Purely Moronic

SCOTUS Has No Ethics — Literally

From The Hill, “The revelation this week that Virginia ‘Ginni’ Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, attended the pro-Trump ‘Stop the Steal’ rally that preceded the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol has renewed questions about Justice Thomas’s impartiality. Critics say the new detail is just the latest example of Ginni’s political activity posing an ethically troubling overlap with her husband’s judicial position. … But according to Gabe Roth, executive director of the left-leaning court-reform advocacy group Fix The Court, it would be fair to say that ‘a reasonable person might question Justice Thomas’s impartiality’ given what he described as a years-long pattern.”

The Code of Conduct for United States Judges preamble reads: “The Code of Conduct for United States Judges includes the ethical canons that apply to federal judges and provides guidance on their performance of official duties and engagement in a variety of outside activities.” And it goes on to say, “This Code applies to United States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges. Certain provisions of this Code apply to special masters and commissioners as indicated in the ‘Compliance’ section. The Tax Court, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces have adopted this Code.” What branch of the judiciary is missing from the list? Anyone? Anyone at all? Would anyone like to hazard a guess as to which branch of the judiciary exempts itself from a delineated set of ethics?

So, this is where we are in America. The highest court in the country, the literal final word on the laws of the land, and they can be as corrupt as they please before, during, and after they render any number of decisions that impact every person in America. I expected nothing less, and people wonder why SCOTUS is losing credibility and why Americans are losing faith in national institutions. Does anyone really believe that the newly minted super-conservative, super-majority SCOTUS will act ethically? The conservatives have already proved themselves unethical, and these are the people who will be re-writing the country’s laws to hurt minorities, not protect them. Fan-f***ing-tastic! I can’t wait for the corruptable and, indeed, already corrupted SCOTUS to start handing down opinions that strip people of their rights — or fails to protect them — as they sit in their ivory tower unbound by any ethical code and entirely accountable to no one, except, as it increasingly appears to be the case, beholden to conservative causes and theocratic dogma. This is what a dying country looks like! Oh, well. No one cares. I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

They’re Dying, Just Not Enough

Weekly Excess Death Rate (per 100 000) in Selected States, 2021.

In an article from The Journal of the American Medical Association, “In the past decade, the growing polarization of ‘red’ and ‘blue’ states has further widened the divide on policies ranging from Medicaid expansion and abortion to education, immigration, redistricting, unions, and criminal justice. Conservative governors increasingly use preemption, the authority to override local governments, to block liberal health policies (eg, indoor smoking bans). States have preempted local regulations on nutrition (eg, menu labeling, food deserts) and, as of 2013, 45 states had enacted statutes to limit local firearm regulations. The COVID-19 pandemic removed any doubt that state policies can affect health outcomes. East Coast states (eg, New York, New Jersey) that responded to the first wave of the pandemic in the spring of 2020 with strict protective measures achieved relatively quick control of community spread within as much as 8 weeks, and they blunted subsequent surges by reinstating those policies. In contrast, states that had spent decades opposing public health provisions were among the most resistant to COVID-19 guidelines and took active measures to resist restrictions. Some elected officials made a political issue out of challenging scientific evidence, embracing dubious theories, and labeling public health safeguards as infringements on personal freedom. Conservative governors used preemption to reverse efforts by mayors and school districts to control local transmission rates.”

In short and not surprising in the least, red states are killing their citizens, and even less incredible is that these red-state residents really don’t care. By almost every conceivable measure related to health, wealth, freedom, equality, and so forth, blue states are better for their citizenry than red states. Still, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks don’t care because of FREEDOM! I could not agree more; they should have the FREEDOM! to die quickly and often. The only problem is they are not dying in sufficiently large numbers to impact elections. RepubliKKKlans seem to be surviving enough to out-vote Democrats. Welcome to stupid America!

