Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic

Mark My Words, Morons!

According to Axios, “Justice Bader Ginsburg hospitalized.” Traitor trump is going to appoint another justice to SCOTUS and it will be game over for America because this is the dumbest country on the planet. It will be open season on discrimination and dumbass Democrats will do nothing to stop it. Mark my words, morons! It is unbelievable that no m*****f***ing liberal / progressive / Democrat takes SCOTUS seriously. It is never a debate topic. I don’t hear it coming out of their mouths as a concern but on occasion. It’s no rallying cry or anything to motivate Democratic voters. It’s just ho-hum. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Purely Moronic

REDDIT: Where Idiots Congress to Share Their Mutual Stupidity

An AlterNet headline reads, “REDDIT warns Trump supporters not to harass whistleblower on its site.” Fan-f***ing-tastic! REDDIT! A place for f***tards! Welcome to trump stupid America! This is what a stupid country looks like!

Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

None of This Matters Because Stupid America

From CNN, “Yet the President declared total victory in the face of a factual defeat. Conservative media and Trump’s Republican allies seized on the inconsistencies in Sondland’s testimony. Their reactions made Wednesday’s revelations seem unlikely to shatter Trump’s political base, which is almost certain to prevent GOP senators deserting him.” Naturally, these public hearings are meaningless because the country is just too G.D. f***ing stupid to understand what the f*** is going on, and the RepubliKKKlan party is taking full advantage of a trump stupid America! The one consistent (remaining) argument RepubliKKKlans make in defense of traitor trump is that no witness can actually attest to traitor trump explicitly spelling out a quid pro quo or the terms of a bribe or extortion as if that’s what criminals actually do: declare he is about to engage in a bribe and then states the terms. But this is f***ing stupid America where apparently that is exactly what it takes for people to understand the contours of a crime since they are incapable of inferring and making reasonable presumptions to connect words and deeds (or actions and consequences). Traitor trump’s job approval ratings and a recent poll regarding impeachment only reinforce the abject stupidity of America; The Hill reports, “Support among Wisconsin voters for impeaching President Trump has dipped slightly since the start of the public hearings, according to a new poll.” This is incomprehensible, but none of this matters because I live in trump stupid hell! Seriously, Americans are just too stupid. As I have said time and time again, all RepubliKKKlans need to do is stay the course no matter what to win and that is exactly what they are doing. It doesn’t matter what the facts are because America is too stupid. It doesn’t matter if traitor trump is an actual criminal because America is too stupid. Traitor trump supporters should be euthanized for their stupidity. Welcome to stupid America! Just another mind-dulling moment in America.

Politics Purely Moronic

The Black Vote Gave Us Traitor [T]rump

An NBC article headline reads: “Pete Buttigieg is struggling with black voters — and not just because he’s gay.” That’s wrong. It is exactly because he’s gay that black voters will not support him. Listen to any black “progressive” T.V. pundit try to argue that Pete’s gayness is not an issue. It’s hysterical because they argue all around the subject without admitting it. Let’s be clear: the right has a white Evangelical problem and the left has a black Evangelical problem! What is the common denominator here? Religion! Why do I say that the black vote gave us traitor trump? Their inability (lack of interest) to vote for Hillary was the margin traitor trump needed to win. When traitor trump asked the black voters what do they have to lose by voting for him they passively answered “nothing” by sitting the 2016 election out. So, thanks for that! How’s that working out? Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic Religion as Retardation

So Many Religious Retards and Conservatives, So Few Bullets

From Raw Story, “Todd Starnes is one of several far right wing religious conservatives who are furious that the privately-held Christian chicken chain Chick-fil-A has announced they will no longer donate to two non-profits that have a long history of anti-LGBTQ policies.”

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise — and now Tulsi ads, who is a Russian useful idiot! That’s f***ing annoying and suspicious, but whatever!

Purely Moronic

OMG! Kill These People Now for Being So Stupid!

From CNN, “‘I don’t want to be a flat Earther,’ David Weiss says, his voice weary as he reflects on his personal awakening. ‘Would you wake up in the morning and want everyone to think you’re an idiot?’ But Weiss is a flat Earther. Ever since he tried and failed to find proof of the Earth’s curve four years ago, he’s believed with an evident passion that our planet is both flat and stationary — and it’s turned his world upside down.” Oh, my f***ing God! These people need to be immediately rounded up and a bullet put through their heads. This level of stupid is absolutely dangerous and perfectly explains why America is so f***ing G.D. stupid. We don’t need such idiocracy surviving and breeding to bring down the collective “intelligence” of the rest of the country and world for that matter. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t. I live in stupid hell surrounded by an increasingly more stupid population! Seriously! These people need to be eliminated. Post haste! Welcome to trump stupid America where the most ridiculous and stupid ideas are gaining mainstream status!

Politics Purely Moronic

This Is What Fighting for Democracy Looks Like

Source: AP, Ng Han Guan

I see Hong Kong citizens actually care about their freedom and fight for democracy, whereas at home in the U.S.A. we just do nothing and put up with dictator triator trump. Welcome to stupid America! Full stop!

Purely Moronic

OK, Grandpa

From Axios, “2020 candidate Joe Biden said Sunday there’d need to be more research into marijuana’s effects before he’d ever federally legalize the drug as president, in order to rule out whether it’s a ‘gateway drug.’” Biden is just completely out of touch. Between him still believing that RepubliKKKlans are good people (they are not, ever!) and his comment on marijuana, it is clear that Biden’s stuck in the 20th century. I just love how people always worry about marijuana being a gateway drug without ever thinking for a second that alcohol and tobacco could be gateway drugs just as equally, not to mention that prescription painkillers are for a fact a gateway drug. Welcome to stupid America where progress is not our middle name!

MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

What Do You Call 100 MAGA Morons and RepubliKKKlans at the Bottom of the Swamp?

A good start! From CNN, “A fateful convergence of events Friday reflected a culture of corruption and intimidation endemic to the circle of a President who vowed to drain the swamp but instead became its incarnation.” This is what a f***ing G.D. stupid country of the highest order looks like. This is what happens when a bunch of f***tarded MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans vote for the dumbest person on the planet. This is what happens when a country full of marks elects a Conman-in-Chief president. I just can’t take the stupidity of this country anymore. So many f***ing G.D. stupid people who actually think traitor trump is draining the swamp, that he is actaully making this country better, and that he is a component leader worthy of the title President of the United States of America. The only reason MAGA morons and RepubliuKKKlans tolerate him is for the tax cuts and the judges, which is code for f*** the poor, women, and the gays. Plain and simple! No exceptions! Every MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan is a vile and hateful person. They are Lebensunwertes Leben. I just can’t f***ing take the morons of America anymore. Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people. F*** me! The time is long overdue for the Einsatzgruppen to clean up the rats in America! Welcome to trump stupid America. Yeah, we’re f***ed because it’s just all stupid all the time!

Purely Moronic

A Country of Morons Yawns

From Axios, “Day One’s 13 million live TV viewers fell well shy of James Comey’s testimony in June 2017 (19.5m); the Christine Blasey Ford/Brett Kavanaugh hearing from September 2018 (20m); and the Michael Cohen hearing in February (16m).” Completely predictable! Morons of America simply have given up. It’s just the collective acceptance of a criminal president and a country that does not care anymore. This is what a stupid country looks like! Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s incomprehensibly dumber today than yesterday and the day before that and so on. I live in stupid hell!