Tucker Carlson: Pull the Trigger!

Tucker Carlson is a racist, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a misogynist, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a homophobe, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a xenophobe, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a moron, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson and all his viewers should take their First Amendment right, stick it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger, lest America is doomed even quicker. I only say this out of love for America. The New York Times.

Of course, Tucker has the highest-rated show on cable because he is a perfect reflection of America. How long have I been saying it? How long? America looked into the MAGA world mirror, and they fell in love with the reflection.

As Biden said, traitor trump — implying all his acolytes — is a plague on this nation. So, that includes all MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelical, and QAnon kooks. They should all take their First Amendment right, stick it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger. This is the only way to save America! Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America!

Bravo, John Nichols! Bravo!

He writes in The Nation, “Despite what Clinton and Obama say, Biden’s current list of accomplishments won’t cut it. … There’s just one problem: It doesn’t work. … The Democratic message should be blunt: If we lose Congress, Republicans will make Biden the lamest lame-duck president in history. And if we lose the statehouses, Donald Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ will be codified just in time to tip the 2024 presidential election to Trump or someone worse. Instead of a feel-good ‘touting accomplishments’ campaign, Democrats should rip into the GOP with a warning that America’s future is at stake. Because it is.”

This is excellent advice that dumbass Democrats will ignore because they’re weak and stupid. I say it almost as much as I disparage RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. The strategy Nichols proposes is straightforward. And it preys upon the one emotion that may best motivate Democratic voters: Fear. But not fear that will subdue voters as being too overwhelmed or a fear that cedes power to RepubliKKKlans. No! This needs to be proactive fear — proactive in that it motivates citizens to vote for Democrats, not just abstain or vote against them.

Unfortunately, as I have said countless times before, dumbass Democrats wrongly trust voters to “figure things out” on their own, which is why they like to talk about all their legislative accomplishments. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! If voters actually believed Democrats’ achievements to date were worth anything, then their poll numbers would not be underwater. Stop expecting a stupid electorate to suddenly recognize what Democrats have done or are trying to do with limited — yes, limited — power as being politically advantageous. Democrats keep talking about their messaging problem (failure). I say messaging their legislative success is a waste of time. The topic is too insipid for voters. Dumbass Democrats should be campaigning on a message of the utter destruction of America’s democracy if Biden is allowed to become a lame-duck president in January. Maybe the average moron voter could understand one hyper-focused message, assuming Americans still want to live in a democracy. It is undoubtedly more catchy than “we got you through the pandemic, and unemployment is low.” These are concepts and accomplishments that Americans have already flushed down their short-term memory hole. Eh, who am I kidding? Dumbass Democrats are completely feckless at playing politics and are completely unwilling to be ruthless. As Nichols said in his piece, Democrats keep playing a losing political strategy. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!

GOP Says Meow!

This picture is hil-argh-ious!

Have I mentioned that America is the dumbest country on the planet? Have I mentioned that RepubliKKKlans are the dumbest people on the planet? Have I ever mentioned these? I think I may have at least once, but allow me to provide more proof of my certitudes. According to the Minnesota Reformer, “Minnesota Republicans repeated debunked tales about schools providing litter boxes for students who identify as cats during debate over the House education budget bill Wednesday. Reps. Steve Drazkowski, R-Mazeppa, and Tim Miller, R-Prinsburg, shared the fictional stories in support of Drazkowski’s proposal to give lawmakers control over a statewide student survey.” And for those of you who may be incredulous that such a story is unique, the Akron Beacon Journal reports, “State Sen. Bruce Bostelman caused quite a stir when he stood on the floor of the Nebraska Legislature last month and lamented that schools were providing litter boxes for students who dress as dogs and cats. Bostelman was shocked and outraged at the nonexistent practice. In his televised floor speech, he demanded that school administrators, the Nebraska Department of Education and the State Board of Education explain what was going on.” So the lie starts in Nebraska and moves onto Minnesota even after Bostelman walked back his comments. But whatever. Truth doesn’t matter anymore.

RepubliKKKlans just keep repeating the absurd because they’re f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order, and they believe (know) that their constituents are even dumber. Remember, RepubliKKKlan voters (MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon kooks, et al.) must be dumber than their representatives lest RepubliKKKlans would be incapable of saying bat-sh*t-crazy stuff with conviction and a straight face. This is the level of stupidity to which America has descended: Believing schools are providing litter boxes and that students are requesting them. As I have long said, America is too stupid to survive. This level of stupidity cannot be undone — ever. Welcome to stupid America! It’s a cat-astrophe!

Has This Guy Looked in the Mirror?