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Salt Lick Survey

According to The Hill, “Most Americans are opposed to state government laws that prohibit LGBTQ lessons from being taught in elementary schools, according to a new ABC News poll. The latest poll found that 62 percent of those surveyed opposed any type of legislation that prohibits LGBTQ lessons from being taught in schools, while 37 percent of those asked supported a prohibition.” Oh, this type of survey again. This is the good ole “we won’t say outright that we hate the gays, but we don’t care if states pass legislation to delegitimize them” questioning. Look, f***tards! Pollsters can ask these types of questions all day long, but take the results with a huge grain of salt, for only one thing matters: The legislation that passes. Despite most people saying they support LGBTQ causes or individuals, citizens still have no problem voting for RepubliKKKlan governors and legislators that pass laws doing just the opposite. Morons of America should know all too well by now that public sentiment and legislative actions rarely converge because we live in more of an authoritarian nation than a democracy. It is the tyranny of the minority (conservatives) over the majority (progressives). After all, Americans love to say the right things but do (or allow to be done) just the contrary — aka their true feelings. Funny how some of the most populous states in the nation (Texas and Florida) are leading the charge to marginalize and criminalize the LGBTQ community, and the “will of the people” is utterly onboard at worst and apathetic at best. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Traitor [T]rump Set to Win Because ‘Merica Stupid

According to The Hill, “The poll found that both Biden and Trump each would get 45 percent support from voters in a theoretical head-to-head in two years. … Fifty-seven percent of voters said in the poll they have an unfavorable view of Biden, while 55 percent said they had an unfavorable view of Trump. … Biden won five key states in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona that decided the race in his favor. If three of those states had flipped, Trump would have won the Electoral College. Biden defeated Trump by a little more than 10,000 votes in both Georgia and Arizona, and 20,000 votes in Wisconsin.”

The only stipulation to this poll is that the election is over two years away, but the mere trace of an indication that Biden and traitor trump are tied is incomprehensible — yet not really. As I have been screaming to all the morons of America, Biden is the intermission to traitor trump returning to office because Americans are just too f***ing G.D. stupid not to vote for traitor trump again. It does not matter that Biden will always win the popular vote — by a lot! The popular vote is not how we elect presidents in stupid America. The Electoral College gives undue influence and power to rural, conservative minority populations. And again, as I have been saying for years now, RepubliKKKlans are not going to allow the same mistakes to happen that cost them the 2020 election. They are fixing all those voting “issues” now. So, it doesn’t matter. RepubliKKKlans will make sure traitor trump steals his way into office the next time, and no one will care as his win would usher in the end of our democracy. I’ve been warning morons out there almost daily about what is happening to America. The stakes are astronomically high for this country’s survival, and people are gravitating back to traitor trump, which will ensure permanent RepubliKKKlan tyranny! Un-f***ing-believable! You people just don’t get it! I’ve tried warning you — abortion rights, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, other minority rights! Oh, well. Whatever. I expected nothing less from an idiocracy. Welcome to stupid America. Too trump stupid to survive. This level of stupid cannot be undone. Mark my words, f***tards! The end is coming!

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Bleed the MAGA Morons Dry — They Deserve It

As Salon writes, “Donald Trump’s PAC sent a fundraising email touting the construction of a new private jet, dubbed ‘Trump Force One,’ hours after Trump’s plane was forced to make an emergency landing over the weekend, according to Insider. … Hours after the incident was reported, the Trump Save America PAC sent a fundraising email about a ‘very important update on his plane,’ according to Insider. ‘Do you want to see the new Trump Force One?’ the email asked, with a link to a site that asks for monthly recurring donations of up to $2,500. … Critics called out the self-proclaimed billionaire for bilking his supporters of money to pay for a new private jet.”

If you are a RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, or QAnon kooks or (likely) all of the above, then please, by all means, give your entire life savings to traitor trump and all the other grifters. Please! You are all m*****f***ing G.D. moronic suckers, and these grifters have your number, so please give, give, give until you starve and die, and ultimately you can’t vote! Welcome to stupid America. Forty percent prime stupid!

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Another Thing I Nailed!

