
Ukraine Aid vs. Southern Border

Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! From Politico, “Democrats are increasingly acknowledging that pairing a bipartisan border deal with new Ukraine aid is unraveling for one major reason: Most in the party never wanted this negotiation in the first place.” This is a no-brainer, dumbass Democrats. Hello, morons! If you have to “sacrifice” the southern border for Ukraine aid, then f***ing “built that wall.” (And I say that in the abstract.) To reiterate for everyone, I am completely agnostic to immigration. Come. Don’t come. I don’t care. Preferably, come legally. And building a wall is a complete waste of money. In terms of the “issue” at the southern border, this is an optics problem as much as it is a policy problem, and dumbass Democrats are f***ing up the optics left, right, and center. And they seem to be passing up an easy win by refusing to pair border funding (or “reform”) with Ukraine aid. (Assuming RepubliKKKlans actually want a deal on the border, which in all likelihood they probably don’t, lest they lose an election red meat issue with the crazies.) Despite my views, I can say with certainty that Independents — again, the key voting block that will determine the next president — view the southern border as a f***ing mess that Biden is essentially ignoring.

And I have no f***ing clue why the Biden administration and other dumbass Democrats in leadership are bowing to the far left. Are they afraid of pissing off the Progressives? Look, they’re already pissed off because of Israel, and Lord knows what else is stuck in their craw. And if the far left thinks that protecting immigrants at the border is more important than defending democracy in Ukraine against Russian aggression, then the Democratic Party is f***ing lost. If I had to choose between the two, Ukraine would always win, and I would gladly throw immigrants under the bus to ensure Ukraine’s victory. Honestly, the Democratic Party really needs to start playing hardball with their left wing. Where else are Progressives and uber-Liberals going to go? Vote for traitor trump? Sit out the next election? Fine! Do it! At this point, I just f***ing give up. I can’t help someone if they are willing to cut off their nose despite their face. If these people want to destroy the nation because of the border, then do it. But don’t come crying and whining to me when you get your wish. Welcome to stupid America!


Dictator (Only for a Day)

From RawStory, “Former President Donald Trump didn’t directly answer Sean Hannity’s interview question about whether he would act as a dictator and punish his political enemies if given a second term, just saying that he would do some dictatorial things on ‘day one’ and then not after that. But according to Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), you shouldn’t take any of that seriously.” So, two things here. First, traitor trump is saying the quiet part out loud — again…still. Indeed, if you listen to the Hannity interview, then it is pretty clear traitor trump knows he can get away with saying such things as the audience erupts into cheers and applause. And he means it. Second, right on cue, fellow RepubliKKKlans dismiss his in-plain-sight plans to end democracy as simply traitor trump being traitor trump. Nothing to see here and nothing to worry about. There are no flashing red lights. Not only is this the mindset of all RepubliKKKlans, but it would seem a majority of Independents who will decide the next presidential election believe the same. And therein lies the problem: Too many f***tards that are too stupid to learn from the past and apprehend what’s right before their eyes. I keep telling you that America is simply too f***ing stupid to keep its democracy. And people just don’t f*** care. Mark my words, morons! The end is already here; you just haven’t realized it yet! Welcome to stupid America!


A Pound of Flesh

According to NBC News, “’ Reports of women raped — repeatedly raped — and their bodies being mutilated while still alive, of women’s corpses being desecrated, Hamas terrorists inflicting as much pain and suffering on women and girls as possible and then murdering them. It is appalling,’ the president said. … The most voluminous evidence is of bodily mutilation of sexual organs by bullet, knife or even scissors, according to an NBC News analysis of the evidence currently available. ‘They had a thing with sexual organs, both in women and men,’ a first responder told police in videotaped testimony. A woman whose job it was to open the body bags of women and prepare their bodies for burial told NBC News in an interview Monday that she saw multiple female corpses that had been mutilated. ‘They were shot in the vagina, they were shot in the breast,’ she said. ‘And this seemed like a systematic attempt at genital mutilation.’… ‘They laid a woman down and I understood that he is raping her …they passed her on to another person,’ the witness told police in a video reviewed by NBC News. ‘And he cuts her breasts, he throws it on the road they are playing with it.’”

