CNN reports, “Televangelist Pat Roberston said that President Donald Trump’s response to the Jamal Khashoggi killing and the decision to pull support from Kurds in Syria puts Trump ‘in danger of losing the mandate of heaven.’” Only in a trump stupid country can anyone get away with saying any president has a mandate from heaven, and worse still morons of America actually believe it!
Category: Religion as Retardation
Bill Maher and Michael Moore discussed capitalism vs socialism on the 13 September 2019 episode of Real Time, and Maher nailed the essence of capitalism in this single statement: “Good luck — sucks to be you!” Therein lies the ethos of America! I agree with Maher more often and more intensely than any other political pundit and personality. As for Michael Moore, his beliefs are in the right direction, but I take him with a grain of salt when he articulates certain arguments and his documentaries are a bit too biased to watch; it becomes difficult to distinguish fact from exaggeration, and once that happens then everything in a film becomes suspect and unwatchable. But I digress.
Now, back to the “sucks to be you” American capitalism. Has anyone ever questioned why capitalism works so well in America? Why is it that capitalism in its most unencumbered form seems to “prosper” best in American society? Capitalism in Japan is probably the closest corollary to American capitalism — we did remake the country after WW II in our own economic image after all — but they experienced the lost decade. While America has survived periods of massive booms and busts, capitalism has persisted whereas other countries have progressed to more socialistic economies. Why is that? Again! I ask why does capitalism exist so well and so longlived in America? Answer: America is precisely the country of opportunism, selfishness, and greed by which capitalism thrives. Everything that defines this country perfectly reflects the qualities capitalism needs to survive. It is a sad truth that morons of America simply accept this pernicious characteristic of a country as part of the “price of freedom.” Citizens are blithely unaware and too stupid to understand that the revered American-style capitalistic economic structure is not the solution, but it is the problem.
Yet egalitarianism and socialism are still considered four-lettered words because fundamentally while Americans aspire to and preach equality, fairness, and just consequences of one’s industriousness, they simply only want those favorable consequences to come to themselves and no one else. This country is the epitome of “sucks to be you!” and RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and Christianity (especially Evangelicals) are the paragons of this American moral ethos. And we wonder why nothing ever changes for the better. It’s because this is America at its deepest, truest self. Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s a trap and no one seems to understand this or care, but they love to complain about it while doing nothing to change things! Steady as she goes!
According to a headline from the Christian Post: “Alyssa Milano sparks debate with Ted Cruz on Bible, guns and Bill of Rights.” There is only one thing dumber than RepubliKKKlans, dumber than MAGA morons, and dumber than traitor trump — conservative Christians, with liberal Christians, ranking only marginally smarter than MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and the like. I don’t give one G.D. f*** how many idiots I insult; Christians (Evangelicals in particular) are generally stupid people who are easily duped by fairytales and magical thinking, while consumed with racism and bigotry! One would be wiser and more worthy of being a member of society in practicing humanism. Only do American Christians defend owning weapons of war and slavery — yes, slavery. The bible was used to justify owning people and trust me when I say that many Americans still believe the justification to be true, which is why America will never get past its original sin. The biggest problem America has is with its religiosity. It’s the religion, stupid! Welcome to trump stupid America! The largest collection of religious f***tards on the planet!
From CNN, “There’s been a change in President Donald Trump. He used to say he had accomplished more than any other President, a debatable claim. But now he’s using messianic language about himself. ‘I’m the chosen one,’ he said Wednesday about what he claims is a singular, and still only hoped-for, trade deal with China.” There is a little bit of truth in every joke. Indeed! But there is much, much more truth when traitor trump tells one. Then there is traitor trump talking with a straight face in which case he is absolutely speaking his truth and believes 100% of what he says. I will admit his “chosen one” comment as he looks up to the heavens was tongue-in-cheek, but he really does think he’s God-like. If there is one thing traitor trump does expertly is playing to his idiot base. Nonetheless, when traitor trump openly accepts blasphemous praise from a supporter one would think it should bother Christians, but this is trump stupid America so his MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan Evangelical followers absolutely believe he is the second coming of Christ. This is a full-on cult.
Perhaps these “Christians” need to be reminded of there own fairytale: “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (II Thessalonians 2:3-4, 9-12, NKJV). In other words, those being deceived (aka traitor trump followers) are the condemned unrighteous!
Welcome to stupid America. Religious and stupid (and redundant) at the same time.