Neil Robinson Kumar — Half white (mother) and half Indian (father) (dot not feather)

First, this is the meaning and origin of the surname Kumar, “Indian: Hindu name found in several communities, from Sanskrit kumara ‘child’, ‘son’, ‘prince’. It is also an epithet of the god Kartikeya, the son of Shiva. It commonly occurs as the final element of compound given names, and sometimes as a personal name in its own right.” Second, Kumar says in an interview, “The most pressing issue facing my constituents is also the most pressing issue facing America: the Great Replacement. … I will fight anti-white discrimination and anti-white critical race theory, along with LGBT perversion in our classrooms. I will introduce legislation to criminalize LGBT propaganda targeted at minors, and also to criminalize transgender pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures.”

This is more common than one might think: A non-white who is a white supremacist — irony at its best. Clearly, such people do not own a mirror or have a very high and misplaced opinion of themselves. It is, nonetheless, astonishing that Christians, of which Kumar is one, can so easily ignore (never learned in the first place) teachings of Christ, namely, “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:3-5, NKJV).

As usual with RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, it’s always the other person who is a minority while they, themselves, never are. If they just look in the f***ing mirror! These non-white white supremacists are not kidding anyone, least of all their fellow white supremacists, who are, no doubt, calling Neil Kumar a sand-n***** behind his back. I hope Neil understands that he is literally the definition of white replacement! Eh, whatever! In the words of Jesus, the hypocrisy is blinding. Welcome to stupid America! I live in stupid hell.

Title 42

From CNN, “A federal judge in Louisiana temporarily blocked the Biden administration from ending a Trump-era pandemic restriction on the US-Mexico border. The Biden administration had been on track to end the public health authority, known as Title 42, on May 23, a decision that has been criticized by Republicans and Democrats alike. The measure allows border authorities to turn migrants back to Mexico or their home countries because of the public health crisis.”

Dear dumbass Democrats: Take the win, morons! Just let the courts deal with the mess. It was stupid to create this a political football before the midterms in the first place. Now Democrats have the perfect excuse: It’s held up in the courts. If the administration had any grey matter between their ears, then they would let this thing drag on without a resolution. The last thing Democrats need is another “caravan” photo op as an October surprise. I’m indifferent to the morality of immigration at the southern border; I only care about the political implications, and nothing riles up RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks more than brown people at the border, so why give them more bait that energizes them to the polls? Don’t think immigration is a winning issue for Democrats; they don’t vote based on what’s going on at the border. Only RepubliKKKlans do.

China’s Zero Virus Futility

According to The Guardian, “To let the virus loose now, with low vaccination rates among older people, and reliance on the less effective domestically produced vaccine, would be likely to result in significant disruption and death. Because China’s death toll is so extraordinarily low – due in part to the manner of reporting – many people see less reason to be vaccinated, but also less reason to be locked down. At least some residents are asking whether, thanks to vaccines, there is a wiser middle path between letting the virus rip and attempting elimination, which seems increasingly futile thanks to the highly transmissible Omicron variant.”

What a f***ing mess! I have no idea how or why this globally connected “superpower” believes it can isolate itself from a highly contagious respiratory disease that repeatedly boomerangs around the world. I understand the devastation that would ensue from COVID on the loose in a population of 1.4 billion, but how long does China expect to hold out? Unfortunately, they do not have a very effective vaccine, so their entire population is under constant threat of being under-immunized. It’s not like a city comes out of lockdown and everybody has immunity. No! It’s just the opposite! What they have done is to avoid herd immunity. Shanghai, for example, could emerge from a month of lockdown and isolation and then go right back into lockdown with one too many positive tests. How many lockdown cycles can China endure if it has no intention to immunize its population — naturally or medically? How many years can this go on? COVID is here to stay forever.

Sure, at the beginning of the pandemic, China was prospering while the rest of the world struggled, but now the rest of the world has moved on, and China still clings to ineffective containment protocols. How does it look now that everyone else has moved on and China is stuck playing Whac-A-Mole? The harder they dig into a “zero COVID” policy, then the more ridiculous it becomes. At some point, most of the rest of the world will have a relatively high enough herd immunity to resist pandemic-level infection. However, China’s population will still be comparatively defenseless. Their policy is beyond stupid at this point. Hello, morons of China! You can’t control COVID like you control your government and your people. Ironically, the U.S. actually stumbled into one of the best practices to achieve herd immunity — mass vaccinations, natural infections, and the deaths of anti-vaxxer RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, thereby culling the herd of stupid who cannot get reinfected and infect others. Win-win!

