A Woman Cannot Win (Hillary)

According to the AP, “Elizabeth Warren made a forceful case for a female president and stood behind her accusation suggesting sexism by progressive rival Bernie Sanders in a Democratic debate that raised gender as a key issue in the sprint to Iowa’s presidential caucuses.” No, a woman cannot win the Electoral College in the good ole misogynistic United States of America. Hello! Hillary? I don’t even know where to begin with this argument except to say dumbass Democrats are perennially stuck in happy, fantasy world which, of course, means they are forever incapable of understanding the essence of the enemy, and if one cannot understand the enemy then one will never beat them. Welcome to stupid America hell! Who is the enemy? RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals. All of whom think women should not be in positions of power, and if I’ve said it once to the idiots of America then I’ve said it a hundred f***ing thousand times before: while the majority of America would (and have) voted for a woman to be president this stupid country is not run by the majority — it is held hostage by the minority, and the minority is racist, misogynist, anti-gay, etc. So, welcome to trump stupid America. This is the new normal because dumbass Democrats are too weak to do anything about it.

Because Stupid America

According to CNN, “But on Monday, he claimed credit for being ‘the person who saved Pre-Existing Conditions in your Healthcare’ in a tweet blasting an ad by former New York City Mayor and 2020 Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg that attacks the President’s record on health care.” Of course, he didn’t and the very, very, very stupid people of America will believe him because this country is just too stupid to survive. So, let it fall. It’s time to start over by purging RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals. Welcome to stupid America. Let them die!

It’s Time We Get Revengeful

According to CNN, “A baby opossum was found beaten until she was blinded at a Hilton Head golf course in South Carolina, according to the Wildlife Rehab of Greenville.” This is, no doubt, some RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, or Evangelical uppity golfer who hates nature, must feel superior, loves to inflict pain and hurt, and is apparently threatened by baby animals just as they are threatened by anything that’s not old, white, and male. These people like to torture animals; it’s always the same ethos. I say find whoever did this and poker his eyes out with a red hot poker.

Evangelicals Are F***ing G.D. Retards of the Highest F***ing G.D. Order!

According to Axios, “An editorial published Thursday by Christianity Today, a magazine founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham, called for President Trump’s removal from office in the wake of his impeachment, deeming him ‘grossly immoral.’ … Christianity Today is an influential mainstream magazine for evangelicals, with 4.3 million monthly visitors on its site and hundreds of thousands of print subscribers. President Trump won 81% of the evangelical vote in 2016, a group that makes up about 25% of the electorate, according to the Pew Research Center.” This op-ed is meaningless because it is not the beliefs of Evangelical leadership. The leadership and at least 81% of their following are vile and hateful people who I think should be rounded up Holocaust-style! When people think that Evangelical support for traitor trump is going to drop in 2020 then I laugh because I have never heard such pure stupidity. Look, morons! If anything, traitor trump will increase his support among this hate group. Mark my words, idiots! In 2016, they didn’t believe he was going to actually follow through with the conservative promises, but he has in spades, so now they are all in because Christianity is all hypocrisy all the time. It is the “Do as I say, not as I do” hate group. No matter what Evangelicals claim — on the left and right, blacks and whites — there is always the anti-gay undertone. That’s why they love traitor trump. Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumber today! Yeah, that’s it. Just dumber today. P.S. That op-ed chief editor is going to get fired!

Einsatzgruppen for Evangelicals

From AlterNet, “When far-right evangelicals speak of a ‘spiritual battle,’ they typically mean one between God and Satan — and clearly, Graham and Metaxas believe that Trump is working for God, while his political opponents are working for Satan.” I wish to f***ing God there would be the Einsatzgruppen for Evangelicals. These people are the worst thing for America. They are morons and vile people that I pray daily for all of them to drop dead. Now ask me how I really feel!

Evangelicals Should Expedite Their Trip to Hell

A Raw Story headline reads, “Trump dials up rhetoric by tweeting Evangelical leader declaring impeachment a religious ‘battle.’” Why can’t all Evangelicals leave this country alone by taking their precious Second Amendment right, sticking it in their mouth, and pulling the m*****f***ing G.D. trigger? Welcome to stupid America where the religious zealots rule the ballot box and have been working for 40+ years to impose a “Christian” theocracy — and they’re starting to get their way! Just wait until traitor trump’s judicial appointments start issuing rulings on matters of the First Amendment (and others). It will be legalized discrimination because — Jesus! Un-f***ing-believe! There is a direct correlation between a person’s religiosity and stupidity, and this country is all stupid all the time! Because, of course, when determining moriality one should suspend logic and reason to rely on a book of fiction that represents the oldest and longest game of telephone in the history of humanity! But this is the level of human stupidity! Welcome to trump stupid America! Now ask me how I really feel.

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandize. That’s f***ing annoying and suspicious, but whatever!