Indeed, It Is Not Enough

Accounting to the Atlantic Council, “[T]he United States, Europe, and their global partners should add to the impressive array of sanctions against Russia. Their impact thus far, according to the Council’s Brian O’Toole and Daniel Fried, ‘has been to flatten the Russian financial system, crash the ruble, spur a likely sovereign default, and probably move the Russian economy into a depression.’ Yet as Putin’s forces continue their attack, O’Toole and Fried provide a menu (in ascending order of impact) of potential next steps: expanding the sanctions against Putin’s cronies and subordinates; extending sanctions on more banks and key companies (they suggest Gazprombank, Russian Agricultural Bank, AlfaBank, Sovcomflot, Russian Railways, and the diamond company Alrosa); and blocking the Russian government by sanctioning all Russia-state-owned companies. And if all else fails, enacting a full financial embargo that would ban all transactions, exports, and imports with Russia. What’s not in doubt is that Putin will continue to escalate if more isn’t done to stop him. … Putin has lost: He will never be able to entirely pacify and occupy Ukraine, and he has done generational damage to the Russia whose power and prestige he was once determined to build. However, his opponents have not won: Saving Ukraine, and sustaining their newfound common cause, is the key to shaping the global future. What has been accomplished against Putin thus far is remarkable, but it is still insufficient [emphasis added].”

To be sure, the West’s response to Putin’s war has surprised everyone — most of all Putin. I, too, had believed that the West was (still is to a degree) too weak to stand up to authoritarian regimes after years of appeasing the aggression of Putin and other dictatorial governments. Even in America, the rise and sustained love-affair with authoritarian rulers — traitor trump — certainly does not assuage my agita that Americans are one election away from reversing everything Biden and the West are achieving to counter Russia in Ukraine. Recall, traitor trump and the RepubliKKKlan are openly hostile to Ukraine. As the Washington Post reported in 2016, “The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington.” Today, this is still part of the official RepubliKKKlan platform: Don’t help Ukraine! Pay no attention to what RepubliKKKlans say or do in their criticism of Biden’s handling of Ukraine. Do not pay attention when RepubliKKKlans vote in favor of aid for Ukraine. They are all hypocrites, and when traitor trump returns to the White House, Ukraine will be readily delivered to Russia with a bow on it while all RepubliKKKlans will sign the “Welcome Back, Russia. We Missed You!” card. Actually, the true state of RepubliKKKlan beliefs regarding Ukraine resides in what Marjorie Taylor Greene says and does; she is the authentic barometer of RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, and QAnon kook sentiment on Ukraine.

All that being said, the West must do more for Ukraine. The authors of the article I quoted above were absolutely correct; although Russia is losing the fight as the situation stands now, it does not mean Ukraine and the West are winning. I hope the West truly understands the gravity of this moment. Not only must they do more to support Ukraine, but they must realize they have to do more to counter the threat of Putin. Forcing a Russian withdrawal from Ukraine is not enough and it absolutely must not be the end game! Hell! F****ing! No! It is only the first step. Unfortunately, this is where the weakness of the West and liberal democracies cripple the world: Democratic nations fail to kick dictators while they’re down. The West should be willing to beat the sh*t out of Putin. Full stop! But, no. I have no doubt that if Putin comes to his senses — however unlikely — and decides to negotiate a peace settlement, then the West will do everything it can to help Putin back up and try to convince him to return to the world order as a “good” global citizen, reflecting, once again, a profound inability of the West to learn from even the most immediate history. Putin must be removed from power. Anything short of that is failing to do enough! Sadly, the West always falls short of doing the right thing — completely!

Bleed the MAGA Morons Dry — They Deserve It

As Salon writes, “Donald Trump’s PAC sent a fundraising email touting the construction of a new private jet, dubbed ‘Trump Force One,’ hours after Trump’s plane was forced to make an emergency landing over the weekend, according to Insider. … Hours after the incident was reported, the Trump Save America PAC sent a fundraising email about a ‘very important update on his plane,’ according to Insider. ‘Do you want to see the new Trump Force One?’ the email asked, with a link to a site that asks for monthly recurring donations of up to $2,500. … Critics called out the self-proclaimed billionaire for bilking his supporters of money to pay for a new private jet.”

