MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Idiots Voted for More Swamp

From Politico, “Since April, the House Oversight Committee has been investigating why the crew on the C-17 military transport plane made the unusual stay — both en route to the Middle East and on the way back — at [traitor trump’s] luxury waterside resort, according to several people familiar with the incident. But they have yet to receive any answers from the Pentagon.” I thought traitor trump was going to drain the swamp? Naturally, only in the eyes of his MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters do they think he has. With any other (Democratic) president the idiot mob would be enraged at the notion of the president taking taxpayers’ money to enrich himself. Because it’s traitor trump there is silence. Welcome to trump stupid America where hypocrisy is our middle name. God! This country is so f***ing stupid that I can’t stand it anymore. Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people! No one cares! Fan-f***ing-fastic!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

All RepubliKKKlans and MAGA Morons Are Retards: Study

A recent research study concludes: ” Previous research revealed that cognitive abilities are negatively related to right-wing and prejudiced attitudes. … Results from 2 adult samples (n = 409 and 574) in which abilities scores were collected in individual testing sessions, revealed that emotional abilities are significantly and negatively related to social-cultural and economic-hierarchical right-wing attitudes, as well as to blatant ethnic prejudice. These relationships were as strong as those found for cognitive abilities. For economic-hierarchical right-wing attitudes, emotional abilities were even the only significant correlate. It is therefore concluded that the study of emotional abilities has the potential to significantly advance our understanding of right-wing and prejudiced attitudes.” In other words, right-wingers are emotional (feeling) and cognitive (thinking) f***ing G.D. morons of the highest order. So much stupidity everywhere. Everywhere stupid people!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic Religion as Retardation RepubliKKKlans

Only American-style “Christianity”

According to a headline from the Christian Post: “Alyssa Milano sparks debate with Ted Cruz on Bible, guns and Bill of Rights.” There is only one thing dumber than RepubliKKKlans, dumber than MAGA morons, and dumber than traitor trump — conservative Christians, with liberal Christians, ranking only marginally smarter than MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and the like. I don’t give one G.D. f*** how many idiots I insult; Christians (Evangelicals in particular) are generally stupid people who are easily duped by fairytales and magical thinking, while consumed with racism and bigotry! One would be wiser and more worthy of being a member of society in practicing humanism. Only do American Christians defend owning weapons of war and slavery — yes, slavery. The bible was used to justify owning people and trust me when I say that many Americans still believe the justification to be true, which is why America will never get past its original sin. The biggest problem America has is with its religiosity. It’s the religion, stupid! Welcome to trump stupid America! The largest collection of religious f***tards on the planet!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

A Country of F***tards Elected Down Syndrome Donald [T]rump As President

From Axios, “President Trump on Tuesday presented a doctored version of an official National Hurricane Center map of Hurricane Dorian’s path that appeared to show Alabama in the eye of the storm. … Presumably, the loop was drawn on the map to make it appear as though Trump’s false claim that Alabama was in the storm’s path was true. (The National Weather Service has since debunked the claim.)” This is what the country has been reduced to accepting as perfectly normal, but then again what should I be expecting from a country of f***tards (RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons) that are allowed to vote? Welcome to the dumbest country on the planet. Dumber today than yesterday and the day before that! This is a trump stupid country.

U.S. President Donald Trump references a map held by acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan while talking to reporters following a briefing from officials about Hurricane Dorian in the Oval Office at the White House Sept. 4, 2019 in Washington, D.C.
Source: Time
MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Precisely Why This Site Exists

On RawStory (again this is not journalism), “‘He’s just not good on facts, he’s not good on history, he’s not good on the Constitution — and 40 percent of Americans love him for it.’” Bingo! And this is the world I have to wake up to every morning: a country full of f***ing G.D. morons of the highest order. Just bring it already. Seriously! Let’s finish this Civil War II — idiots (RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons) vs non-idiots (everyone else)! Then the non-idiots can move on with making America smart again! Welcome to trump stupid America! Just! Absolutely! F***ing! Stupid!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

RepubliKKKlans on Traitor [T]rump: Silence

From Axios, “‘The image [of the Irian space center crash] … is almost certainly highly classified, experts said, and bears markings that resemble those made by intelligence analysts.’ … Trump said: ‘I just wish Iran well. They had a big problem. And we had a photo. And I released it, which I have the absolute right to do.’” Where’s the outrage from RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons over traitor trump literally spilling state secrets? It doesn’t f***ing matter if he has the absolute right, he should have not done it. There was absolutely no point in doing so except to confirm to our enemies America’s capabilities for spying. This is un-f***ing-believable! Now, if the “black man” had done it then I have no doubt RepubliKKKlans would start impeachment proceedings. Since this is a trump stupid country, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons suddenly condone everything the traitor does. This country is so f***ed up because it is so f***ing G.D. stupid. Beyond stupid, actually. I seriously have no idea how it manages to function on a daily basis given people elected the dumbest person on the planet to be president. Welcome to stupid America. Just when I think it can’t get any dumber, it does.

