We’re on Our Way to War

Hello, stupid America! We’re on our way to war! And here I thought MAGA morons voted for traitor trump, in part, to keep America out of unnecessary Middle East interventions. Stupid me! Every time a RepubliKKKlan gets voted into office we go to war and waste a $1 trillion and then some. Welcome to stupid America! Right on schedule to making things worse. Yeah, we deserve this — because apparently, the country is too f***ing stupid to learn from the mistakes of the last 3 RepubliKKKlan presidents!

A Country of Morons Elects a “Stable Genius”

New York Magazine headline reads, “Trump Calls Himself ‘Extremely Stable Genius,’ Demands Staffers Tell Press How ‘Calm’ He Is.” This is the level of complete absurdity America has reached. Thank you so much MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans for bringing down the collective IQ of the country with a president that bearly functions above mentally retarded. I feel dumber each time I hear him. Every day traitor trump says or does something that evinces he has no f***ing clue what he’s doing, yet 42% think he really is a f***ing G.D. genius. As usual, everything is about himself first and country second. I give up! Welcome to stupid America! This country is stuck on permanent stupid!

Uncontrollable American Stupidity

From CNN: “The President is doing what he always does when he’s in a dark political corner: fight harder than any man alive, adopting a relentless strategy of total political warfare and lashing out in a way that may ultimately be self-defeating.” Just another scene in the traitor trump Scheiße-show and apparently 42% of idiots in this country keep thinking this is the best entertainment since the end of GoT. This relentless do-nothing president and administration is exactly what MAGA morons and f***ard RepubliKKKlans want. This is all one big comical trainwreck that these people desire to detract them from their own trainwreck of a life. Welcome to stupid America where stupidity is the entertainment!

Only in Stupid America: In One Chart

This Axios chart shows just how f***ing stupid people are; the article goes on to summarize, “President Trump is acting true to history. Every Republican president since Reagan has left office with a budget deficit higher than the one he inherited. Clinton and Obama, by contrast, left office with smaller deficits.” Seriously, it is beyond comprehension and infuriating that dumbass Democrats can never capitalize on such obvious differences. WTF?

Only in stupid America do stupid people keep electing RepubliKKKlans to be the party of “fiscal responsibility” to have them keep blowing up the budget deficit and national debt as a consequence. More proof that the RepubliKKKlan party is nothing more than the party of hypocrisy when it comes to their core beliefs. It’s un-f***ing-believable that time after time, election after election the RepubliKKKlan party runs as the fiscally conservative party, and the f***tards in this country continue to believe them when in reality it is the Democratic party that shows more fiscal responsibility. Jesus-f***ing-Christ in all of Heaven and on Earth! The RepubliKKKlan party has been one long 40-year con-job and most of America has fallen for it! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. I give up. I guess one can’t change f***ing G.D. stupid and all the MAGA morons that go with it. Welcome to stupid America!

Traitor [T]rump Is the Smartest Moron in the Room

Axios reports, “Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said he will fight any federal plans that include ‘dumping’ hundreds of migrants in southern Florida from the U.S.-Mexico border — even if that means taking it to President Trump directly, reports the AP.” Does traitor trump really have any clue to what he’s doing? Seriously! What does he hope to accomplish? Anger RepubliKKKlan allies? I guess so. It’s funny how traitor trump thinks he’ll be punishing Democratic strongholds in Florida by “dumping” immigrants into their cities as if people will stay confined within Democrat’s “borders.” The only thing he’s going to accomplish is pissing off white people in Florida, who are uber sensitive to their whiteness and the brownness surrounding them. I can’t wait for them to realize that under traitor trump there seem to be even more brown people in their neighborhoods. One cannot make this Scheiße up, but this must be the plan to win re-election among his f***tard MAGA morons: he made things worse the first four years, so they better re-elect him to fix things in the next four. Welcome to stupid America!

Traitor [T]rump the War President

Fan-f***ing-tastic! From Axios, “The plan was reportedly presented during a meeting about the Trump administration’s broader Iran policy, attended — among others — by Bolton, CIA director Gina Haspel, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. It’s unclear if President Trump has been briefed on the details of the plan, which did not call for a land invasion of Iran, but requested a similar number of troops involved the U.S.’ 2003 invasion of Iraq, per the Times.” Normally, I would question the reaction of MAGA morons as the once proclaimed America first, isolationist traitor trump starts the drumbeat to war, but there is no need. I know the answer: we support the president! It is contradiction, hypocrisy, blind loyalty, and uber stupidity rolled into one. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans simply do not care. They don’t. Like Hitler demanding total and complete loyalty, so does traitor trump and his supporters give it to him without question. This is the essence of a very, very stupid society. These idiots wanted someone to break the world and now they have exactly what they desired. Most of these f***tards are literally hoping for the End Times — nothing like having international politics being dictated by religious extremist morons (e.g., ISIS and Evangelicals — yeah, there is no difference!). This is the tyranny of the minority over the majority at its best. Even if I were to give traitor trump the benefit of the doubt by granting the notion he does not want to go to war he is too stupid to realize he is stumbling into one until it’s too late. Welcome to stupid America! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people! It’s the End Times alright — the end of intelligent voters in America!