If you are a RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, or QAnon kooks or (likely) all of the above, then please, by all means, give your entire life savings to traitor trump and all the other grifters. Please! You are all m*****f***ing G.D. moronic suckers, and these grifters have your number, so please give, give, give until you starve and die, and ultimately you can’t vote! Welcome to stupid America. Forty percent prime stupid!

Another Thing I Nailed!

The headline of a Washington Post article reads: “Missouri lawmaker seeks to prohibit residents from obtaining abortions out of state.” The article goes on to say, “The measure could signal a new strategy by the antiabortion movement to extend its influence beyond the GOP-led states poised to enact tighter restrictions if the Supreme Court weakens its landmark precedent upholding abortion rights. … Now, a prominent antiabortion lawmaker in Missouri, from where thousands of residents have traveled to next-door Illinois to receive abortions since Missouri passed one of the country’s strictest abortion laws in 2019, believes she has found a solution.” More from Newsweek, “A Missouri state lawmaker has proposed a bill that would allow private citizens to be sued for aiding women who get out-of-state abortions. If it makes its way through the legislative process, the measure, which is currently awaiting debate in the House, could allow any private citizen in Missouri to sue someone who assisted a fellow Missourian in obtaining an abortion in another state. … Coleman’s measure is reportedly piggybacking off of a recent antiabortion law in Texas that prohibits most abortions in that state after the six-week mark of pregnancy. In addition to opening the door for lawsuits for aiding with out-of-state abortions, the Missouri bill would also make it illegal to manufacture or distribute abortion pills in the state.”

And allow myself to quote myself from a post dated May 2021, “Once SCOTUS effectively kills Roe next year, the next goal will be to criminalize women’s movement in states where abortion is illegal to other states to undergo the procedure legally. Mark my words, f***tards. You can take this next step to the bank.” So! I nailed it! I nailed it! I nailed it! You heard it here first — a year ago! Except, I will admit that Missouri is not waiting on SCOTUS; they are taking a page from Texas’ abortion bill, which SCOTUS has provided (not so) tacit approval. And I will grant that this proposal is not law — yet. But the notion is now out there for every other RepubliKKKlan legislature to witness. Look, morons of America. My calling for this next step in the war against women and civil liberties was particularly easy and not all that creative or original. (For the extreme nerd, peruse this legal scholarly article on abortion.)

Look around you, f***tards! America is heading toward a less free country thanks to SCOTUS, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kook. The country’s move toward a more restrictive and bigoted nation is also facilitated, in part, by apathetic and moronic voters who are just too f***ing stupid to be bothered with fighting for America’s democracy. And don’t get me started about the inability of dumbass Democrats to mount a ruthless fight to protect our democracy and freedoms! Ukrainians — soldiers, civilians, teenagers, grandmothers — are standing up to Russia and dying to defend their democracy. Yet, Americans are too f***ing G.D. lazy to get informed and vote as if their lives depended on it, which people will start realizing is no longer a cliché. What kind of country will America become wherein a woman can no longer travel outside her state to perform a legal medical procedure? You see what’s happening here, I hope? Women will soon have no freedom of movement. They will be assumed into bodily servitude under the state in which they were born. There is no bottom to conservatives’ desires to control women and minorities through their fundamentalist religiosity.

I could say I hate to boast about being right, but I won’t. Part of the point of this blog is to scream at the world about everything I see happening now and coming in the future that the rest of the country just kinda shrugs off. Whatever! We get the government we deserve, and we’re about to feel the pain of our choices (or indifference) in spectacular fashion, especially for women and minorities. Next is LGBTQ rights, which are already under attack across several states. It is coming! RepubliKKKlans are coming for your rights! Make my words, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America! Always dumber!

