From a Politico headline: “Advisers urge Trump to defer 2020 rallies.” His advisors are f***ing morons, just like traitor trump. He is a Scheiße show, and that is the way he and MAGA morons want it. Clearly, traitor trump is a f***ing moron and much of what he is trying to accomplish in office is failing, but RepubliKKKlans don’t care. For them, it is all about the Scheiße show. They love the rambling and rancorous rallies. They love his defiance, though it accomplishes nothing, except sticking it to (other) politicians and (allied) countries. They love his empty and pathetic bravado, though it’s embarrassing. They don’t care that he acts like an idiot because dumber people are incapable of recognizing a marginally smarter moron than themselves. He’s their stable genius. They don’t care that he’s lazy and that he’d rather rally than do the work of president because it matches their own slacking, apathetic work ethic. They don’t care that he is a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, a misogynist, a xenophobe, etc. Indeed, traitor trump is the exact image of everything that is wrong with this country, and his supporters love to look in the mirror when he’s on stage! Welcome to stupid America!
Category: RepubliKKKlans
From an article in the NYT, “America’s trade deficit in goods with the rest of the world rose to its highest level in history last year as the United States imported a record number of products, including from China, widening the deficit to $891.3 billion and delivering a setback to President Trump’s goal of narrowing that gap.” Fan-f***ing-
So, where to begin? First, as with every president, the state of the economy, in the short-term, is out of his control, until longer-term actions like legislation (e.g., tax cuts) and policy (e.g., tariffs and regulations) take full effect–usually 6-18 months from the time of implementation. In other words, it takes a while for any new administration to affect the economy, and traitor trump is firmly beyond the 18-month mark, so he, in short, owns this economy, for better or worse (and it is starting to show signs of weakness around the edges). Can you imagine how strong the economy might be if he knew what the f*** he was doing? Moreover, it drives me absolutely f***ing G.D. nuts when traitor trump claims (and others agree) he’s created the best economy ever in the first year of his presidency because at that point it really is still Obama’s economy; the only thing traitor trump can take credit for is not destroying the economy quicker! But morons of America don’t know any better because, of course, a $20.50 trillion economy (2018 estimate) turns on a dime! Naturally, MAGA morons believe traitor trump walked into the Oval Office, snapped his fingers, and then people suddenly started hiring more, buying more, and making more. F*** me! I’m surrounded by idiots of America.
Second, traitor trump pretends to know everything (indeed, more than anybody else) about the economy (e.g., “trade wars are good, and easy to win” or coal is making a comeback in America because he simply says so, never mind the economics of energy dictates that coal is no longer competitive with natural gas and oil–this is a continuation of a long-term economic trend, which he cannot reverse). Even before MAGA morons elected traitor trump he demonstrated no basic understanding of economics. He thought the economy could bend to his whim: he’ll fix the trade deficit by mere fiat or wishful thinking. Guess what? Sudden, capricious tariffs are not a way to fix the trade deficit. Because other countries will (and do) retaliate. So, here we are with Mr. Economics thinking he’s fulfilled one of his campaign pledges. Only he can correct the trade deficit because previous administrations were so dumb they let other countries take advantage of America by somehow letting us demand cheaper products from other countries like China.
Third, he still doesn’t seem to understand the concept of a trade deficit. He acts as if it’s a perpetual amount of money that other countries owe us or that other countries are taking our money (presumably against our will), but in reality, all a deficit means is that we import more than we export, so a trade imbalance in and of itself is not a bad or a good thing, per se. It is simply one measure of economic activity and health, but according to traitor trump, it’s the single barometer of the nation’s economic acumen (or lack of it)–or in his own parlance how much America is getting “screwed” by other countries. The entire purpose of international trade is to leverage a national competitive advantage–in both directions. Typically, one nation provides to another nation some good or service that the home nation cannot do for themselves better or for cheaper or not at all. One hopes that the amount and extent of trade will be mutually beneficial (i.e., free and fair) to both countries. Anyone who has taken an international economics course understands this. I know, I know. I’m talking about a 400-level college topic to a remedial 090-level college algebra America. Because this country is stuck on buying cheap then we are China’s best, willing customers. That includes the traitor trump family (“allegedly”) where their merch is produced. The hypocrisy is astounding yet completely lost on MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans.
Last, traitor trump has no motherf***ing clue how tariffs work. Whenever he discusses the topic he intimates that other countries pay for tariffs as if the Chinese government, for instance, must reach into its treasury and pay a penalty to the U.S. government. Nothing could be further from the truth. Tariffs are a tax that the importer pays to the home government. One could reasonably argue that some foreign companies may wish to cover (or that government subsidizes) the added tax expense to keep the total expense of exporting their products the same (and therefore competitive); it is one option for exporters. The more likely consequence is that the importing company absorbs the tax expense initially; however, the cost of the tax is eventually passed down to the end consumer. In other words, it becomes inflationary, and not only inflationary to the imported products but to domestic substitute products as well. Consider traitor trump’s brilliant steel tariff. Not only does it cost more to bring steel into the country, but it inherently incentivizes domestic steel producers to increase prices to match import prices. So when idiot traitor trump and MAGA morons think tariffs are only punishing other countries, it is in effect punishing the very same average American that his idiot supporters like to think he cares about (think farmers).
Traitor trump in all his stupidity unnecessarily set himself up to fail with his ridiculous economic and trade pledges, and MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are so f***ing stupid they believe whatever B.S. he is selling them as being easy: trade wars are good and winnable, 3-5%-plus annualized GDP growth, reducing the trade deficit, or cutting taxes and reducing the national debt. He keeps telling everyone that everything is just so easy to fix because, unlike himself, all his predecessors were just too f***ing stupid, so here we are in the midst of the presidency of the dumbest person ever to hold office and things are starting to show signs of cracking. Welcome to stupid f***ing America!
