Very Well Said

From AlterNet: “The dark irony of this, of course, is that American conservatives are, statistically speaking, the most at-risk population in America. Even if they lacked any moral compass beyond their own political survival, one might imagine that Republican politicians and conservative media figures would want to tell their voters and audiences the truth just to make sure they survive to vote in November and buy into reverse mortgage scams advertised on Fox News. But the Pavlovian urge to win the short-term news cycle, own the libs and defend the economic interests of corporate America and Trump’s re-election are combining with the predilection for conspiracy-minded thinking on the right. Conservatives have also bought into the notion that America really is the greatest country on earth, that nothing bad will ever happen to them, and that other countries are only suffering now because of their inferior morals, work ethic and lack of divine protection. They cannot help but deride a proactive to the coronavirus, and insist on their libertarian God-given right to eat at a crowded Red Robin whenever they want.” I say let the MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals die. Let all of them die.

What do you call a million dead MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals from COVID-19?

A good start!

I Wake Up to an Even Dumber America

Reporting from CNN, “America’s top infectious diseases expert is warning that hundreds of thousands of Americans could die unless every citizen joins an effort to blunt the coronavirus pandemic — only to be contradicted by President Donald Trump, who insists the virus is under ‘tremendous’ control. The fresh sign of Trump’s unwillingness to accept the full, sobering reality of the outbreak came as an anxious America knuckles down to its new self-isolating reality. The country is bracing for the full fury of the virus that is already escalating sharply and is set to subject the foundations of basic life — the nation’s health care, economic and political systems — to a fateful test.” Of course, he did! Of course, he just makes Scheiße up as his way of wishing the disaster away. Because this is all one big f***ing hoax to every MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil Evangelical. It’s all a hoax. No one is going to die in their minds least of all them! So, I say let all MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals gather together and cough on each other, so they can die. Since I do not have conservative or religious retard friends then I have no concerns — I always social distance myself from stupid people! Welcome to trump stupid America!

RepubliKKKlans Should Die

From Raw Story, “Appearing on MSNBC’s ‘AM Joy’ on Sunday morning, conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin said the daily drumbeat of misinformation coming from the White House and Fox News that has downplayed the coronavirus pandemic will likely lead to more deaths among Republicans than Democrats.” OMG! Please let them die. Let every MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil Evangelical die from COVID-19. They all think it’s a hoax, so just let them die. I guess dying is a hoax, too. So, let them all die; the fewer RepubliKKKlan voters come November the better. Welcome to trump stupid America!

I Hope Traitor [T]rump Supporters Die

Slate reports, “Around the world, leaders and health authorities were struggling to try to get a handle on the rapidly spreading coronavirus. But in the United States, President Donald Trump seems to have thought it would be a great time to hit the links with professional baseball players. On Sunday, the commander in chief played golf with current and former Washington Nationals players at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach.” Of course, he was. Clearly, he doesn’t care about Americans, which includes his supporters, so why should I? This entire COVIN-19 catastrophe is just a hoax, right? I mean that’s what his f***tard supporters think. I hope they all die! Make America great again, one dead MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil Evangelical at a time. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Oh, and this: “Trump repeatedly criticized Obama, claiming the then-president played golf instead of dealing with some of the critical issues facing the country at the time. And in 2014, Trump criticized Obama for golfing during the Ebola outbreak.” There is never a shortage of RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy. I hate this country; it’s just a bunch of f***ing G.D. morons who elected another f***tard to be their president. F*** me! Welcome to the dumbest country on the planet. All stupid all the time. Everyday all day!

Let the MAGA Moron Rallies Continue

According to AFP, “US President Donald Trump signaled Saturday that he has no intention of halting campaign rallies despite surging coronavirus infections, as a case was confirmed for the first time within miles of the White House.” Good! I say let them continue! Let the MAGA morons, republiKKKlans, evil Evangelicals f***tards come together and spread COVID-19 to each other. Then I hope they die! Welcome to stupid America!

Then there is this from Daily Kos:

REPORTER: You don’t believe coronavirus exists?

WOMAN: I don’t.

REPORTER: So the two people who have been reported to have died from it in Washington state you don’t trust that that’s true?

WOMAN: I don’t trust anything the democrats do or say.