I Am a Biden Defender Now

Rather than qualify all my future posts with an admission that I was a fierce critic of Biden’s first year, especially regarding his domestic policies and legislative failures, I will state my unequivocal change of mind here in one post. I will not belabor the details of my past frustration with him in this space; you can search my past rantings. Biden is now a wartime president, and he has shown incredible ability to rally the Allies to counter Russian aggression. He is the world leader for which America has been waiting, and, in my mind, there is no other pressing issue, no other monumental task toward which Biden (and every American) should focus; that task is to save Ukraine and save democracy around the world. All that being said, I will continue to assail dumbass Democrats for their incompetence because they are about to hand RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump permanent political control at a time of the highest peril for America and democracy. As always, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon kook, and the like are all traitors to America, without exception! Welcome to stupid America!

I Hate Religious Morons!

Of course, the End Timers are starting to come out of the woodwork. As Raw Story tells, “[F]ormer televangelist Pat Robertson, who came out of his retirement to weigh in on the situation, sees something even grander in the whole affair — according to him, Vladimir Putin is being willed by God to conduct the invasion, as a way of triggering the End Times. ‘I think you can say, well, Putin’s out of his mind, and yes, maybe so,’ said Robertson. ‘But at the same time he’s being compelled by God. He went into Ukraine, but that wasn’t his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately. … You read your Bible, because it’s coming to pass.’” Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! I forgot about these f***tards! But here we are. As if the world doesn’t have enough to worry about with WW III, a significant proportion of Americans are willing this calamity to happen as a means to usher in the End Times, which is all B.S. f***tardary.

Do you know how long morons of humanity have been predicting the end of the world? Forever! And it occurs with every actual and impending catastrophe. Almost as soon as the ink dried on the Book of Revelations, people looked to various events as singling the Apocolypse. These events include the fall of the Roman Empire in the West, the fall of the Roman Empire in the East, every time Muslims entered Europe, every time the plague hit Medieval Europe, the Crusades I thru VIII, the American Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Cold War, Y2K, 9/11, COVID, to name a select few off the top of my head. Add to that every and all astronomical peculiarities, which are not limited to the following: Halley’s Comet appearances, Blood Moons, any variety of planetary alignments, so on and so forth. You get the idea. Given any Earthly and not-so-Earthy sign, everyone’s predicting the end of the world all the time. This Robertson guy is no different. He’s just adding to the problem because when Christians believe the end is coming, they are far less likely to care about preventing the worst from happening, which is ironic. After all, everyone thinks they are the chosen ones to be raptured. Yeah, not so much. Yet! Somehow! After 2000 years, the world has not ended! Moreover, the Bible repeatedly warns against following false prophets. Yet, it seems that all Christians in America do, with traitor trump being the most prominent and all these other evangelical mega-church, TV charlatans being constant grifters. God! F*** me! I live in stupid hell! Only in trump stupid America!

CPAC: A Traitors’ Convention

Recall the picture above from a 2017 CPAC ensemble of traitors. The 2022 CPAC is absolutely no different, as key speakers like traitor trump, traitor Charlie Kirk, traitor Candace Owens, and traitor Tulsi Gabbard sing Putin’s praises and minimize the Ukrainian war. Their silence or lack of a full-throated denunciation of Putin as a war criminal is the same as condoning his actions. It is the wink-and-nod approval, and they know it. The New York Times writes, “Geoffrey Kabaservice, a historian of the Republican Party, said some [most] conservatives are enthralled by ‘cheering on Putin as he wrecks the liberal order and makes all those smarty-pants experts cry.’” Of course! It’s just all snowflake resentment. And you know what? We execute traitors in America!

I will give traitor Kirk credit for one thing he said about Ukraine as being a country with “cities we can’t pronounce, places that most Americans can’t find on a map.” Yup! No doubt he couldn’t, and everyone else in that convention couldn’t find Ukraine on a map because they’re all f***ing morons of the highest m*****f***ing G.D. order. Those f***tards couldn’t find the U.S.A. on a map of North America. That’s how stupid RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are. Their stupidity is incomprehensible and boundless. And the traitors love to meet regularly to prove it! Unfortunately, these f***tards comprise 40 percent of the American population, and as I have been saying for years now: America is too stupid to survive because we don’t do anything about these people; we just allow them to breed unabated! And then we are surprised when vermin infect the country? Welcome to stupid America!