First, Islam is the worst f***ing religion in the world — bar none. Only Muslims engage in such barbaric behavior and have spread terrorism worldwide for decades — nay, hundreds of years. Especially in the last several decades, we have been forced to suffer under the spread of Islamic terrorism, all the while having to hear disclaimers about how Islam is primarily a religion of “peace.” Muslims sure do have a weird notion of peace, and as I have written countless times previously, please show me where in the world Jews or Christians routinely inflict terrorism (e.g., 9/11) and barbarism (e.g., Sharia law whereby women are treated like second class citizens, criminals are publicly hanged, and many more religious goodies) on the rest of the world. Nowhere! It does not happen. Any Muslim who has not lost their religion for what is routinely done in the name of Islam is just part of the problem.

Second, while the generalities of the savagery described above have been known shortly after Hamas attacked Israel, the specifics are relatively new, if not more starkly and vividly presented. In light of these new accounts, what then is my opinion of Israel’s prosecution of the war in Gaza? Unchanged from before. I say root out Hamas everywhere it exists, and if civilians — innocent men, women, and children — get in the way and die as a result, then oh, f***ing well. Too bad! I really don’t give a f***. And I’m not sure why this is so confusing or complicated. The terrorist group Hamas, which is also the duly elected government of the Gaza Strip, attacked and declared war on Israel, and now Israel is taking the war to the Palestinians. I utterly fail to see the problem with this and why the world is so outraged that Israel is defending itself. (I’m sure Jew hatred explains everything.) Were Americans and the world, for that matter, all up in arms when the U.S. military firebombed Tokyo during WW II, which, by the way, killed more people than either Hiroshima or Nagasaki? No! Israel razing the Gaza Strip and the collateral damage (civilian deaths) is no different in any way. So, if Hamas felt the need to cut off the breasts of Israeli women as an act of terrorism, then I am entirely copacetic with Israel extracting many more pounds of flesh by killing Palestinian children. I am unsympathetic. An eye for an eye! It is a bromide as old as the Torah (and Bible) itself.


Ending NATO, Ending Democracy

Do morons of America even know what NATO is? Why it’s important? I doubt it because I live in stupid f***ing hell, surrounded by idiots of the highest f***ing order. Surrounded in an America that is so f***ing stupid that people elected traitor trump once, and they’re about to do it again! One thing traitor trump repeatedly threatened to do in his first term was to “leave” NATO. Now, in his second, this is a promise. And I guess I should clarify the term “leave.” A president cannot unilaterally undo a treaty, although it would appear that at least 45 percent of this sh*t-for-brains country would gladly crown traitor trump as sovereign king. Rather, traitor trump can certainly ignore our treaty obligations, and this is where Article 5 and our financial support to the organization become germane.

First, the 2 percent of our GDP contribution to NATO that traitor trump kept bitching about in his first term will end. Even this needs clarification because traitor trump constantly misstated what this 2 percent obligation actually means. He persistently insisted to (misled) Americans that we send cash to NATO nations, which is just f***ing wrong. The 2 percent requirement means that we’ll contribute to the NATO alliance by funding expenses to maintain our own military hardware and readiness, and to be able to come to the defense of other treaty members, who have mutual interests as our own. In short, we will spend money to maintain our military consistent with NATO joint requirements, be able to conduct military training exercises with other alliance nations, and be able to join NATO operations when and where required. Included in this financial obligation is helping to fund the budget. For example, NATO has a headquarters; someone has to pay for the administration of the alliance. In this sense, yes, we “send” money to the alliance along with everyone else. But we are not giving money to other countries to bolster their economy. Sadly, as with everything in this country of morons, people believe we are sending pallets of cash to foreigners. That’s not how NATO works. So, expect traitor trump to pull out of any existing NATO operations and training exercises immediately. In short, he’ll pick up his ball and run home like the petulant child that he is.

Second, we come to Article 5, which is the essence of the whole defensive nature of NATO. Without Article 5, the treaty is worthless. Traitor trump will immediately announce his intention to ignore the covenant because he just doesn’t f***ing care, just like the hoards of other f***tard Americans who don’t give a sh*t either. And no one can stop him from doing it! As the commander-in-chief, no politician, political party, or court can force him to active the military if NATO needs help. For those not familiar with Article 5, it reads as follows:

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .

