Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic


From Salon, “Well, we’d better learn to play hardball and get a pitcher who will throw straight at the batter and knock him out of the box. Playing by gentlemanly rules doesn’t work. This isn’t about our sacred Constitution, or the almighty rule of law, or the solemn duty of the House of Representatives, and stop with the quotes from Federalist 53. At this point, it’s only tangentially about Trump’s crimes. This is about power. Trump and his minions will be utterly unbound in their effort to hold onto power, and we will have to be even more driven to take it from them. … Republicans have taken an openly sick delight in electing Trump. They are proud of him. He’s the perfect avatar of their party. All he cares about — and all his entire party cares about — is power. Impeaching Trump won’t remove him from office, and we’d better get serious about removing him at the ballot box. Republicans — Mitch McConnell, especially — have already shown us what they’ll do with the power they will seize with four more years of Trump. They’ll cram that nightmare down our throats. … On the day after Trump is set free by the Senate, we will face the most important question in our lifetimes, and the choice has never been clearer. Do we want to live in a free country or in Donald Trump’s fundamentalist, oligarchical, authoritarian nightmare?” This is, of course, everything dumbass Democrats should do but won’t. This is the question with which every American should concern themselves. But, naturally, none of this matters because, Welcome to stupid America! We’ve given up on Democracy because it’s too hard for most!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

What a Joke in the Making

From Axios, “The White House accepted Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Friday invitation to deliver the State of the Union address to Congress on Feb. 4.” Once again, dumbass Democrats keep opening themselves up to fail. What part do these moron Democrats not understand that traitor trump will come to a joint session of the Congress at the sole invitation of the Speaker of the House only to have him insult Democrats by accusing them of being traitors, conducting a hoax/witch hunt, and essentially bad-mouthing the party in general? Why is this so difficult to understand? At what point has traitor trump ever used the spotlight to unify the country? Never! This is going to be another trainwreck for Democrats because as usual they will sit in the chamber and take the verbal abuse looking bewildered as to why traitor trump is being a jerk. God! So f***ing weak! Unless and until Pelosi is willing to stand up and walk out with the rest of her caucus the second traitor trump trashes Democrats then I have no doubt the Democratic Party will reveal themselves to be the weak party of idiots that still expects traitor trump to be civilized. What a f***ing joke and dumbass Democrats will be the butt of it all because they invited it. Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats fall for it every f***ing time!

MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Hate America’s Pure Unadulterated Stupidity!

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump once stated explicitly that he believes that it was Ukraine — not Russia — that meddled in the 2016 election because Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘told me,’ The Washington Post reported Thursday, citing a former senior White House official.” This is what a stupid America looks like. This is what a bunch of m*****f***ing G.D. stupid traitor trump supporters of the highest f***ing order looks like. They elect a moron show-business personality who then cuddles up to a Russian dictator while dismissing, criticizing, and downright attacking U.S. institutions as being “deep state.” What is the collective response of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons? They all take the side of traitor trump and Putin. Yup, un-f***ing-believable! Only in trump stupid America do citizens favor Russia and a traitor over the Constitution. Every RepubliKKKlan — without exception — and every MAGA moron — without exception — is a traitor and should be shot — without exception! Einsatzgruppen-style! Now ask me how I really feel.

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Purely Moronic Religion as Retardation RepubliKKKlans

Evangelicals Are F***ing G.D. Retards of the Highest F***ing G.D. Order!

According to Axios, “An editorial published Thursday by Christianity Today, a magazine founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham, called for President Trump’s removal from office in the wake of his impeachment, deeming him ‘grossly immoral.’ … Christianity Today is an influential mainstream magazine for evangelicals, with 4.3 million monthly visitors on its site and hundreds of thousands of print subscribers. President Trump won 81% of the evangelical vote in 2016, a group that makes up about 25% of the electorate, according to the Pew Research Center.” This op-ed is meaningless because it is not the beliefs of Evangelical leadership. The leadership and at least 81% of their following are vile and hateful people who I think should be rounded up Holocaust-style! When people think that Evangelical support for traitor trump is going to drop in 2020 then I laugh because I have never heard such pure stupidity. Look, morons! If anything, traitor trump will increase his support among this hate group. Mark my words, idiots! In 2016, they didn’t believe he was going to actually follow through with the conservative promises, but he has in spades, so now they are all in because Christianity is all hypocrisy all the time. It is the “Do as I say, not as I do” hate group. No matter what Evangelicals claim — on the left and right, blacks and whites — there is always the anti-gay undertone. That’s why they love traitor trump. Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumber today! Yeah, that’s it. Just dumber today. P.S. That op-ed chief editor is going to get fired!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