I Wish Traitor [T]rump Would Just Die Already!

As Rolling Stone reports, “Missiles fell, lives were lost, and millions of civilians hoped to escape with their lives as Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an attack on Ukraine. It’s a war, a humanitarian crisis, a tragedy, a horror, and a time when real journalists are counted on to provide timely, accurate, and pertinent information. Or, as Fox News saw it, it was a perfect time to host Donald Trump for him to spew the same tired bullshit he does any time anyone hands him a microphone. And spew he did. Trump dialed into Laura Ingraham’s program, and while the screen showed the night sky in Kyiv, the former president turned full-time shitposter prattled through his usual string of petty grievances. Taking a cue from Ingraham, Trump claimed Putin’s invasion was the result of the Biden administration’s ‘weakness,’ ‘incompetence,’ and ‘stupidity.’ At that point, Trump had been talking for exactly 15 seconds and without falsely claiming to have won the 2020 election, so, naturally, he shifted course. ‘And it all happened because of a rigged election.’”

I have never hated a person and wished for that person to die more than traitor trump — and, well, I guess every MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, evil evangelical, and QAnon kook too, if I’m to be absolutely honest. I am astonished — yet not — that traitor trump takes the beginning of war in Europe as an opportunity to b*tch about losing the 2020 election — again. But what really pissed me off listening to the idiot leader of the RepubliKKKlan Party is how “angry” he was over the situation. He wasn’t angry at Putin for invading. Oh, no! Rather, he was angry at — wait for it, wait for it — Biden’s administration for their “weakness,” “incompetence,” and “stupidity.” Granted, I will be the first one to admit that I have used all these words to describe Biden, his administration, and Democrats, but I have never said such things as it relates to how Biden is handling Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Nor would I ever say such things, especially now that we are engaged in war, and make no mistake: America is now at war with Russia, f***tards. There is no other interpretation. Even so, I would not be bothered if people did criticize Biden’s handling of the situation, but what I will not tolerate is choosing Putin over Biden. That is treasonous, and 40 percent of Americans are G.D. m*****f***ing traitors of the highest f***ing order! Nonetheless, here we have traitor trump, traitor Faux News, traitor RepubliKKKlans, traitor MAGA morons, traitor evil evangelicals, traitor QAnon kooks, all lining up to blame Biden and defend Putin. Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t with the m*****f***ing G.D. treasonous stupidity in America. It hurts my brain.

Oh, but the hurt from the stupid continues as Business Insider reports, “‘You know what’s also very dangerous is you told me about the amphibious attack by Americans,’ Trump mistakenly said on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’… ‘You shouldn’t be saying that, because you and everybody else shouldn’t know about,’ Trump continued. ‘They should do that secretly, not be doing that through the great Laura Ingraham.’… ‘No, those are the Russians,’ Ingraham replied.” OMG! Traitor trump thought the U.S. sent troops into the war zone. As usual, traitor trump has no clue about anything. And, as usual, he just wings it with his “knowledge” and “expertise” while claiming to be a f***ing genius, and half of Americans always believe him. He’s the “genius” for whom they’ve been waiting. He is a world-class bullsh*tter, and Americans love him for it! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore. Traitor trump is the dumbest person on the planet, and he’s the leader of the dumbest political party on the planet that attracts the dumbest people on the planet — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon kooks, and any other traitor trump lovers I may be missing. They’re all dumber than my morning sh*t!

I am angry, too. (In case you could not sense it.) You’re G.D. right that I’m livid! I’m angry at Putin for plunging the world into war because of his white grievance male fragility — just like 40 percent of Americans. I’m angry at traitor trump et al. for abetting and enabling Putin at every turn during his administration and now. I’m angry at every traitor American citizen who loves Russia and traitor trump more than America and democracy. I’m angry at how abjectly stupid America has become to have elected traitor trump in the first place and is destined to do again in 2024! Yeah! I’m f***ing angry this morning. There is a much larger picture developing worldwide that I will not dive into now, which is also fueling my outrage. I’ll save my thoughts for another post, but suffice it to say, today is the first day the world will truly be lining up on the side of democracy or autocracy. I’m not so sure Americans will choose democracy. Welcome to stupid America!

