Why Can’t Traitor [T]rump Just Die Already?

From CNN, “President Donald Trump said late Monday night he will sign an executive order temporarily suspending immigration to the United States as the nation battles the health and economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic.” This is the “blame the brown people” phase which is feeding his MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil Evangelical base. I hate this country. It’s just too stupid. Welcome to trump stupid America. I’m trapped in stupid hell!

Let RepubliKKKlans, MAGA Morons, and Evil Evangelicals Die

From CNN, “Georgia’s fervently pro-Trump governor’s early breakout from a coronavirus shutdown is stirring fears of a deadly new wave of infections and warnings that he is derelict in his duty and acting on political motives. Republican Gov. Brian Kemp plans to open nail salons, massage therapists, bowling allies and gyms from Friday. Restaurants and movie theaters come back on line statewide next Monday.” Fine by me! The more dead RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals the better! The fewer that can vote. Democrats will have the good sense to stay inside while the rest of f***tards in red states will be out dying! Perfect! I pray they do! Welcome to trump stupid America! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: no one is taking SARS 2 seriously because not enough people have died yet! Predictable as usual for the conservative mind: it doesn’t exist until it happens to them — Boris!

More Evil Evangelicals Need to Die

From KALB news, “An elderly member of Life Tabernacle Church in Central, La. has died of the novel coronavirus, according to a coroner’s report. However, there is no clear way of determining where the man actually contracted his illness. Tony Spell, the pastor of that church, disputes the coroner’s findings, saying the man died of another medical condition. ‘That is a lie,’ Spell said of the coroner’s findings when reached by phone Thursday. Spell has come under criticism for repeatedly violating an order by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards that bans gatherings of more than 10 people. Since the governor’s order was put in place last month, Spell has frequently held church services with hundreds of people in attendance. Last month, police filed six misdemeanor charges against Spell, accusing him of violating the governor’s executive order.”

Kill Them All!

From CNN, “Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Minnesota, North Carolina and Utah — states led by both Republican and Democratic governors — have all seen protests in recent days as people grow more concerned about the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.” Kill them all and that way they nor their families have to worry about the government restricting their “rights.” Because as usual, it is always the conservative mind to care only about themselves and f*** everyone else. I hate stupid America! I hate them all! These m*****f***ing G.D. idiots! I hate them! I! Just! Can’t! Take! This! Stupidity! Anymore! I pray they die! Immediately! Seriously! This country simply cannot survive with such a strain of stupidity existing in it. Whatever! Welcome to trump stupid America! If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: not enough RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals have died from SARS 2. These groups in their entirety need to be liquidated.

Only in Trailer Trash America!

From ESPN, “WWE was deemed an “essential business” in Florida, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings said Monday, allowing the company to resume live television shows from its Orlando training facility and Full Sail University in Winter Park. The decision, outlined in an April 9 memo from Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office, could open the door for other sports to resume in the state.” Welcome to trump stupid America!

I Hate America! I Simply Hate America!

From CNN, “A majority, 52%, say they disapprove of the way Trump is handling the coronavirus outbreak, and 45% approve. Both figures have risen since early March, when 41% approved, 48% disapproved and 11% weren’t sure how they felt about the President’s handling of the viral outbreak. The President’s overall approval rating stands at 44% approve to 51% disapprove, little changed from a 43% approve to 53% disapprove reading in each of the previous three CNN polls. On handling health care policy, his ratings stand at 42% approve to 52% disapprove, his best approval rating on that topic since 2017.”

And then there is this graph from a CNBC poll which simply underscores just how f***ing G.D. stupid Americans are.

Source: CNBC

I f***ing hate America’s stupidity! Seriously! Will f***tards of America just find a gun and kill themselves already? I’m f***ing sick of living with such stupidity breathing the same air. I have no f***ing clue where to start with yet another two polls that show Americans know absolutely f***ing nothing about anything! Americans really are just as stupid and embarrassing as the rest of the world imagines us to be. F*** me! I swear to f***ing God this country is just too stupid to f***ing survive! It’s all m*****f***ing stupid all the m*****f***ing time! Everyday! All day! Day in and day out! I wake up in Stupidsville, USA, and I go to bed with America being even dumber than I thought! Every day is just more confirmation that there are stupid people everywhere! Everywhere stupid people!

I don’t give one G.D. f*** if these job approval ratings are only temporary or driven more by the “rally around the flag” phenomenon than an improved perception of traitor trump. The fact that even one poll showed his net approval rating is positive or moved slightly upward during this pandemic is a f***ing G.D. embarrassment of the highest f***ing order to America. How the f*** can anyone look at the traitor trump Scheiße-show and think he’s doing a good job? Welcome to trump stupid America!

‘ . . . ’ (Silence)

Nowhere have I found in my usual range of news sources any mention of the co-opting of the daily traitor trump SARS 2 Scheiße-show to ramp up the “war on drugs” on 01 April 2020. This is why I hate the MSM because they just fall for it every f***ing time. Un-f***ing-believable. Whatever! I give up! Seriously! It’s just all stupid all the f***ing time. The media should be calling out traitor trump. In short, the Idiot-in-Chief is using the SARS 2 crisis to parade useless right-wing policy that has nothing to do with stemming the pandemic at home. This is just a way to get his racist campaigning message out. Brown people! Wall! Brown terrorists! Drugs! More dirty, brown people! The border! Stop the brown unwashed masses! Oh, and the virus for whatever it’s worth. Welcome to stupid America. Apparently not enough MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals have died from SARS 2 yet.

In the Wise Words of James Tiberius Kirk: ‘Let Them Die!’

From the Orlando Weekly, “After weeks of criticism from lawmakers and the public, DeSantis announced a new sweeping executive order calling for a statewide 30-day stay-at-home order to go into effect this Friday; the order limits movement only to essential businesses and essential activities. The order, which you can read for yourself right here, also lists essential activities that are permitted during the 30-day period, and includes things like exercising, taking care of pets, assisting a loved one, and ‘religious services conducted in churches, synagogues and houses of worship.’” F*** it! If religious f***tards want to meet and die from SARS 2 then let them. The fewer evil Evangelicals the better. I hope they die in droves. We don’t need such morons living in this country! Welcome to trump stupid America!