From The Guardian, “Facebook is the social network you hate; FACEBOOK is the company you didn’t know you loved.” LMFAO! Let me just say people who get their news from FACEBOOK are f***ing G.D. morons. In fact, I’d say most people on FACEBOOK are idiots. Just in case I need to be clear for an idiot reader: I’m not on FACEBOOK. I dumped that “addiction” after the 100th annoying request for me to join some f***ing game which apparently was all the rage that my “friends” were playing. Unbelievable. Yeah, it didn’t take long to realize the company had become a marketing assault weapon — of course, nothing is ever truly free. Unlike other morons, presumably, I don’t like being marketed at. It is the quickest way for me to dump or revolt against a product or brand, and FACEBOOK was one of those products; however, I guess a quarter of the world’s population don’t mind and that’s all part of the reason America has become the land of morons because social media has suddenly become a source of objective news. Americans are too stupid to understand that they are being marketed at in a pernicious way, and FACEBOOK condones making profits off of lies and deception in the name of “freedom of speech.” Hello, stupid people. Freedom of speech does not mean irresponsible speech or unconditional speech; it certainly does not mean that a company lacks the prerogative to monitor, regulate, and censor vituperative speech. Of course, right-wingers always seem to misunderstand the First Amendment because they are stupid people. The First Amendment prohibits the government from infringing on a person’s right to free speech in most cases — not all. These are “complicated” subtleties lost on MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans. OMG! F*** me. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!
Category: Purely Moronic
OMG! Just F***ing Stop!
From USA Today, “Fifty-one percent of registered voters said they would vote for Biden in that scenario and 39% said they would vote for Trump.” I wish they would just f***ing stop with these national polls because we don’t have a national election when voting for a president; we have 50 state elections. People get a false sense of reality that traitor trump is going to lose in 2020 — not to mention any poll understates traitor trump’s support by five percentage points because people don’t want to be associated with him so they lie to pollsters. Mark my words morons! Hello, f***tards of America! I’ve already predicted (for well over a year now) that traitor trump is going to win re-election, and now I am more confident than ever that 2020 will be another situation in which he wins the Electoral College and loses the popular vote because this is stupid America where morons are complacent with the minority ruling over the majority. This country is f***ed and no one cares. Get ready for four more years, idiots! Welcome to stupid America!
From CNN, “All four White House officials who are scheduled to give depositions on Monday during the House’s impeachment inquiry won’t show up, as a source with knowledge of the situation tells CNN that National Security Council lawyers John Eisenberg and Michael Ellis will not testify.” I hate dumbass Democrats because they are so f***ing weak and they are going to allow traitor trump to get re-elected. They keep claiming all these key witnesses that refuse to testify are not important, but that’s a lie. Moreover, it just further evinces to everyone else that obstructing and holding the RepubliKKKlan line is working because dumbass Democrats will do nothing except take it to the courts, which they themselves are stonewalling by their mere sluggishness to schedule court dates — the first significant hearing on forcing people to comply with a House subpoena is scheduled for 10 December. The democracy is at peril and a federal judge thinks things can wait a month. Whatever! I’m over it!
Dumbass Democrats are too stupid and the country is too stupid to understand that traitor trump cannot be beaten. This is a supremely stupid country that just doesn’t care if the president is a crook because the morons of America still think he is working for them, that he is “draining the swamp,” that he really cares about making people’s lives better, that he is smart enough to do the job. Welcome to trump stupid America where RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons rule over the majority. It’s already over; people just haven’t figured it out yet or people are too stupid to care or both. Given everything we know about traitor trump, the race is even against Biden in battleground states. Yup! It’s over! I live in stupid hell! Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people. I just can’t take this all stupid, all the time country anymore!
UFC Crowd vs Traitor [T]rump
From CNN, “President Donald Trump was met with loud, sustained boos and some cheers as he entered Madison Square Garden for the Ultimate Fighting Championship on Saturday night in New York.” Even a somewhat discernable expression of boos from the crowd is surprising because let’s face it — UFC is the same sort of low-entertainment in the North that attracts the equivalent to WWE traitor trump-lovers in the South. It’s the whole Succession vs WWE Raw argument. It is the thinking vs the dumb! Pure and simple! Welcome to trump stupid America!