White Man’s Grievance: Putin’s War

An article from The New York Times, “Word by Word and Between the Lines: A Close Look at Putin’s Speech,” does an excellent job of dissecting Putin’s Monday national address. The byline reads: “In an impassioned address about Ukraine, Russia’s leader laid bare grievances old and new.” And the lead-in paragraphs start, “In a long and heated address on Monday, Vladimir V. Putin, Russia’s president, spun a narrative whose implications sprawl well beyond his stated purpose of recognizing the independence of two Ukrainian territories held by Moscow-backed separatists. Mr. Putin’s speech was awash with hard-line Russian nationalism, angry paranoia toward the West, baseless claims of Ukrainian aggression, a sense of lost imperial pride on the verge of reclamation and, most of all, invocations of history, much of it distorted or fabricated.”

Suffice it to say, Putin is like every other white male (and female) conservative here in the U.S. in that he’s just another white aggrieved snowflake yearning for the yesteryears when white straight males ruled the world and told everyone else how to live their lives, which is all being powered by his toxic masculinity to top it off. Unbelievable that the war with Ukraine is all because of Putin’s white male fragility. Just like traitor trump! No wonder they love each other. No wonder RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks revere Putin, love Russia, and love authoritarianism more than Biden, America, and democracy. Forty percent of America is nothing but a reflection of Putin’s and traitor trump’s snowflake grievances. As I have said so many times, traitor trump held up a mirror to Americans, and they fell in love with the reflection. Putin is doing the same to Americans, and they are falling in love all over again. Moreover, Putin’s stated aim is to undermine and weaken America’s democracy, and sadly we have the same 40 percent of the population who oblige Putin daily because they are all f***ing traitors! Un-f***ing-believable! America is truly too stupid and cannot survive the [T]rump Party-Putin alliance. I expected nothing less. Hey, Putin, traitor trump, and all your devotees: F*** your fragile, snowflake feelings! You people are weak and morons. And one last piece of advice for all you American Putin-lovers. Take your Second Amendment right, stick it in your mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger! Welcome to stupid America!

When Will Someone Kill the Traitors?

According to The Hill, “Former President Trump on Tuesday called Russia’s recognition of two breakaway territories in eastern Ukraine a ‘genius’ move ahead of its military invasion. In an interview on ‘The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show,’ Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics in eastern Ukraine on Monday was ‘smart’ and ‘pretty savvy.’”

Right on cue, Putin starts a war, and the leader of the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks can’t wait to praise him for it. I really can’t even anymore. I just can’t. Everything speaks for itself, and that guy will be in charge of the country again in a few years. Like I’ve been saying, Biden is the intermission to the end of America’s democracy as evinced by the bromance between dictator Putin and wanna-be dictator traitor trump. In his first term, the orange man still had his dictator training wheels on, but Putin is showing him how it’s done for when traitor trump wins in 2024. I’m telling you, people. Traitor trump is the “strongman” “leader” America wants — 40 percent of Americans, that is but more than enough. Mark my words!

Oh, but wait! The list of traitors does not stop with the orange man. Mike Pompeo is another. From Salon, “For his part, Pompeo, who has touted Putin as ‘talented’ and ‘savvy’ in recent weeks, is the only living former secretary of state who has used the leadup to the Russian invasion of Ukraine to extol the Russian leader while criticizing President Joe Biden. As McClatchy notes, while former foreign policy chiefs like Condoleezza Rice have called Putin’ megalomaniacal,’ Pompeo has praised him as ‘very shrewd’ and ‘very capable.’ Russian media outlets have noticed, replaying clips of Pompeo’s Putin praise on state TV.” Yeah! Um, any time your comments get used on Russian state TV as support for Putin’s actions, then you’ve just become a useful idiot traitor. I watched Pompeo’s C-SPAN interview. He was literally gitty with praise for Putin. Un-f***ing-believable. P.S. Pompeo’s sudden weight loss looks like wasting from AIDS. I hope he gets tested regularly. I don’t know for sure either way. But I’ve seen no evidence that he doesn’t have AIDS. It’s up to him to confirm the truth of what may or may not be his HIV status. I’m just saying. It looks suspicious.