From The Atlantic, “The enthusiastic, uncritical embrace of President Trump by white evangelicals is among the most mind-blowing developments of the Trump era. How can a group that for decades—and especially during the Bill Clinton presidency—insisted that character counts and that personal integrity is an essential component of presidential leadership not only turn a blind eye to the ethical and moral transgressions of Donald Trump, but also constantly defend him? Why are those who have been on the vanguard of ‘family values’ so eager to give a man with a sordid personal and sexual history a mulligan?” All evangelicals are hateful, vile hypocrites, yet they have the most political power in the country because this is a f***ing G.D. trump stupid country that allowed it to happen. Welcome to the theocracy of stupid America! More tyranny by the minority over the majority. It’s going to get worse. Mark my words, morons!
From Axios: “The vice president appeared to acknowledge that carbon emissions aren’t good for the environment — which is further than the climate-denying Trump has gone — but cast doubt on the overwhelming scientific consensus that humans are the main cause of climate change.” This is the problem with Christianity (and Islam for that matter): if the here and now does not matter then why even bother? Seriously! This is the f***ing G.D. problem with the countless billions of trump stupid f***tards around the world. If the aim is solely to achieve the afterlife then what incentive is there to worry about the here and now? Since these idiots could care less about climate change because they will not be around to experience the impending disasters then what hope is there to make any kind of argument? These people are stuck on stupid. I have no doubt that if everyone believed they had one chance at life (i.e., no afterlife) then people would be living completely different! But no! This is stupid humanity where people are pinning their hopes and dreams that heaven exists while f***ing everyone else on the planet because they simply do not care. Welcome to tyranny by religion — mankind’s worst invention!
From CNN: “US stock index futures and Asian stock markets, including shares of Japanese and South Korean automakers, tumbled Thursday after President Donald Trump said the United States will impose a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports.” Just f***ing do it! God-f***ing-dam**t just f***ing impose the tariffs. All of them! Everywhere! The morons have no f***ing clue the disaster traitor trump is threatening to unleash upon the economy until he finally does the bat-Scheiße-crazy stuff he keeps talking about. The only way there can be any hope of traitor trump losing re-election is if “the economy stupid” sinks, and even then I’m sure most MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will still find a way to blame Democrats (and vote for traitor trump again). At this point, I’m all in for destroying the economy — starting with the farmers — because this is what stupid America voted for and elections have f***ing consequences, not that anybody seems to care or understand. Welcome to stupid America!
The Irony Is Killing Me!
CNN reports, “Owners of a replica of Noah’s Ark are suing their insurers, saying the companies failed to cover adequately damage caused by heavy rain.” This quote says everything except for two things. First, the depths of stupidity of those who go to the park is incalculable. Second, and more importantly, these people never seem to blame themselves for what they would consider being God’s wrath in any other case. Floods, fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes are always because of the gays, but when something happens to them maybe it’s because God thinks these fundamentalist religious wackjobs are vile people, living vile hypocritical lives, especially when God tried to block others from going to their fantasyland. I guess God is the insurance companies.
New York Magazine headline reads, “Trump Calls Himself ‘Extremely Stable Genius,’ Demands Staffers Tell Press How ‘Calm’ He Is.” This is the level of complete absurdity America has reached. Thank you so much MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans for bringing down the collective IQ of the country with a president that bearly functions above mentally retarded. I feel dumber each time I hear him. Every day traitor trump says or does something that evinces he has no f***ing clue what he’s doing, yet 42% think he really is a f***ing G.D. genius. As usual, everything is about himself first and country second. I give up! Welcome to stupid America! This country is stuck on permanent stupid!
Fan-f***ing-tastic! From Axios, “The plan was reportedly presented during a meeting about the Trump administration’s broader Iran policy, attended — among others — by Bolton, CIA director Gina Haspel, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. It’s unclear if President Trump has been briefed on the details of the plan, which did not call for a land invasion of Iran, but requested a similar number of troops involved the U.S.’ 2003 invasion of Iraq, per the Times.” Normally, I would question the reaction of MAGA morons as the once proclaimed America first, isolationist traitor trump starts the drumbeat to war, but there is no need. I know the answer: we support the president! It is contradiction, hypocrisy, blind loyalty, and uber stupidity rolled into one. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans simply do not care. They don’t. Like Hitler demanding total and complete loyalty, so does traitor trump and his supporters give it to him without question. This is the essence of a very, very stupid society. These idiots wanted someone to break the world and now they have exactly what they desired. Most of these f***tards are literally hoping for the End Times — nothing like having international politics being dictated by religious extremist morons (e.g., ISIS and Evangelicals — yeah, there is no difference!). This is the tyranny of the minority over the majority at its best. Even if I were to give traitor trump the benefit of the doubt by granting the notion he does not want to go to war he is too stupid to realize he is stumbling into one until it’s too late. Welcome to stupid America! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people! It’s the End Times alright — the end of intelligent voters in America!