Religion as Retardation

All Religious People Are F***ing G.D. Morons. Full Stop!

According to the Christian Post, nonetheless, “‘The entire system is rife with abuse. And not just from the top down, sure there are abusive church leaders, but church leaders are abused by their congregants as well. Church people are just sh*tty to each other,’ he continued. ‘I spent my entire life serving, loving, and trying to help people in my congregations. And the lies, betrayal, and slander I have received at the hands of church people left wounds that may never heal.’”

This is so f***ing funny! Christianity, like all religions, is a f***ing sham meant to attract stupid people to a cause of mutual hatred and gullibility. Seriously! I love how people think that religion is the answer to making others better when in fact, it corrupts humanity just like any other “we” versus “them” institution — e.g., Nazis. Welcome to stupid America, where religion is this country’s number one dumbing down pass time.

Religion as Retardation

Dumber by the Day

From CNN, “Alabama, Florida, Missouri, North Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia are among the states that have seen Bible literacy bills so far in 2019. Several of those efforts have fallen along the wayside.” Great! More proof that this is a country of idiot holy-rollers trying to indoctrinate students. Let’s face it: religious people are morons! Religion is simply dictatorship by another name that aims to rob people of their abilities to reason and to question authority. I thought we broke this cycle during the Enlightenment — enlightened this country is not! Benighted it is certainly! Welcome to stupid America!

Religion as Retardation

Buttigieg, Get Out!

From a Politico headline: “Buttigieg, husband attend Jimmy Carter’s Sunday school class.” OMG! For the love of God, get out. Jesus-f***ing-Christ! Fan-f***ing-tastic! The first openly gay presidential candidate who actually has the attention of America turns out to be a holy-roller. We don’t need or want a holy-roller president. Seriously! GTFO! It seems every time he makes headlines he’s preaching or on his way to learn to preach.

Religion as Retardation


OMG! From CNN: “‘I’m just thinking of that scripture that says bless and do not curse,’ Buttigieg, who has been open about his Episcopalian faith, said after one of the interruptions.” Yup, that’s right. It’s more religious stupidity crap on both sides. Religious haters hate because let’s be honest that’s what religion teaches in practice, and if people don’t pick up on that teaching then it’s the other side, which is roll over and die, essentially. Religion is for weak people. I’m starting to wish Buttigieg just goes back to Indiana, and I’m taking him off my predictions list because I’m over him. I don’t want a weak gay president. That’s all the LGBTQ community needs is a person living up to the weakness of a feckless “feminine” gay who wonders why we just can’t all get along (with prayer). F*** that!

Religion as Retardation RepubliKKKlans

A Special Kind of Stupid

I see traitor trump was doing his shtick again, and the MAGA morons were eating it up because this is stupid America after all. Moreover, it takes a special kind of stupid for conservative Jews to align with the RepuliKKKlan party. I repeat the RepuliKKKlan party, with an emphasis on KKKlan. This is the president that declares some neo-nazis are “good” people. Welcome to stupid America!

Religion as Retardation

Religion Is for Idiots

Can we just all agree that religion is for f***ing RepubliKKKlan idiots? Welcome to stupid RepubliKKKlan’s “Christian” America!

Religion as Retardation

Because God Told Me So

Who doesn’t like a daily dose of religion as retardation? From a CNN article, “But others express discomfort with Nelson’s ‘because God told me so’ use of authority and worry that it leaves little flexibility for younger Mormons struggling with deep questions about the religion.” The catchphrase “because God told me so” should be universally considered an indication that someone is crazy or a moron (that is the \ˈmôrˌän\ pronunciation, not to be confused with Mormon–necessarily) or both, but more often than not it is considered evidence–of all things–for people as to how to live their lives and generally how people around them should be affected by their “righteous” opinions of living. Needless to say, the more religious a society is then the more stupid it is, and this is stupid America, less religious than it used to be but still stupid!

Politics Religion as Retardation RepubliKKKlans

America’s Pariah

From a headline on Axios: “Sanders vows to defeat ‘most dangerous president’ in history.” So, Bernie “Bros” and his supporters still have no clue just how anti-Semitic this country is at its core. Listen here, morons: if you think this country is racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc., then you haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to America’s anti-Semitism undercurrent. If he becomes the Democratic nominee, then he will absolutely lose because RepubliKKKlans will make his religion (which he doesn’t really practice) the centerpiece of an attack campaign, and it will work. There is no way idiot “Christians” (Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals) in this country will allow a Jew to head the government. Hell, they not-so-subtly accused Hillary of being a Jew (or being Jew-tolerant) when clearly she is not Jewish, but that didn’t stop them. Can you imagine the attacks on an actual Jew at the top of the ticket? Jews have been the pariah of Western civilization for 2000 years; this election cycle is not going to change that! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America!

Religion as Retardation

Vile People

Why do the most vile people in the world live so long?

Religion as Retardation

Christians and Atheism

According to Cliff Sims from an interview in the Christian Post, “‘The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Chris­tians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.’” Hallelujah! One Christian moron gets it right, but naturally, the remedy from the far-right religious nut-jobs is to endorse the re-election of traitor trump. Look! All organized religion is fake, hypocritical, and meant for the minds of morons (the unthinking). American “Christianity” is the most fake of them all. Spirituality (or mindfulness) is good, but religion corrupts, and like all power bases it corrupts absolutely! Welcome to stupid America! (Maybe less stupid the more people embrace humanism over superstition as a solution to our problems.)