39% Stupid
A quote from the 5 March Quinnipiac University National Poll states that “39 – 58 percent [believe] that he [traitor trump] cares about average Americans.” I overlooked this in another post, but I think is fascinating and worthy of some commentary because it is an epitomic example of how a stupid country elected an idiot for president. I am not going back in time to find a contemporaneous poll before the presidential election that asked the same or similar question (i.e., does the candidate care about you/the average American). It is not an out-of-the-ordinary query and I think it is safe to assume that traitor trump was elected, in part, because he was above water on this point. In other words, at least 51% of morons in this country thought traitor trump cared about them/the average American. Un-f***ing-believable! So, most people thought a man who has never had a real job and inherited tens of millions of dollars from his father cares about them; a man who literally craps on a gold toilet cares about them; a man who owns a Boeing 757 jetliner cares about them; a man who is known to stiff his small business contractors cares about them; a man who thinks only rich people matter cares about them–the average person. I could go on. There was nothing before or during his presidential campaign that indicated traitor trump cared, concerned himself with, or even understood the problems and anxieties of the average American. Only MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans could look at this morally bankrupt con-man and conclude, “Yeah, he’s for the average American.” Fast forward two years and only now some people are beginning to admit the obvious, but it’s not enough. Thirty-nine percent are still stuck on stupid! Welcome to stupid America!
Pixie Dust
From a Daily Beast article, “The cynicism now about working with McConnell is the product of what Democrats say is years of wrongly assuming that he and his fellow Republicans could be moved by persuasion. Obama officials in particular held on to the mantra that the ‘fever’ of Republican opposition to the president would break once they recognized how politically unpalatable such a posture was.” And this is why I have no issue with calling out dumbass Democrats when they deserve it, and it’s also why I thought Obama was only a very good president, not a great one. For eight years Democrats and Obama underestimated the enemy! What part of Cock McConnell’s statement about making sure Obama is a one-term president necessarily suggested anything other than being against everything Obama stands for and wants to do. The “fever” is never going to break if it’s rooted in a profound hatred of the “black” man in the Oval Office. I got so sick of dumbass Democrats embarrassing themselves by trying to cooperate and compromise with RepubliKKKlans over legislation and especially judicial appointments, only to be outplayed at every turn. As usual, dumbass Democrats were (and still are) weak and naive! Hey, dumbass Democrats, grow a f***ing spine and learn to be politically ruthless for once. RepubliKKKlans are the enemy, not merely the opposition because I promise you RepubliKKKlans consider Democrats the enemy, without except. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!
Dear Leader
From a Politico article, “The president almost fired his DHS chief for repeatedly saying ‘no’ to him, but their relationship has turned a corner.” Well, of course, she did. Let’s be clear about something: the people that work for traitor trump are just as vile as he is, and they all bend to his dogma. RepubliKKKlans have no principles; it’s all about pleasing the Dear Leader. Welcome to stupid America, home of conservative and MAGA moron sycophants.
More Bluster from Paul
This is a quote from an article in the Bowling Green Daily News: “The Republican Party cheerleading session that is the Southern Kentucky Lincoln Day Dinner veered slightly off course Saturday with this pronouncement by U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Bowling Green: ‘I can’t vote to give extra-Constitutional powers to the president.’” Of course, this is B.S. Do you know how many times “Paulina” has declared he will vote against RepubliKKKlans but then eventually casts his vote with them? Usually! He just wants a promise for something.
Update: Well, I guess I was wrong on this count. He has cried wolf too many times before to believe otherwise.
Dumb Southerners
Referring to traitor trump in a CNN article, “He also bashed Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the Mueller investigation and delegate overseeing Mueller to Rosenstein, impersonating Sessions with a thick Southern accent.” This is a perfect example of MAGA morons being ridiculed by their own and loving it. I’m not sure what level of stupid must reside in the mind of a MAGA moron to be made fun of and not care. Last I checked, Southerners are still really sensitive about being mocked for their accent (their slow speaking being equated with a slow mind). Apparently, these morons like it when traitor trump insults them, as they laugh and cheer (and jeer) along. I guess Southern conservatives really are that stupid. (Hey f***tard RepubliKKKlans from the South: Your conservative brethren are laughing at you, not with you.) Welcome to stupid America!
What Else Is New?
According to a Politico article, “And after mostly brushing off deficit concerns while pushing through a costly tax-cut plan, the White House now plans to reposition itself as an unlikely enforcer of fiscal responsibility led by its new top budget official, a veteran of the conservative group Heritage Action.” What else is new? This is stupid America! Time after time RepubliKKKlans gain the presidency and run up the national debt or worse (i.e., the Great Recession). Then a Democrat has to come into
From a headline on Axios: “Sanders vows to defeat ‘most dangerous president’ in history.” So, Bernie “Bros” and his supporters still have no clue just how anti-Semitic this country is at its core. Listen here, morons: if you think this country is racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc., then you haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to America’s anti-Semitism undercurrent. If he becomes the Democratic nominee, then he will absolutely lose because RepubliKKKlans will make his religion (which he doesn’t really practice) the centerpiece of an attack campaign, and it will work. There is no way idiot “Christians” (Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals) in this country will allow a Jew to head the government. Hell, they not-so-subtly accused Hillary of being a Jew (or being Jew-tolerant) when clearly she is not Jewish, but that didn’t stop them. Can you imagine the attacks on an actual Jew at the top of the ticket? Jews have been the pariah of Western civilization for 2000 years; this election cycle is not going to change that! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America!