So, the likes of traitors trump and Pompeo are the future leaders of America — assuming Pompeo starts getting treatment for what appears to be advanced AIDS. But these guys — among other conservatives — are people of power in America. They love Russia more than America, and 40 percent of Americans totally respect that. Another 10 to 20 percent don’t care either way, so long as nothing interrupts their Facebook and Twitter time! Oh, well! America is too stupid to survive because these are the people Americans like to see in power — Putin lovers! Welcome to stupid America! Soon to be a client-state of Russia!

U.S.S.R. in the U.S.A.

An opinion piece in Newsweek by Tom Rogers nails it! He writes, “In the United States, while it goes unrecognized, we have our own USSR—a collective of red states that are bound together in our union benefitting from the very socialism they claim to disdain, but which is so apparent they must be termed ‘The Union of Socialist States of Red.’ … However, the real champions of redistributing wealth in a way that takes money from those who pay a much bigger share of the federal tax burden and channels it to those who shoulder considerably less in federal taxes are Mitch McConnell and his Republican red state ‘comrades.’ It is the blue states like New York, California, Connecticut and Massachusetts which pay into the federal government far greater amounts of federal tax revenue than what they get back from the federal government. Moreover, it is states like McConnell’s home state of Kentucky that pay far less in taxes to the federal government than what they actually get back. … What is remarkable is that even states like Texas with a huge economy get back more than they send to the federal coffers. Yet, Texas Senator Ted Cruz throws around the ‘socialist’ attack on blue state Democrats as much as anybody. So, one can surmise the way Republicans see it, as long as you are redistributing income back to their state disproportionally it is not wealth redistribution socialism, but if it is money going to lower and middle-class citizens as part of a social safety net then it is. … Democrats ought to be far better deflecting the all too often used ‘socialist’ attack with the compelling argument that their party stands for fairness for working families, while red state Republicans are advocates of diverting federal funds under a socialist game plan. However, given that key swing states Democrats need are beneficiaries of how income tax revenue is currently redistributed, the argument would need to be put forward in a way which simply points out Republicans in fact support the very ‘socialist’ practices they criticize. This disproportionate levying of taxes on blue states relative to what they get back is one of the key policy arguments in favor of allowing high tax blue states to get a federal tax deduction on their state and local taxes, though at this point that seems like a dead issue.”

I quoted quite a bit of the article, but it was worth the space because he absolutely gets it. This has long been a topic about which I get utterly apoplectic, especially when it comes to dumbass Democrats being abjectly incompetent at deflecting the s-word attacks from RepubliKKKlans back at them. What Rogers rightly pointed out is that American socialism, whereby the richest blue states subsidize poor and rich red states, has been well-known by the Democratic Party leadership for decades. Nonetheless, RepubliKKKlans consistently label Democrats the “Socialist Party,” and, infuriatingly, dumbass Democrats always let them get away with it. Look, there is really only one fervent socialist that caucuses with the Democrats — Bernie Sanders. And so be it! Fine! Whatever! But dumbass Democrats should not be complacent with allowing the label to stick as they have been doing for — again — decades!

For whatever reason morons of America are deathly afraid of the s-word even though they are perfectly fine with the socialist programs already embedded within our system such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. These are s-word programs because people, especially every retired person, definitely use more services than they’ve paid into. Funny how people love the re-distribution of other people’s wealth back to themselves — I’m talking to you red states, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks — but God forbid liberals or Democrats get anything even though we pay more. F***! Once again, it just demonstrates that Democrats are completely incapable of fighting with the political ruthlessness required to keep America’s democracy from dying. As I say constantly: America is f***ed and our democracy is screwed because RepubliKKKlans want to kill the country and Democrats will let them. Of course! I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!