Keep it up, China! One thing you guys are actually proving is that the world supply chain can no longer rely on you, something that has been long overdue for countries to recognize. America should not be doing business with China in the first place. Perhaps one of the gravest foreign policy blunders was Nixon’s trip to China. But I digress.

Brace for the Political Earthquake After Roe Is Overturned — Not!

I watched Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC last night, and he made an excellent point I had not considered previously. In essence, he stated that if Roe were to be reversed, then not much would change in the country. States where choice is protected would continue to allow abortions. Those populations would not be impacted. As for states with trigger laws or where abortions are already difficult to obtain, an already limited right will merely disappear. For instance, in Mississippi, which only has one abortion clinic in the entire state, what would be the material impact of that one clinic closing? They perform about 300 procedures per month, so the impact is not much in that state. In many states with highly restrictive laws, those citizens have already adapted to an abortion-limited environment, so there is not much difference in the next step to an abortion-free circumstance, especially if a nearby state provides legalized abortions. Considering the very small fraction of women who chose abortions compared to the rest of the female population, it is conceivable that the vast majority of women will wake up the day after Roe is abolished feeling that nothing has changed. (Unless, of course, you consider women waking up feeling like second-class citizens a change.) Then that begs the question: What would be the political fallout if SCOTUS scuttles Roe? Allow me to answer.

In short, nothing! I predicted the day RBG died that abortion would finally be overturned. At the time, I welcomed it because dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel for decades when it comes to prioritizing the judiciary — and basically everything else that entails wielding political power. I believed that overturning Roe just might be the last straw to wake Democrats the f*** up. I wanted Roe to be the new rally cry — the spark of the next revolution for Democrats to get their f***ing act together and to start winning again. But who the f*** am I kidding? O’Donnell’s comment made me realize that if Roe is abolished, then the net effect on the ground would be nothing; there would be no blowback. There will be no enduring excitement or political will for Democrats to do something — anything. It hit me that dumbass Democrats are simply too f***ing G.D. weak to mobilize on this issue and every other issue, except maybe for the ACA. I mean, killing women’s abortion right has been a RepubliKKKlan freight train rolling inexorably down the tracks in slow motion for decades, and idiot Democrats still managed to get run over. So, why the f*** would I think that now is the moment for things to change? My own hope diluted me — the one feeling I deride for its worthlessness, yet I dared anyway. Shame on me! O’Donnell woke me up!

What will happen once Roe is gone? Oh, for sure, there will be the perfunctory outrage among women who have seen autonomy over their own bodies reversed. They will be rightly outraged that five men have taken away a half-century-old right to women’s liberty and medical privacy. Sure, there will be marches, consternation, and rage, but there will be no comeuppance for RepubliKKKlans. Why would there be? RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals have been advocating restricting women’s rights for decades. This has been a long time coming for women, and Democrats have done absolutely nothing to avoid what is about to come to pass. The traitor trump administration and the years leading up to it have created the perfect storm. I’ve written about this before, but allow me to repeat myself. Traitor trump was the capstone on judicial court-packing at the highest levels, which will take a generation before there is even a hope of starting to reverse the destruction. Add voter suppression and redistricting, wherein blue states lost and red states gained seats in the last census. The inevitable consequence? RepubliKKKlans will become more entrenched at the local, state, and federal levels. Again, RepubliKKKlans have been working at this for decades, whereas dumbass Democrats have been doing — well, I don’t know what they’ve been doing, except mostly losing. Hoping to win the presidency every four years is not a successful strategy to advance Democrats’ agenda.

Oh, and did I mention court-packing? (I did.) The political tactics that RepubliKKKlans have been employing to achieve permanent power will get the rubber stamp from a hard-right SCOTUS. I’m old enough to remember way back in 2013 when the conservative justices rolled back significant portions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. From that point, red states put their voter suppression efforts into overdrive, to great success. In short, the impenetrable circle of power is locked and completed in RepubliKKKlans’ favor. It won’t matter how many angry women show up to the ballot box, for RepubliKKKlans have all but certainly rigged the voting system in the right places to benefit themselves overwhelmingly and singularly. Whatever. There is nothing new here. We’re f***ed! Thanks, Democrats, for nothing. Truly! Welcome to stupid America, where one political party wants to rule by tyranny and the other likes to watch!

Kill or Be Killed!

Target Practice

From the Miami Herald, “Three family members have been charged with a hate crime after kidnapping and beating a gay man so severely that he was permanently blinded, Broward County prosecutors said Tuesday. Two parents and their son were formally charged Tuesday on counts of first-degree attempted murder, burglary with battery and kidnapping ‘with prejudice’ — all charges enhanced under Florida’s ‘hate crime’ law. That means they all face up to life in prison on each count.”