Moron See, Moron Do

From Politico, “Attorney General William Barr has appointed a U.S. attorney to examine the origins of the Russia investigation and determine if intelligence collection involving the Trump campaign.” It is actually happening. Traitor trump demands an investigation into the investigators and the AG does the bidding of traitor trump as retaliation. I fully expect the results of the “investigation” will be exactly what traitor trump wants because this democracy is slipping into a dictatorship — the rule of law is gone. If the f***tards in this country have not yet figured out that everyone in his administration does exactly what traitor trump wants then I don’t know what. Seriously, I keep hearing moron pundits cautioning that some RepubliKKKlans and institutionalists will stand up to traitor trump. Hello, f***ing G.D. morons! No! Read my f***ing lips: RepubliKKKlan and institutional resistance to traitor trump have completely gone; everyone in that party and working for the administration is there to serve the whims of traitor trump and serve him only! Welcome to stupid America where morons and nut-jobs run the country while everyone else does this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This is an “oh-well” country that gets “oh-well” results. As of today, traitor trump’s job approval rating on FiveThirtyEight is 42.4%. Pathetic!

F***king Farmers

AP reports, “’Farmers I talk to, I’ve been surprised they’re supportive as they are, but I think it’s starting to wane,’ he said. ‘I’ve personally been very frustrated with it. I think it’s just a lack of a coherent plan.’” Therein lies the problem: lack of a coherent plan. Farmers helped to put traitor trump in office and I have no sympathy for them. In fact, I think they need to be the backbone that must break to help get traitor trump out of office. I have no idea what these idiots were thinking when they thought a businessman who declared several bankruptcies actually knew what he was doing in the business world, let alone international trade. So, here we are in a situation where MAGA moron f***tards elected an idiot as president and now farmers are suffering because like everything in traitor trump’s life he is winging it! Seriously! He wakes up each daying wondering what show he can put on for the morons of America and nothing more. It is that simple. The f***tard voters elected a reality star president and now we are suffering through his version of permanent sweeps week. Well, I say the farmers are not suffering enough! The only way they will withhold voting for traitor trump again is when they are too broke and demoralized to care. Welcome to stupid America!

More Morons (and Then Some)

From Axios: “Some of President Trump’s supporters in Sioux City, Iowa love liberal populist proposals. They just don’t love the 2020 Democrats as the messengers.” More proof that in the end traitor trump voters are f***ing G.D. idiots. In short, the article in Axios just goes to prove that people vote for the bright shiny object despite the issues. It really is a demonstration that dumb people vote with their amygdala rather than their frontal lobe, which I assume was lobotomized or damaged at birth, diminishing their capacity to reason regardless — that is to say they are inherently stupid. So, these voters seem to understand — however weak that comprehension may be — what policies are better for them, but because the policies are embodied in a Democrat or women (e.g., “‘The presidency is a man’s job,'” said 44-year-old Jamison P.”) then they are automatically dissuaded. It is right up there with people liking key provisions of the ACA but hating Obamacare because they are too stupid to realize they are the same thing; because the latter is named after a black man then it must mean death panels.

The article goes on to say, “The economy was the issue that came up the most among this group when discussing their top concern heading into the 2020 presidential election. And although half of the respondents thought the national economy is booming, no one said they’ve seen an increase in their own wages or financial situation.” I suppose this is going to be the equivalent of a Democrat asking voters if their lives are any better off since traitor trump became president. I am sure that MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will collectively answer: no. Then collectively vote for traitor trump again because these idiots would rather be no better off and lead by a white guy than prosper rather than live in a prosperous country lead by a woman or some other minority. Make no mistake. The only reason Obama won is because of the worst financial crisis in 80 years. We are nowhere near to repeating that event, so it’s back to white male privilege protectionism and f*** the “coloreds” mentality!

Welcome to stupid America! We’re trapped in MAGA moron land and RepubliKKKlan stupidity; it is not going to change anytime soon. The country is drowning in stupidity!

Now, a Problem?

Axios reports, “Some farmers remain hopeful that a deal can be reached, but most have had to cut costs to cope — like going without health insurance, delaying equipment purchases and crop sales, and scaling down livestock operations.” I would never wish harm on someone, but I say good! Elections have consequences, morons. Do these idiot MAGA moron farmers actually believe traitor trump gives one G.D. about how the trade war with China hurts them? I mean seriously! Do they really? Are they that f***ing stupid? The only reason we’re in this mess is because traitor trump has something to prove about being tough, never mind the startegy, tactics, and collateral damage of it all. He’s had this grudge with China since the 1980s believing that somehow being tough on China’s trade will bring back the nostalgia of the 1950s.

Does anyone know what the last administration’s strategy was to deal with China’s trade power? Anyone? Anyone at all? It was TPP! The point of that trade agreement was to help contain China’s trade dominance by forcing them to conform to more fair trade practices, but no. RepubliKKKlans killed the TPP just in time for traitor trump to win office and make things even worse with Chins. So, I say fine. Let farmers go bankrupt. Let them go without health insurance. I give up. Seriously! The only way these MAGA morns will learn is when it’s too late, and I hope that moment is before the next election so they stay home — assuming they still have a home — instead of voting for traitor trump again. They certainly will never vote for the party (Democratic) that actually wants to help them, but this is classic cultural values outweighing everything else. I swear! These MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans would rather die than vote Democratic. Welcome to stupid America!