It’s Just One Big Comedy Tour

A BuzzFeed.News headline reads, “Donald Trump Was Impeached. Then He Yelled About Toilets.” This entire presidency is one long comedy tour with bad jokes, and morons are being thoroughly entertained because this is trump stupid America. This country is one big joke! One giant bunch of voting idiots that elected another moron to be their Idiot-in-Chief. He speaks stupid to his stupid MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters and his job approval rating goes up. I f***ing hate stupid people! They hurt my brain and America is crawling with morons like rats in a metropolis. They keep breeding and voting conservative!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


From CNN, “‘The most straightforward reading applies: the mandate is a command. Using that meaning, the individual mandate is unconstitutional,’ Wednesday’s ruling states.” I have not read the opinion; however, clearly this is a cross between RepubliKKKlan judges who hate progressive ideas and want to invalidate the law yet at the same time don’t want to be responsible for taking away people’s health care; hence, they declare the individual mandate unconstitutional but do not completely invalidate the law. Rather, they actually stall for time by kicking it back to the lower court to adjudicate a finer legal question of the case — can the individual mandate, now considered unconstitutional, be severed from the rest of the law? Read: now that we’ve said this part is unconstitutional find a way to declare the rest of the provisions of the law (i.e., the popular ones) constitutional. I don’t have to be a legal scholar to understand RepubliKKKlan judges are playing political games with people’s lives.

Moreover, I find CNN’s quote especially hypocritical as if the federal government has no power to command. They command I pay taxes. They commanded that I register for selective service at age 18 — which I did on my birthday — and if I were drafted that I go to war and sacrifice my life. They command I participate in the census every 10 years for which there is a penalty if I don’t and get caught. My state commands I buy car insurance. Government makes many commands and now suddenly RepubliKKKlans are up in arms over commanding people do something for which there is absolutely no penalty if they do not — pecuniary or otherwise? What? Like RepubliKKKlans are offended by their conscience if they decide not to buy health insurance and technically break the law? RepubliKKKlans by definition hate the government and the law, except for the First and Second Amendments — those are the only parts of the Constitution for which they care. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons have no conscience. Just pure hypocrisy. As usual, RepubliKKKlans want to destroy everything, but not get blamed for doing so. I wish they would just all die — heart attack, cancer, bus, long walk off short peer — I’m not picky! There is not a day that I do not pray every RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron dies! Welcome to stupid America.

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

On the Eve of Impeachment

Source: FiveThirtyEight

This is what a stiupid country of the highest f***ing order looks like! On the eve of impeachment and traitor trump is more popular than at any time since the first three months of his presidency. I can’t! I! Just! F***ing! Cannot! Take! This! F***ing! Stupid! Country! Anymore! All stupid all the time! Welcome to trump stupid America! Please for the love of God! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons just kill yourselves now and save the rest of us from living in your idiocracy.

Politics Purely Moronic

An Outlier or New Trend?

According to Axios, “President Trump is ahead of all Democratic 2020 candidates in a USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll published Monday.” Either this poll is an outlier or signaling a new trend. My guess is that it’s signaling a new trend. I’ve been saying forever that America is too stupid not to re-elect traitor trump and this is the beginning of proving that out. Americans just don’t f***ing care that there is a criminal in the White House. The country is just too stupid. So long as the people still have an underpaying job(s) and Wall! then no one cares! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s all stupid all the time!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


From CNN, “It may be a no-brainer for Senate Republicans to keep President Donald Trump in office — but it’s becoming clear that Democrats mean to make them pay a heavy price for saving the President in his impeachment trial early next year.” There will be zero price because RepubliKKKlans just don’t care and dumbass Democrats are too weak and feckless to capitalize on impeachment. Welcome to stupid America! Dumber today than yesterday.

MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I’m Right — I’m Always Right

From CNN, “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump’s top lawyer sketched out a plan Thursday to coordinate closely for an impeachment trial but haven’t reached agreement on a final strategy to defend Trump against charges of high crimes and misdemeanors, according to two sources familiar with the conversation.” As I predicted, traitor RepubliKKKlans will hold the line with traitor trump to thwart impeachment. Not only that but I have no f***ing clue how the “jury” in an impending impeachment trial actively coordinating with the defendant does not cause people to rage in the streets is beyond me. But this is trump stupid America! We just take it! Hoping that everything will fix itself. So much hoping and no acting. The country is just too f***ing stupid to survive. Seriously. It’s over. Mark my words, morons. After four more years of traitor trump, it will be clear that we have a country where the minority of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons rule by tyranny over the majority and the majority merely yawns and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And then there is SCOTUS, but that topic is clearly beyond the comprehension of the average voter because this country just really doesn’t give a f***ing G.D.