The North Atlantic Treaty (1949)

This is the famous “an attack on one is an attack on all” article, for short. Notice that the wording of these paragraphs is vague, so how member nations should specifically act is not explicitly defined. And Article 5 has only been invoked once in NATO’s history, so there is not a lot of precedent. Does anyone know what event precipitated the once-in-history activation of Article 5? Any f***tard American out there know the answer to this question? Any moron in the audience have a clue? Don’t be shy. Speak up. Shout your wrong answer. Time’s up — pencils down. The answer is 9/11, and the only country that ever triggered Article 5 is The United States of America! And what did other NATO nations do when we called on them to join us to purge Al Qaeda from Afghanistan? They did not hesitate. I know morons of America like to think that our mighty nation single-handedly invaded and conquered Afghanistan in vengeance. While we were the primary military force in the coalition, it was a joint effort that included help from the U.K., Canada, and Australia, among dozens of other nations that gave support in different ways.

Fast forward 20 years, and now Americans seem hell-bent on electing a dictator who wants to essentially ignore our commitment to NATO. How ironic and utterly fitting that Americans should turn their backs on a defensive alliance that once helped us. I expected nothing less from Americans. Only in America can a populace be so f***ing ignorant, arrogant, and selfish. No wonder America is simultaneously admired and despised by the world. Because we pull sh*t like this. We are signaling a big middle finger to the rest of the world and to our allies. An international f*** you! You helped us once upon a time, but don’t expect us to return the favor! Un-f***ing-believable.

Now, I trust individual Americans do not intentionally mean to tell the rest of the world to f*** off (or maybe that is precisely what they intend), but our collective ignorance and lack of understanding of our own history make us blind and consequently stupid. What’s the outcome? An America that does not apprehend the significance of NATO and is willing to (or unwittingly) abandon the alliance that has ensured relative peace for the last 70 years. For I promise you, Russia will start invading former U.S.S.R. satellite countries in Europe (e.g., Poland), understanding that traitor trump in the White House means America will be a no-show if any NATO country invokes Article 5. Because, of course! But you know what? Maybe this sh*t-for-brains country (world) needs a good old-fashioned world war to remind themselves just how good the peace has been. There is a not-so-insignificant part of me that thinks Americans are rather bored with their lives and very likely want traitor trump — and all the chaos he’ll bring to the world — back for purely entertainment value because why not? This is what a dying democratic nation looks like! Welcome to stupid America. Too stupid to endure. Mark my words!


A ‘Warning’ from the ‘Atlantic’

The Atlantic article starts, “America survived the first Trump term, though not without sustaining serious damage. A second term, if there is one, will be much worse. Like many reporters, I’ve been operating in Casaubon mode for much of the past eight years, searching for the key to Donald Trump’s mythologies. No single explanation of Trump is fully satisfactory, although Atlantic staff writer Adam Serwer came closest when he observed that the cruelty is the point. Another person who helped me unscramble the mystery of Trump was his son-in-law Jared Kushner. Early in the Trump presidency, I had lunch with Kushner in his White House office. We were meant to be discussing Middle East peace (more on that another time), but I was particularly curious to hear Kushner talk about his father-in-law’s behavior. I was not inured then—and am not inured even now—to the many rococo manifestations of Trump’s defective character. One of the first moments of real shock for me came in the summer of 2015, when Trump, then an implausible candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, said of Senator John McCain, ‘He’s not a war hero … I like people who weren’t captured, okay?’ I did not understand how so many ostensibly patriotic voters could subsequently embrace Trump, but mainly I couldn’t understand his soul sickness: How does a person come to such a rotten, depraved thought?”

I will be honest, I did not read the entire article because it’s pointless. “A warning” is meaningless because people are too f***ing G.D. stupid to care. It won’t work, and too many important people remain silent on the terror of a traitor trump second term. We’ve been through this before in the 2016 election. If memory serves me correctly, despite every bit of traitor trump’s bad behavior during his first presidential campaign, as the article notes a particularly egregious comment about McCain, every newspaper and periodical that made a presidential endorsement urged voters to elect Hillary Clinton, except two. Of all the national, state, and local endorsements, only two backed traitor trump. And one of them was the National Enquirer, not exactly a newspaper of record. How well did that work? In typical American fashion, voters roundly ignored them. In short, all of the learned political class (I don’t mean that disparagingly) warned voters against putting traitor trump in the White House, and America, in all their infinite wisdom (that is intended to be a pejorative), did just the f***ing opposite because I live in stupid f***ing hell. And morons of America are about to do it again.

