president! I can’t anymore with these morons. F***! I! Just! Can’t! Anymore! How the f*** did we get here? Seriously?!?! How did the dumbest people on the planet elect the dumbest person on the planet to the highest office in America? Oh, I know. Because America is the m*****f***ing G.D. dumbest nation in the galaxy. One could say Americans are galactically stupid! Every day I wake to wonder how the f*** did the f***tards of America pick traitor trump to be the leader? Whatever! I give up. Now, QAnon members will start seeping into government and idiots will wonder how the f*** did that happen? Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid, all the time! All day, every day.

Mark my words, idiots. America is lost, but no one realizes it yet — except me, of course. It was lost the day morons of America elected traitor trump because people were too stupid to understand otherwise; they wanted to shake things up by blowing up the government! Congratu-f***ing-lations, idiots! I live a conspiracy theory hell and trust me when I say such beliefs are more pervasive that one thinks! Trust me! This is what we get and deserve. Whatever! At this point, we should just burn it all down and start from scratch.

More Proof that All Evil Evangelicals Are Vile People, Without Exception

From Salon, “For the modern conservative, “triggering the liberals” by being a jerk is the highest calling, and “political correctness” is the slur directed at anyone who tries to harsh their vibe by suggesting that overt racism and sexism is uncool. Their president is a witless wannabe insult comic, and the more that Trump resorts to flinging childish insults, the more his supporters love him. Ours is an era where conservatives deliberately go to the grocery store without masks and film themselves harassing minimum-wage workers who are trying to enforce basic public health rules, so they can glory in what massive jerks they are. Their entertainment comes from crude right-wing shock jocks in the Rush Limbaugh tradition. Trolling liberals — for example, by awarding the odious Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom — has replaced pious posturing as the lingua franca of American conservatives.”

And just to show that I can be equally charitable to these f***tards I pray everyday evil Evangelicals drop dead.

Why Aren’t These People Dying From SARS 2?

The Hill reports, “Kimberly Guilfoyle, a top fundraising official for the Trump campaign and the girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr., tested positive for COVID-19, a person familiar with the matter confirmed to The Hill on Friday. … Herman Cain, a Trump supporter who attended the Tulsa rally, shared earlier in the week that he has also tested positive and was hospitalized.” Why won’t these people and their immediate loved ones die from SARS 2? They deserve it for being traitor trump supporters. Let’s face it: no MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil evangelical should be allowed to breathe and walk in America! They’re all vile people! And I don’t give one G.D. f*** if I sound just as vile and hypocritical. I want these people muerto so they can’t vote for traitor trump again.

When Biden said we’re in a battle for the soul of America, he was wasn’t f***ing kidding, but this is not some ephemeral, nebulous, theoretical, or philosophical battle as I fear most liberals believe the situation to be. This is a real f***ing battle with a segment of society that wants to destroy America through violence and replace it with white nationalism. These people are a real, true f***ing threat! Witness how much power than have been gaining in just four years! Beware, morons. Progressives need to get a f***ing G.D. backbone because when softies show up to a battle with knives and signs with pusillanimous slogans, I promise MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals will be wielding real, loaded guns. Have we not seen plenty of this already? Get ready, idiots. We should all be praying that SARS 2 wipes out more traitor trump supporters because dead people can’t shoot a gun (or vote). Welcome to stupid America where a weak and feckless majority of “sympathetic and compassionate” liberals is just as dangerous as an armed and radical right-wing nutjob minority. Fight and vote, people! Enough of this hoping and wishing others will “do the right thing” and the national will magically right itself! All f***ing nonsense B.S.

Don’t Believe That the ‘Wrong Track’ Number Means Anything — It Doesn’t

From Newsweek, “The number of American voters who believe the country is on the wrong track has reached a record high during Donald Trump’s presidency, with a significant majority of voters also saying they disapprove of the job he is doing. New polling by Morning Consult and Politico, which was conducted from June 26 to 29, found that 75 percent of voters believe the U.S. is on the wrong track, while just 25 percent believe things are headed in the right direction.” LOL. This poll, ostensibly, would lead one to believe these numbers are all bad news for traitor trump, but what one may not realize is that buried in the number are those RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals who think traitor trump is not doing enough to destroy America! They’re pissed that SCOTUS ruled to protect LGBTQ employment rights; that abortions have not been banned outright yet; that people are tearing down Confederate, loser statues; that more people do believe BLM; that people are protesting in the streets; that police are not being allowed to murder wholesale; etc., etc., etc.