International Indigestion MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Hong Kong Fights for Democracy (for the World)

CNN reports, “Police and protesters faced off in Hong Kong for the 13th consecutive weekend of pro-democracy protests, amid plumes of tear gas and scattered fires. Over a long night of violent clashes, police fired two warning shots skyward, and rolled out a water cannon for the second time this summer. Protesters threw petrol bombs and other objects.” I hope the idiots of America appreciate that Hong Kong seems to be the only citizenry willing to fight for its own democracy (and democracy across the world). Then we have morons of America that can’t even stand up to the minority of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. Nope! In fact, this country with its hoards of f***tards keeps electing and re-electing RepubliKKKlans into office to make the lives of everyone else worse. Yet, the collective reaction of America’s citizenry is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. What a pathetic, stupid, and weak country. Maybe the U.S. should be ended because we can’t even agree on basic facts like guns kill people, climate change is not a hoax, and traitor trump is not a f***ing genius. Welcome to stupid America! Too dumb to function!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

It’s the Guns, Stupid!

CNN headline reads, “A shooting rampage that left 5 dead in West Texas started with a traffic stop.” I wonder how idiot RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are going to spin this mass shooting. My guess is this incident will prove to have been spontaneous in which case Second Amendment nutjobs will have even fewer arguments to make. Is the country supposed to be fearful that every traffic stop could turn into another shooting massacre? It appears that people on the highway were being shot, so how would arming one’s self, in this case, have helped, really? By randomly shooting at other cars while driving? Everything comes back to the obvious problem, which this country is too m*****f***ing stupid to understand. It’s the guns, stupid! I can’t scream anymore because this country is so f***ing stupid that it just doesn’t matter. Everyone with a gun should go kill themselves and save the rest of us from their impending stupidity! Once again, I can’t wait for nothing to change! Welcome to trump stupid America!

P .S. From Newsweek, “Deadly Texa Shootings Happen on the Eve of New Relaxed Texas Gun Laws Taking Effect Sunday in the State.” F***ing! Dumbest! State! In! The! Dumbest! Country! On! The! Planet!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Succession vs. WWE Raw

Source: Axios

I love this graph because it essentially compares the viewing tastes of intelligent, sophisticated vs mindless, redneck fans. I watch Succession faithfully; it is a brilliant show with great writing and a germane subject matter. It requires a bit of thoughtful engagement; that is to say, one has to actually be able to think about what is going on in the show to appreciate it. Of course, there is the flip-side — mindless fake “wrestling.” How perfect for RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. Although the map does not perfectly correlate to the typical red-blue political map, one gets the gist that people in the South and rural areas, for example, are too stupid to watch anything other than “rasling” (the literate-challenged pronunciation). It’s not difficult watching two people go at it in a center ring. Welcome to trump stupid America where mindlessness is considered the height of entertainment.

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Pathetic! We Deserve This

A CNN headline reads, “Judge rejects House Democrats’ request to fast-track Trump tax return case.” The article further states, “‘The Committee’s request comes seven weeks after it first filed the Complaint. The Court does not fault the Committee for its time and efforts negotiating with the Administration before suing, but it is not clear why only now the Committee asks for expedited consideration of this matter,’ McFadden [the judge] wrote Thursday.” As usual, dumbass Democrats have f***ed their oversight duties and litigation seven ways to Sunday because they are just f***ing G.D. weak and pathetic people who have no f***ing clue how to play hardball. The same day the new House was sworn in they should have dropped subpoenas at the doorstep of every White House (past and present) employee. They should have had lawsuits ready to go and filed on day one. But, no. Instead, they wasted nine months trying to play nice with the administration by “requesting” documents multiple times under some f***ed-up illusion that traitor trump was ever going to cooperate. I give up! They need to f***ing declare impeachment proceedings to force the courts to start enforcing subpoenas. But, again, no. Pelosi is weak and too afraid of upsetting the RepubliKKKlans. Hello, morons! RepubliKKKlans are always upset about everything. Democrats are going to lose the presidential election anyway, so they literally have nothing to lose by impeaching traitor trump now. Democrats are just as stupid as RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. They are weak and will never win. Four more years! I can’t wait. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!