This election will be no different. People are completely unpersuadable. Add to the ennui of Americans this dearth of testimony from former traitor trump administration officials, and we are destined to put a dictator back into office. Granted, a few people from the first administration have been warning about a second traitor trump term, but there are several notable silent (or soft) voices, namely his former military leaders, e.g., Mattis and Miley. They may have been outspoken at one point, but now they are resident at the most critical moment in our history. If there are any people that citizens may heed, it would be traitor trump’s former generals, but we get crickets! Indeed, it’s all mostly crickets. These generals and protectors of the Constitution are too afraid to pipe up and protect our democracy once out of military service. But whatever! People don’t care. We are sleepwalking right into the end of our democracy. Oh, well. I’ve been warning you for over four years! Welcome to stupid America! No one cares!


Back to the Fall of Ukraine

When Russia re-invaded Ukraine in 2022, my immediate reaction was the fall of Ukraine. My argument back then was that Russia’s army was simply too big to stop, and Ukraine was too unprepared. Moreover, I did not think the Western alliance would be cohesive and forceful enough to support Ukraine. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised that all my predictions failed to materialize. Until now.

According to NBC News, “After successful campaigns to retake territory in eastern and southern Ukraine just over a year ago, Kyiv and its Western allies spent much of the first part of 2023 gearing up for a major counteroffensive. It was touted by military observers as a potentially decisive campaign to return occupied Ukrainian territories that might even threaten the Kremlin’s hold on the prized Crimean Peninsula, which has been under Russian control since 2014. But since the counteroffensive was launched in June, Ukraine has made only modest gains against heavily fortified Russian defense lines, leaving the war largely deadlocked as the fighting season nears an end. … The United States provides both Israel and Ukraine with military aid, and the breakout of a new war has raised fears about whether artillery shells and air defense missiles, once intended for Kyiv and already in short supply, would be diverted to Israel. Aid for both countries faces an uncertain path in the deeply divided Congress, and Ukraine was already facing a shortfall on what it was promised by the European Union.”

Add to this that Russia is clearly on a war footing, while the rest of the world — in particular NATO — is still in ho-hum mode. I’ve talked about this before from the beginning of the war, and that is why I have been very critical of Biden about his leadership at home on this matter: He has failed to mobilize America’s military-industrial complex, and so has Europe. (Indeed, he has been a consequential and invaluable leader on the world stage in helping the Western alliance come together behind Ukraine, but his ability to convince Americans at home has been weak, which is probably less his fault than it is having to preside over a supremely stupid, stupid electorate that is unable to apprehend the importance of the Ukraine-Russia war.) From the start, America and other allies have been spoon-feeding military hardware to Ukraine while routinely rejecting Ukraine’s requests (e.g., tanks and combat jets) until it’s too late. For months, the allies said Ukraine couldn’t have tanks; they eventually relented, but it was too late for their counteroffensive. The same can be said about fighter jets, which allies rejected for over a year until they said okay, but now it’s too f***ing late. Ukrainians needed all this sh*t 22 months ago, but noooooo! Western allies knew better than Ukraine, forcing them to constantly come hat-in-hand pleading for every scrap of military hardware, for every bullet, missile, rocket, armored vehicle, air defense system, and now, only more recently, tanks. But the damage is done because NATO and other allies have essentially given up — as I knew they would. And as I have been saying from the beginning, America and other allies have never been interested in Ukraine winning and Russia losing. The Western mindset has always been not to piss off Russia and to do just enough to keep Ukraine from losing! Full stop!

If there is one thing Putin understood more about the West than the West understood about themselves, then it is this: They could not hold the alliance together. And he was right. Granted, it took longer than he expected, but right on cue, allies have lost interest, led by America, which can’t get its f***ing act together to authorize more funding for Ukraine. (I expected nothing less when voters gave RepubliKKKlans control of the House!) So, now I’m back to saying Ukraine is going to fall. Perhaps it may not fall entirely, but I think eventually Russia will regain the upper hand to maintain a stalemate, and then they’ll just slowly start chipping away at the rest of the country as the world moves on because I live in stupid f***ing hell. What I think will ultimately happens is that Russia infiltrates Ukraine’s politics (again) to install a Russian-backed president, who will combine the country with (turn it over to) Russia a la the days of the U.S.S.R. And Ukrainians, being exhausted by years of war, will do nothing to oppose the “merger.” In the end, people just don’t f***ing care. (As I always say. Give them long enough, and people simply give up. And Putin and other dictators understand this.) And worst of all, people across the world seem to be utterly enamored with dictatorships, which is why autocracy is rising worldwide while democracy is on the back foot. People of the world are simply too stupid, too apathetic, and too f***ing lazy to do the hard work of maintaining a democracy, so dictators step in to fill the void. Welcome to stupid humanity!