In fact, this metric — also referred to as satisfaction with the direction of things in U.S. — has always been pathetically low, like never above 50 percent since the early 2000s, according to Gallup. So, through all of Obama’s administration which oversaw the longest bull market in history people were largely dissatisfied with the direction of the country. Likely because a black man was sitting in the White House. So, don’t believe it, morons. Traitor trump is still more favored than not to win re-election — by hook or crook! Mark my words. Welcome to trump stupid America. Americans can’t un-stupid in four years! I live in stupid hell!

I Hope He Was a MAGA Moron

According to CNN, “A Southern California man who tested positive for coronavirus after attending a party expressed his fear and regret a day before he died.” If he was a traitor trump supporter, then I say good! He deserved to die and I’m glad he won’t be able to vote come November. If he was a Democrat, then it is a shame. Yeah! It’s that simple! Naturally, these articles never determine how such people voted as if it is not german to the story. F*** that! How a person voted is specifically relevant to the story. I am sick of being nice. Forgiving. Understanding. Sympathetic. MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals do not — under any circumstances — deserve any compassion; they only warrant hatred and derision. I’m sick of these f***tards going around with their pandemic hoax and anti-mask beliefs because they think their freedom is more important than thy neighbor. Always very Christian of them — Me! Me! Me! F*** them! I only hope more MAGA morons die before they can vote for traitor trump. Conservatives always b*tch about people taking responsibility for their actions! Yes, indeed. Hopefully, death is the ultimate consequence of their responsibility!

Once again. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before that no one will take this pandemic seriously until people are dying in the streets. Literally, that’s what it will take. Mark my words, morons! Until and unless hospital systems collapse so that people are dying in the streets because they cannot get treated for SARS 2 or any other medical emergency then people are just going to go about their selfish business such as going to a bar or a restaurant — those very critical, life-sustaining activities. No, matter. As long as RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons cheerlead the line that everything is improving then nothing will change. Welcome to trump stupid America. Always as dumb as one imagined — and worse!

Welcome to Stupid F***ing America: QAnon!

Forbes headline reads, “QAnon-Friendly Owner Of Restaurant Where Servers Carry Guns Upsets GOP Incumbent In House Primary In Colorado.” Un-f***ing-believable! Seriously! WTF? This is not an isolated incident. These QAnon f***tards have been winning more and more primaries pulling the RepubliKKKlan party further into the looney right-wing nutjob zone! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t. America is so f***ing lost! I live in stupid f***ing hell where QAnon is gaining popularity and mainstream status because the level of idiocracy in America is reaching incomprehensible levels. Truly. It’s all beyond comprehension. Stupidity is incomprehensible to me. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a hundred times before: think of a dumb person in life. Now consider that half of Americans are dumber than that. Ugh! And most of them are MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals. Such groups are magnets for morons. This is why I still refuse to count traitor trump out of the presidential race. Americans are getting dumber. The RepubliKKKlan party is getting more conspiracy-theory focused and right-wing bat-Scheiße crazy — and winning.

So, whatever. It’s all lost. Mark my words, morons. America is lost. America cannot survive with such a level of stupidity thriving in the nation. I don’t f***ing care if these extreme morons only account for 10-15 percent of the population. If the citizenry of America is a living organism then how can any organism survive with 10-15 percent of that organism being necrotic? It can’t. We can’t. So, congratu-f***ing-lations to America for cutting off its nose despite its face by electing traitor trump to “make America great again.” We’ve gone over the cliff of complete stupidity and there is no turning back. Welcome to trump stupid America!

All Evangelicals Are Hypocrites and Vile People

From CNN, “Vice President Mike Pence declined to say the words ‘Black lives matter’ during an interview with an ABC affiliate in Pennsylvania on Friday, instead saying that ‘all lives matter.’” “All lives matter” is simply racist code for “Black lives don’t matter.” Evil evangelicals are all the same, without exception. Even those “good-hearted” evangelicals are complicit by their mere association. They’re all selfish, greedy, racist, bigoted, homophobic, white supremacist, elitist morons. Evil evangelicals are the number one reason America has been in this 40-year-long culture war! At some point, these people must be purged from society and humanity. Welcome to stupid America, where religion dumbs down society daily. I live in stupid, religious hell! Now, of course, I would never condone harming another human being, so I will not suggest that every evil evangelical should do humanity a favor by expediting their way to so-called heaven. I would never recommend that, ever! No, I would not.

What do you call 100 evangelicals at the bottom of the sea? A good start!