The headline of a Washington Post article reads: “Missouri lawmaker seeks to prohibit residents from obtaining abortions out of state.” The article goes on to say, “The measure could signal a new strategy by the antiabortion movement to extend its influence beyond the GOP-led states poised to enact tighter restrictions if the Supreme Court weakens its landmark precedent upholding abortion rights. … Now, a prominent antiabortion lawmaker in Missouri, from where thousands of residents have traveled to next-door Illinois to receive abortions since Missouri passed one of the country’s strictest abortion laws in 2019, believes she has found a solution.” More from Newsweek, “A Missouri state lawmaker has proposed a bill that would allow private citizens to be sued for aiding women who get out-of-state abortions. If it makes its way through the legislative process, the measure, which is currently awaiting debate in the House, could allow any private citizen in Missouri to sue someone who assisted a fellow Missourian in obtaining an abortion in another state. … Coleman’s measure is reportedly piggybacking off of a recent antiabortion law in Texas that prohibits most abortions in that state after the six-week mark of pregnancy. In addition to opening the door for lawsuits for aiding with out-of-state abortions, the Missouri bill would also make it illegal to manufacture or distribute abortion pills in the state.”

And allow myself to quote myself from a post dated May 2021, “Once SCOTUS effectively kills Roe next year, the next goal will be to criminalize women’s movement in states where abortion is illegal to other states to undergo the procedure legally. Mark my words, f***tards. You can take this next step to the bank.” So! I nailed it! I nailed it! I nailed it! You heard it here first — a year ago! Except, I will admit that Missouri is not waiting on SCOTUS; they are taking a page from Texas’ abortion bill, which SCOTUS has provided (not so) tacit approval. And I will grant that this proposal is not law — yet. But the notion is now out there for every other RepubliKKKlan legislature to witness. Look, morons of America. My calling for this next step in the war against women and civil liberties was particularly easy and not all that creative or original. (For the extreme nerd, peruse this legal scholarly article on abortion.)

Look around you, f***tards! America is heading toward a less free country thanks to SCOTUS, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kook. The country’s move toward a more restrictive and bigoted nation is also facilitated, in part, by apathetic and moronic voters who are just too f***ing stupid to be bothered with fighting for America’s democracy. And don’t get me started about the inability of dumbass Democrats to mount a ruthless fight to protect our democracy and freedoms! Ukrainians — soldiers, civilians, teenagers, grandmothers — are standing up to Russia and dying to defend their democracy. Yet, Americans are too f***ing G.D. lazy to get informed and vote as if their lives depended on it, which people will start realizing is no longer a cliché. What kind of country will America become wherein a woman can no longer travel outside her state to perform a legal medical procedure? You see what’s happening here, I hope? Women will soon have no freedom of movement. They will be assumed into bodily servitude under the state in which they were born. There is no bottom to conservatives’ desires to control women and minorities through their fundamentalist religiosity.

I could say I hate to boast about being right, but I won’t. Part of the point of this blog is to scream at the world about everything I see happening now and coming in the future that the rest of the country just kinda shrugs off. Whatever! We get the government we deserve, and we’re about to feel the pain of our choices (or indifference) in spectacular fashion, especially for women and minorities. Next is LGBTQ rights, which are already under attack across several states. It is coming! RepubliKKKlans are coming for your rights! Make my words, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America! Always dumber!

International Indigestion Purely Moronic

Be Careful with MSM Interpretations, People

What I am about to write may come across as being a Russian apologist, but I assure you that it is not; it is, however, a blunt assessment that will not engage in wishful thinking and not underestimate the enemy as the MSM undoubtedly appears to be doing at every hour with every broadcast on the Ukraine war. If there is one thing MSM constantly pursues is quixotic interpretations of the military aspects of the war thus far, which is very dangerous because they are setting up the public for some unexpected and heavy disappointment. I am making no pronouncements about the outcome of the war. Ultimately, I think Russia will be mired in a persistent Ukrainian insurgence situation. Of course, the humanitarian coverage is just the opposite, and rightly so: Bleak and overwhelming. But to harp on the David vs. Goliath narrative, though compelling, wholly belies the reality. And all these former American military top brass on MSNBC and CNN engaging in schadenfreude over Russian perceived ineptness is also dangerous.