LGBTQ Rights in Russia (and Worldwide)

According to the Associated Press, “Russian security forces raided gay clubs and bars across Moscow Friday night, less than 48 hours after the country’s top court banned what it called the ‘global LGBTQ+ movement’ as an extremist organization. Police searched venues across the Russian capital, including a nightclub, a male sauna, and a bar that hosted LGBTQ+ parties, under the pretext of a drug raid, local media reported. Eyewitnesses told journalists that clubgoers’ documents were checked and photographed by the security services. They also said that managers had been able to warn patrons before police arrived [That is a lie.] The ruling, which was made in response to a lawsuit filed by the Justice Ministry, is the latest step in a decadelong crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights under President Vladimir Putin, who has emphasized ‘traditional family values’ during his 24 years in power.”

People need to wake the f*** up! Russia essentially outlawed being gay, and when traitor trump returns to office, the same thing will happen in America, but people are entirely oblivious to this potential as if progress only moves forward. Little do morons of America apprehend that nations move backward all the time. Even in America, there is a very recent example of such a movement regressing. Anyone care to proffer a guess? Anyone? Anyone at all? How about abortion rights? You know! That right for a woman to have autonomy over her own body! If America can roll back that right, then I promise you that outlawing being gay is only a half step behind, led by Russia’s example. I suppose one of the most significant failings of the sh*t-for-brains country of America is that f***tards always think the worst can’t happen to them — until it does. I live in stupid hell! And once again, I call for the LGBTQ community to arm up and get ready. The civil war is coming!


Yikes! Israel Knew!

According to The New York Times, “Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show. But Israeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as aspirational, considering it too difficult for Hamas to carry out. The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named ‘Jericho Wall,’ outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people.”

And here I thought Hamas planned their invasion on the D.L., excusing Israel’s inability to prevent (or anticipate) the attack. Well, I guess I was wrong. Now, what does this mean for Netanyahu’s future? Hmmm. Let’s look at Bush II’s future after 9/11. He got re-elected even after it had become increasingly clear that Bush was made aware of the threat in an August 6 Presidential Daily Brief titled “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in U.S.” People have an uncanny way of doubling down on their support of the worst leaders because I live in stupid hell. It’s as if people refuse to be proven wrong, so they simply stay the course no matter how disastrous the ultimate outcome. I’m sure the same applies to Bibi because why not? Israel re-elected a knowingly corrupt and now proven incompetent prime minister. People never learn.


GDP on Fire: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well! Well! Well! It is obvious and evermore so manifest that Biden is the worst f***ing president possible for this economy. He is f***ing up America left, right, and center. Clearly, he can’t do anything correctly because the 5.2 percent GDP growth rate in the third quarter is destroying this country, at least in the minds of f***tard Americans, which is apparently about 67 percent of the country given recent polls indicating Biden’s poor handling of the economy. As CNBC sums up the disaster that is the Biden economy, “The U.S. economy grew at an even stronger pace than previously indicated in the third quarter, the product of a better than expected business investment and stronger government spending, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday. Gross domestic product, a measure of all goods and services produced during the three-month period, accelerated at a 5.2% annualized pace, the department’s second estimate showed. The acceleration topped the initial 4.9% reading and was better than the 5% forecast from economists polled by Dow Jones.”

I guess I should point out my sarcasm for those benighted readers who might be confused or, worse still, take me seriously. Economic report after economic report has evinced that the economy is nothing short of gangbusters quarter after quarter. Yet, f***tard Americans seem to be living on Earth II, and, naturally, everything is Biden’s fault. This begs the question: What the f*** is going on with Americans? Americans are just too f***ing G.D. stupid to apprehend the economy around them.

Sadly, you can’t tell people how to feel about the economy, even though they are supremely unable to measure (or understand) it objectively. (F**tard Americans look at gas prices and their 401K plan and think they’re a f***ing economist who graduated from MIT with a Ph.D. in the subject!) Despite the Biden administration and Democrats trying to point out all the good economic news, it is the voters who are going to tell politicians how great or poorly the economy feels to them. And that is the operative word: Feel. Therein lies the problem. People judge the economy (and consequentially Biden’s performance) based on their feelings! Fan-f***ing-tastic! I’m sure people monitor their bank accounts, and their monthly bills are unavoidable reminders of budgetary pressures. And people, no doubt, are the first ones to complain about the price of gas, eggs, and rent. I’m sure all these things are just as true today as they were yesterday, last year, during traitor trump’s term, and long before. In short, voters have always been b*tching about the economy because it’s never perfect enough, and when it’s less than perfect, these same voters inappropriately place blame on the president because — as I said — people are too f***ing stupid to apprehend how the economy works. These f***tards think Biden must be sitting in the White House with his figure on the “higher inflation, please” button.