There are only two reasons to support traitor trump. Either you are a moron or you are an “-ist” or you are both, which, in any case, makes you Lebensunwertes Leben. That is to say, trumpist are racist, misogynist, jingoist, fascist, chauvinist, white supremacist, bigot (-ist), homophobe (-ist), etc. Full stop! Absolutely no exceptions! And I would say it to your face because I have no doubt you would proudly say “ok, sure” to at least one of these “compliments.” This is the America we live in, so congratu-f***ing-lations! This is precisely how the minority wishes the majority to live — at their whim and according to their morals. Welcome to trump stupid America!
Politico reports, “After years of touting the impenetrability of a border wall, President Donald Trump said Saturday that ‘you can cut through any wall’ as reports surfaced of smugglers sawing through newly erected barriers with readily available power tools.” Building a wall to curb illegal immigration and all the ills that piggyback with it is, of course, the worst possible “fix” because there is no wall in the world in which people have not gone through, under, over or around. But this is a country of f***ing G.D. morons who think “WALL!” fixes everything. It’s the typical MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan mentality of we can just ignore the world and everything will be ok. This is why the country is so f***ing stupid. A bunch of morons elected an idiot to be president and they love it! I live in stupid hell. Welcome to trump stupid America!
From Politico, “While Biden delivered a solid performance on stage before a crowd of 13,500 Democrats at the state party’s Liberty & Justice dinner, he was overshadowed and outshined by the candidate who just passed him in the polls — Pete Buttigieg.” This f***ing country can’t even agree that LGBT people should not be discriminated against because America is far, far from the egalitarian country it supposedly claims to be. I’m saying this right now: while the right-wing has a white Evangelical problem, the left-wing has a black (Evangelical) Baptist problem. Religion is the f***ing problem because this is stupid America. There is no f***ing way black people will ever vote for a gay president. South Carolina is proof of that. God forbid the more qualified person to lead the country into the future is gay. F*** me! I live in stupid hell where Americans like to think they are fair and treat people equally despite how they were born — but we don’t actually mean it. People just say it to make themselves feel good. Welcome to stupid America.
About F***ing Time
Axios reports, “O’Rourke had once been the subject of buzz, with multiple polls showing him as a viable prospect for the Democrats in 2020. But as his campaign came to fruition, he failed to gain traction, and attempted to rebrand himself multiple times.” Jesus! So, no more live streaming Beto talking about trimming nose hairs and trips to the dentist. Ugh! Yeah, this is stupid America!
From CNN, “Put simply, that risk is this: The longer the inquiry goes on and the more strands, people and charges are brought into the conversation, the harder it is for people to follow and understand. And the less people understand about the process — and why Democrats believe it to be necessary — the better for President Donald Trump.” Oh, yes. Please, by all means, let’s make sure we keep things simple for all the m*****f***ing G.D. idiots out there who need things explained slowly and repeatedly, that find the daily tasks of life confusing and complicated, that can’t be bothered with digesting difficult ideas. This is what a stupid country looks like! I’m sorry but traitor trump should be charged with everything he’s done wrong as president. I’m sick of dumbass Democrats dumbing everything down for the lowest common denominator moron citizen in the hopes they’ll understand and change their opinion of traitor trump, but that is never going to happen. The reason traitor trump is so popular is that he’s precisely the level of stupidity which is just enough above his MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters that make them feel somewhat smart. God! F*** me! I live in stupid f***ing hell! Welcome to trump stupid America!
According to the New York Post, “President Trump defended his “good call” with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky – and to prove his point, he suggested he might read it aloud in a ‘fireside chat’ reminiscent of FDR’s radio broadcasts in the 1930s and ’40s.” Of course, he wants to and he probably will. Moreover, MSM will bend over backward to accommodate his reading of propaganda because he’s the president and this is stupid America as the idiots of the country must reflexively follow whatever the president does and says. He gets primetime access all the time at any moment for any reason. Welcome to trump stupid America! It is all stupid all the time! All MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans all the time!