Oh, yeah. This level of stupidity should be immediately shot in the head before they kill us all! Don’t think for one f***ing second that this MAGA moron woman is an outlier; she is the mean representation of all MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals. These people are all this stupid and delusional. Such idiocracy must be killed immediately! They are a danger to society! Just to be clear it is not Democrats reporting deaths; it’s traitor trump’s government. I f***ing hate this country because all these morons are allowed to walk, breathe, and live! God-f***ing-d*mmit! So much f***ing stupidity. It’s f***ing everywhere. These f***ing MAGA morons are f***ing everywhere like cockroaches and cancer. They should be eliminated by whatever means! Welcome to trump stupid America!

F*** Me!

From CNN, “A strict ban on the consumption and farming of wild animals is being rolled out across China in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic, which is believed to have started at a wildlife market in the city of Wuhan.” Yeah, I’m going to be straight on racist here: why the f*** are Chinese people ever eating something they shouldn’t? Get your hand off the bat! Ugh, third world countries! To be fair, MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals from the South shouldn’t be eating roadkill, opossums, squirrels, and other rodents — but they do. We have our own third world in the U.S.; they just all happen to be traitor trump supporters. Welcome to stupid America!

Good for Biden

Politico headline reads, “‘I’ve never seen anybody mount a comeback like this — ever.’” If Democrats want to rebuke Sanders then they need to do it decisively. Otherwise, there will always be a suspicion that the election was stolen from Sanders…again. No matter what though, Bernie Bros will spoil the general election…again. So, I can’t wait for that! Unlike the RepubliKKKlan hard-right, the hard-left never seem to fall in line, which is why liberals and progressives generally lose.

It’s a fight between Biden and Sanders now. Everyone needs to get the f*** out of the race, especially Warren who placed third in her own state. If I have to hear one more f***ing progressive female talkshow host keep telling everyone that Warren can still pull out a win then I’m going to go f***ing G.D. postal! Seriously! Nothing f***ing raises my ire more than delusional wishful thinking. It shows a real lack of intellect. Warren was never going to be the candidate; I don’t care how qualified she may have been, but the electorate is not going to risk another female candidate because this is America and we don’t really do women or gays or Jews as president. May I remind the reader that my idealized president is a half-black, half-Latina, half-Indian, transgender lesbian atheist for president just to see every RepubliKKKlans’, MAGA morons’, and evil Evangelicals’ head explode! Yet, I’m a realist and I understand that will never happen. Americans like old white guys. So be it, but stop trying to wish someone into office that is never going to happen, and that includes a female president. We are just not there yet. And please stop with the line that Hillary won the election. Ugh. No! She! Did! Not! Otherwise, traitor trump would not be in the White House. We don’t elect presidents by popular vote as shockingly f***tarded as that may be! Welcome to stupid America!

Hello, Morons!

From CNN, “An older adult woman from California is the second case of unknown origin of the novel coronavirus, health officials in Santa Clara County said Friday.” I thought the idiot president said we were about to go down to zero infections? Un-f***ing-believable! Anyone who says this virus is or can be contained is a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order and should be immediately executed for being so m*****f***ing stupid. Have we ever tried (or expected to try) to contain the spread of the flu or the common cold, and COVID-19 seems to be similar in its communicability? This disease is already out in the community, and it has been for weeks! Read my lips, f***ing G.D. morons of the highest order: for weeks! People have been spreading COVID-19 in the U.S. for weeks! Expect a spike in cases in the next couple of weeks, and then we’re off to the races! So, get ready, idiots!

Moreover, I think people should be treated according to their political affiliation or leaning. Democrats get treated. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals get nothing. Not a single f***ing thing. RepubliKKKlans don’t think the government should be doing anything anyway or that people should be allowed to have affordable health care. MAGA morons think this entire crisis is a deep state conspiracy to derail traitor trump’s re-election bid. And evil evangelicals think COVID-19 can be prayed away or, more preferably, is the beginning of the End Times — whichever horn one of the four horsemen blows to unleash this scourge or whatever! Nothing like living in a country where fairytales from a 2000-year old book guide our mores. F*** me! Seriously, let these morons die. The entire nation will be better off without them. Welcome to stupid America!

Traitor [T]rump’s Incompetence Is Killing People — And No One Cares, Including Traitor [T]rump

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump is hoping for a ‘miracle’ that will make the coronavirus disappear but tanking stock markets and signs the disease is stalking America are delivering their verdict on his scattershot management of the crisis. A historic Wall Street sell off, the first case on US soil that could not be traced to travel to countries battling the virus, and news of drug shortages outpaced White House efforts to show everything was under control.”