What’s more baffling is that people seem completely oblivious to an improving economy. And by improving, I mean an economy that was growing at a 1-2 percent annual rate a couple of years ago, which any president would find satisfactory, to one that is roaring along at over 5 percent. Mind you, this is real GDP growth, which is inflation-adjusted. Moreover, people really don’t understand the concept of inflation. They don’t understand the potential drivers of inflation and the theoretical mechanisms used to combat it. In fact, I doubt the average idiot voter can even define or explain inflation. Just to be clear, defining inflation merely as “higher prices” shows a real lack of knowledge. If someone gives you this vapid, terse answer, and that is the extent of their explanation, then he or she is an idiot who truly knows nothing worth knowing.

And I might add that people’s behavior — by many economic indicators — seems completely undeterred by a perceived poor economy. They’re still spending money on travel, dining out, and discretional (perhaps frivolous) expenses. They’re b*tching about inflation endlessly, but their spending is utterly unchanged! Square that circle!


Women Need to Die!

According to The Hill, “Supreme Court justices are slated to delve into disputes surrounding abortion during their final session this year, revealing the legal battlefronts forming in the wake of the high court’s stunning decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Several key cases are headed to the justices. One is Idaho’s emergency request to fully enforce its abortion law, a ruling that is possible as soon as this week. At the justices’ Friday conference, they are scheduled to consider whether to take up an appeal seeking to overturn a Supreme Court precedent allowing laws that ban anti-abortion activists from approaching people outside abortion clinics. And at next week’s conference, the justices are slated to review whether to take up the dispute over the availability of mifepristone, the common abortion pill, which they will take up at a Dec. 8 closed-door conference. … In the matter of establishing abortion clinic ‘buffer zones,’ the Supreme Court 23 years ago ruled 6-3 that the First Amendment permitted a Colorado law prohibiting anti-abortion activists from protesting or counseling within eight feet of someone entering an abortion clinic. With most of those justices no longer on the bench, that precedent may now be on the chopping block.” Add to this list the Texas case that was argued before that state’s supreme court and you have a continued, full-on attack against women’s rights to control their own bodies. And to that, I say: Oh, well. Let them die!

Indeed, maybe women need to die. For the tens and tens of people who actually read my online, open-air therapy sessions, they will understand that I say what I mean and I say it plainly. I’ve been saying more women need to die since the end of Roe, not because I’m a misogynist or a masochist, but because this is the only way to move society. Death sells — usually — and apparently, no one pays attention unless — and until — the body count reaches some undetermined and amorphous tally. Although I will say in regards to gun control laws and the Second Amendment, there is no death tally high enough to dislodge people’s love affair with guns. I assume that the death toll of women from abortion-related healthcare will also be pretty f***ing high before voters act or care, if ever or at all. Again, as I say repeatedly: Abortion rights are always someone else’s problem. Society was completely asleep at the wheel for the years — nah, decades — leading up to the end of Roe. RepubliKKKlans were on a 50-year mission to undo the ruling, while Democrats and others were doing this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. So, these people brought it on themselves, but RepubliKKKlans are not done yet, and there is no way women are going to get anything that resembles nationwide protection of abortion rights for at least a generation (or two). Morons of America really f***ed themselves over when they elected traitor trump and allowed him to solidify a supermajority, uber-conservative SCOTUS for the next 20 years.

So RepubliKKKlans are on a mission — hand in hand with SCOTUS — to ban all abortions federally as well as ban contraception. In the meantime, SCOTUS will start rolling back other protections where they can, such as in this Idaho case. What could possibly go wrong when SCOTUS suddenly finds that women seeking abortions can be accosted and perhaps physically prevented (or sufficiently intimidated) from entering healthcare establishments, all in the name of the First Amendment? This is where we’re headed, f***tards. What are the consequences? A return to the bad old days when coat hangers were the abortion tool of choice. Unfortunately, no one cares until people start dying — in public. Sadly, morons of America simply are too apathetic to do anything until the bottom falls out of society. So, for the sake of saving society, more women need to die because that’s where we are in this sh*t-for-brains nation. Welcome to stupid America, where death sells, and everything else is just background noise to be ignored.