Some particularly frustrating examples include the following. That G.D. 40-mile long “stalled” convey. If I have to hear commentators suggest that Russia ran out of gas and supplies or Russia can’t get their act together, then I’m going to go f***ing postal. Has it ever occurred to anyone that perhaps they stopped intentionally? Actually, Secretary of Defense Bliken admitted that yesterday. They now believe Russia has paused to regroup and re-think their Kyiv strategy, which, of course, happens because nothing ever goes according to plan after the first shot. It probably says more about the state of the war, knowing that Russia feels emboldened to pause in plain sight since the convey remains unmolested. I haven’t seen any updated satellite images of destroyed and smoldering vehicles. That d*mn convoy remains just as it was days ago. (And as I update this post, new reporting reveals that Ukrainians are harassing the convoy and that they blew up a bridge, which is causing the Russian column to stall out, so Glory to Ukraine!)

Then there are those images of a few Russian soldiers looting a grocery store because the assumption is the Russian army can’t get food to their soldiers. I saw those images, and clearly, the amount of product they were taking could not feed a squad for more than a day. Who knows. Maybe Russians were stealing HoHos and Twinkies because I’m sure those are not standard ration issue.

Next, we move on to those images of Russian equipment abandoned on the side of the road, which is supposed to indicate that the military is outdated and in chaos. Of the thousands of pieces of military hardware, some of it is going to just f***ing breakdown. It means nothing about the overall Russian military. I promise you. Ukrainians are feeling the brunt of the 99 percent of all the remaining military equipment that is working just fine!

The problem with MSM reporting and experts “analyzing” the battlefield is that they use inductive reasoning to construct wrong conclusions. One incident of soldiers stealing food means Russia can’t feed the army. Vehicles stopped in convoy means the army ran out of gas. Equipment on the side of the road means the entire military apparatus is breaking down. Look! I am by no means defending Russia, but I want people to clear away all the happy talk and focus on the real problem: Russia is advancing, albeit slowly. It may not be the American military ideal of a military operation that should have been accomplished by now, but they are advancing. This has always been a fatal flaw with Americans and the West. They have underestimated Putin for decades, and they continue to do it at this very moment. This is why people need to wake up.

Purely Moronic

Nature Always Restores Balance

From The New York Times, “Sometimes, Bruce C. Glavovic feels so proud to be an environmental scientist, studying coastal planning and teaching future researchers, that it moves him to tears. Other times, he wonders whether any of it has been enough. Scientists have proved beyond doubt that climate change is transforming the planet for the worse. Yet their work has mostly failed to spur governments to address the issue. When all the signs are telling scientists that their research is not being heard, it is tragic, Dr. Glavovic said, that they just keep producing more of it. … The new report, all 3,675 pages of it, was issued on Monday and concludes that global warming is outpacing our ability to cope [emphasis added].”

Scientists are getting more frustrated because humanity consistently ignores them and science. Each time I read another article about climate change, I just chuckle. At this point, there is really nothing else to do because it’s all too late, morons. It’s also laughable because scientists have yet to conclude (or admit, perhaps) that it is too late. It has been too late, probably for the last decade. We’ve already passed the point of no return. I have no science to back up my statement; I only have my intuition and experience. For instance, during my Sophomore year of high school, I selected climate change as a persuasive topic in speech class. At that time, the estimated crisis point was around the year 2250. Ever since then, I’ve been keeping track of climate change, and with every significant update, that window for the point of no return keeps shrinking: First, it was by 2250, then by 2100, then by 2050, and now within ten years or so. Well, I’m telling you, people, it’s already too late. There is nothing we can do to reverse the inevitable run-away conditions of climate change. Everything is accelerating beyond what scientists keep forecasting: Ice caps melting, droughts, fires, flooding, more severe hurricanes and tornados, and rising sea levels.

However, fear not! Nature always restores balance — always! By what means, you may ask? E.L.E.! That’s how. Look, morons! Humanity is its own best extinction-level event. And that’s going to happen sooner than you may like. Pick a vector: WW III, disease (e.g., COVID), climate change, other. I’m sorry to have to say it, but humanity cannot cope with climate change. There is no desire to meaningfully address the problem because the ramifications are not immediately before us — despite being everywhere around us. We are powerless against the instinct not to sh*t all over the place we live for all of our advances, technology, and brainpower. In some respect, we are still monkeys throwing poo.