Additionally, the Business Insider quotes the idiot, “‘We have done an incredible job. We’re going to continue,’ Trump said during a Black History Month reception at the White House. ‘It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear. And from our shores, you know, it could get worse before it gets better. Could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows.’” Wow! Like I said in a previous post, he says all things to all people: could go away tomorrow or could get much worse. Well, no Scheiße Sherlock! Of course, it could get better or get worse. These are the only two courses that things can proceed — or stay the same which is practically probabilistically impossible. Traitor trump is already in the “we’ll see what happens” phase of incompetence and interest, which is not-so-coded-speak for he f***ing doesn’t care. He had his press conference and put penis-loving Pence in charge, so his hands are clean of the entire mess. Congratu-f***ing-lations f***tards of America. Thanks to each and every retard that voted for traitor trump because these Scheiße-for-brains a**holes elected a complete idiot to be president. I hope these people die first during the pandemic! Mark my words, morons. This entire crisis is one huge demonstration that traitor trump really doesn’t care to do his job.

It was just a matter of time that a global crisis would emerge to highlight traitor trump’s incompetence to manage anything. Sadly, no one cares. MAGA morons think this is just an opportunity to purge never trumpers and attack Democrats. RepubliKKKlans have never really cared about the general public’s safety. Evil Evangelicals are hoping for the End Times. So, there is no one in traitor trump’s base that cares about this because, as usual, they believe that they’ll never catch the virus. This must be a Democratic disease. Welcome to stupid America! Cough on a traitor trump supporter today and hope they die! Now ask me how I really feel!

This Is What Passes for Presidential?

From Raw Story, “President Donald Trump is desperate for the coronavirus problem to go away, and he doesn’t exactly care how it happens. According to New York Times reporter Annie Karni, sources are telling her that the biggest concern Trump has is more about the markets than the deaths of Americans from the virus.” Once again, Raw Story said it with perfect pith! A byline to a Politico article on the press conference read, “He cracked wise, told a story with a stand-up comedian’s patter, waved around colorful graphs and listed facts he had just learned.” Even though the article itself reads rather matter-of-factly, the byline hints of sarcasm. It was, no doubt a subtle dig. But then, waking up to Morning Joe where they praised traitor trump’s performance at the press conference was, of course, nauseating because it takes so little for the MSM to fall all over themselves to claim traitor trump is acting presidential. Un-f***ing-believable!

First and foremost and typically and mind-numbingly, traitor trump speaks like a f***ing G.D. retard! F***! It is difficult to listen to him because he only talks stupid, which I suppose is a direct translation for his f***ing G.D. Scheiße-for-brains MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil Evangelical supporters! His f***ing off-the-cuff, stream-of-consciousness rambling is f***ing annoying and distracting. Naturally, his supporters love it because he “speaks like them” and “says what they think,” but I’d rather not be dumbed-downed by having to listen to him. Welcome to stupid f***ing America.

Second — and again right on cue — his rambling and answers to questions must contain parts of his re-election stump speech, which, of course, must include disparaging Democrats and describing how great he is on matters completely unrelated to the topic at hand. It’s always about him! Then he claims that everyone must work as a team. F*** me!

Last, and most important, which also goes to the point of the Raw Story quote, it is just clear that he really doesn’t care, doesn’t know what’s going on, and this is all just one big inconvenience that is getting in the way of his re-election plans. If one listens carefully, his remarks — as always — run all over the place. He says all things, often contradictory, to all listeners. On the one hand, he projects optimism in an almost careless manner by overstating that he thinks things won’t get any worse even suggesting the 15 current cases will be down to zero “in a short period of time.” But then he coaches his answer, on the other hand, with the “anything is possible” qualification. In other words, there is “nothing to worry about” because we are (he is) the best and there are about to be zero cases in the U.S. to “well it could happen” (get much worse). This is his typical CYA answer. So, if things do get worse — and they will — he can say that he never said that things wouldn’t get worse, and his followers will praise him for his “foresight.” He repeats this dichotomy several times. So which is it? We’re about to be coronavirus-free or brace for the worst? While I would expect traitor trump to be reassuring, I also expect him to be logically consistent or at least realistic, both of which, I guess, requires a sense of intelligence and self-awareness — oops! It’s clear that he just wants this gone and not have to deal with it.

Honestly, I’m hoping for the worst because people aren’t ever going to wake up to traitor trump’s incompetence until a lot more people start publicly dying. All of his worst policies and practices are being masked by a great economy. People truly have no f***ing clue just how much he is destroying the country from within. Welcome to stupid! stupid! stupid! America.

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise, but whatever!