It’s happening, morons. I’ve warned the LGBTQ community repeatedly to arm up! This is a gun-crazy society, so the gays may as well arm up to protect themselves from rising gay hate. Mark! My! Words! F***tards! RepubliKKKlans are encouraging gay hatred and violence. They no longer use dog whistles. Now, they use bullhorns, and the haters listen and react accordingly. Yet, I fear LGBTQ members are still oblivious to the impending violence that is becoming normalized and encouraged. Just to be absolutely clear (again): RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks want all LGBTQ members dead ala Putin. It is kill or be killed! Fight back with deadly force, people! Welcome to stupid America! The hate is spreading like cancer.

Going Hypersonic — Thank You, Biden

From CNN, “The US successfully tested a hypersonic missile in mid-March but kept it quiet for two weeks to avoid escalating tensions with Russia as President Joe Biden was about to travel to Europe, according to a defense official familiar with the matter. … The US has placed a renewed emphasis on hypersonic weapons following successful Russian and Chinese tests in recent months, exacerbating the concern in Washington that the US is falling behind on a military technology considered critical for the future. … The US has been careful not to take steps or make statements that could unnecessarily escalate the tensions between Washington and Moscow. On Friday, the US canceled a test of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) to avoid any misinterpretation by Russia. Austin had already postponed the test in early March to avoid any actions that could be misconstrued by Russia at such a sensitive time.”

It is about f***ing time that America started to advance in hypersonic technology. It’s embarrassing that Russia and China have been ahead of us with this type of weaponry. Clearly, it took Biden to light a fire under the American military, for traitor trump could not achieve the same success with his administration because he was too busy golfing. Of course, the Biden administration got it done, while the traitor trump administration allowed enemy states to advance ahead of America. So much for traitor trump’s “America First” scam. With traitor trump, RepunliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, it’s always been America last in the world, and America’s lack of hypersonic technology under the traitor trump is a perfect example of it!

Now, I wish America et al. would stop worrying about escalating tensions with Putin. Look, f***atrds! Putin will do what Putin is going to do regardless of what America says or doesn’t say, does or doesn’t do. He doesn’t need a reason to escalate because he’ll just make one up. He’s already blamed everything and everyone else for the invasion, the failed progress of the war, and Russia’s military retreat. So, it doesn’t matter what the West says or does. In fact, our holding back actually signals weakness to Putin, so we should be out, loud, and proud in the face of Putin. Wake the f*** up, America! Wake the f*** up Western et al. nations! Now is the time to crush Putin and Russia! The West needs to rid the world of this terrorist leader and the terrorist nation before it’s too late!

One Word: Post-Reconstruction

From The New Civil Rights Movement, “Right-wing evangelical Franklin Graham spent the weekend promoting anti-LGBTQ extremist hate to his nearly 10 million Facebook followers, including by attacking The Walt Disney Company, criticizing the Biden administration’s support of medically-necessary treatment for transgender children, posting a video of his home state’s Lt. Governor preaching jaw-droppingly vulgar attacks on transgender people, and even calling for ‘regime change’ in the United States because he opposes science that support LGBTQ children and teens.”

I don’t know what else to say to the LGBTQ community. The walls are closing in on the gays. Do not think these latest attacks on gay rights are simply another phase of the same bigotry. RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals are intensifying their attacks. This is not more of the same but in a different decade. This is altogether more dangerous.

And do not delude yourselves into believing that it means anything in the 21st century that LGBTQ members have risen to more positions of political power than ever before. Undoubtedly, more gay and transgender people are in government positions, including governors, mayors, legislators (state and federal), executives (state and federal; e.g., Secretary of Transportation), and judges. Yet such progress means nothing, for it can all be reversed. How can I say such a thing? How improbable would it be for society to turn on a minority group that continues to progress year after year? Surely, once the door has been opened, it can never be closed. The LGBTQ community has achieved too much political power to be shoved back into the closet.

I have considered these questions, but then I am reminded of another historical achievement and its aftermath: Emancipation, Reconstruction, and post-Reconstruction. Without going into historical detail, suffice it to say that during Reconstruction, Blacks achieved much — economic, educational, and political parity with their white counterparts. But in 10 years, when Reconstruction ended and Jim Crow began, all those achievements were erased. So, do not think that gay rights are safe in America. History has already proved the counterfactual with Black rights. Wake the f*** up LGBTQ members. Rise up! They are coming for your rights, and they will not stop until they succeed. When people pine for a Christain white nationalist America, they mean to exclude the gays too. Mark my words!