Moreover, half of the citizens of one of the highest polluting nations think climate change is all a f***ing hoax or believe why bother — long live oil and coal! Humanity is too lazy to do the hard things like getting off of fossil fuels. But, again, do not worry, for nature will cull no more and no less than is necessary to restore a thriving environment. It just probably won’t include you or your descendants. Welcome to stupid humanity! I expected nothing less.

Evil Evangelicals Purely Moronic Religion as Retardation

I Hate Religious Morons!

Of course, the End Timers are starting to come out of the woodwork. As Raw Story tells, “[F]ormer televangelist Pat Robertson, who came out of his retirement to weigh in on the situation, sees something even grander in the whole affair — according to him, Vladimir Putin is being willed by God to conduct the invasion, as a way of triggering the End Times. ‘I think you can say, well, Putin’s out of his mind, and yes, maybe so,’ said Robertson. ‘But at the same time he’s being compelled by God. He went into Ukraine, but that wasn’t his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately. … You read your Bible, because it’s coming to pass.’” Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! I forgot about these f***tards! But here we are. As if the world doesn’t have enough to worry about with WW III, a significant proportion of Americans are willing this calamity to happen as a means to usher in the End Times, which is all B.S. f***tardary.

Do you know how long morons of humanity have been predicting the end of the world? Forever! And it occurs with every actual and impending catastrophe. Almost as soon as the ink dried on the Book of Revelations, people looked to various events as singling the Apocolypse. These events include the fall of the Roman Empire in the West, the fall of the Roman Empire in the East, every time Muslims entered Europe, every time the plague hit Medieval Europe, the Crusades I thru VIII, the American Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Cold War, Y2K, 9/11, COVID, to name a select few off the top of my head. Add to that every and all astronomical peculiarities, which are not limited to the following: Halley’s Comet appearances, Blood Moons, any variety of planetary alignments, so on and so forth. You get the idea. Given any Earthly and not-so-Earthy sign, everyone’s predicting the end of the world all the time. This Robertson guy is no different. He’s just adding to the problem because when Christians believe the end is coming, they are far less likely to care about preventing the worst from happening, which is ironic. After all, everyone thinks they are the chosen ones to be raptured. Yeah, not so much. Yet! Somehow! After 2000 years, the world has not ended! Moreover, the Bible repeatedly warns against following false prophets. Yet, it seems that all Christians in America do, with traitor trump being the most prominent and all these other evangelical mega-church, TV charlatans being constant grifters. God! F*** me! I live in stupid hell! Only in trump stupid America!

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

CPAC: A Traitors’ Convention

Recall the picture above from a 2017 CPAC ensemble of traitors. The 2022 CPAC is absolutely no different, as key speakers like traitor trump, traitor Charlie Kirk, traitor Candace Owens, and traitor Tulsi Gabbard sing Putin’s praises and minimize the Ukrainian war. Their silence or lack of a full-throated denunciation of Putin as a war criminal is the same as condoning his actions. It is the wink-and-nod approval, and they know it. The New York Times writes, “Geoffrey Kabaservice, a historian of the Republican Party, said some [most] conservatives are enthralled by ‘cheering on Putin as he wrecks the liberal order and makes all those smarty-pants experts cry.’” Of course! It’s just all snowflake resentment. And you know what? We execute traitors in America!

I will give traitor Kirk credit for one thing he said about Ukraine as being a country with “cities we can’t pronounce, places that most Americans can’t find on a map.” Yup! No doubt he couldn’t, and everyone else in that convention couldn’t find Ukraine on a map because they’re all f***ing morons of the highest m*****f***ing G.D. order. Those f***tards couldn’t find the U.S.A. on a map of North America. That’s how stupid RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are. Their stupidity is incomprehensible and boundless. And the traitors love to meet regularly to prove it! Unfortunately, these f***tards comprise 40 percent of the American population, and as I have been saying for years now: America is too stupid to survive because we don’t do anything about these people; we just allow them to breed unabated! And then we are surprised when vermin infect the country? Welcome to stupid America!