Humanity Is the Next Extinction Level Event

From CNN, “Earth is warming faster than previously thought, scientists say, and the window is closing to avoid catastrophic outcomes. … Unlike previous assessments, Monday’s report concludes it is ‘unequivocal’ that humans have caused the climate crisis and confirms that ‘widespread and rapid changes’ have already occurred, some of them irreversibly.”

Hilarious! Did I not already say this less than a month ago? Did I not? Of course, I did. I nailed it because anyone with two brain cells to rub together could (should) have already concluded it is all too late, morons. So, part of the problem is not that some climate change is already irreversible but that climate change will eventually become a runaway situation where nothing humans can do will stop a global catastrophe. The train has already left the station. But fear not, f***tards! Mother Nature will fix this imbalance that is the human race. Humanity is the extinction-level event for which we have been waiting, and I can think of no better species more deserving. I promise you nature is far, far more intelligent than humans, which really just spends its idle time wondering about conspiracy stories that range from major religions to space aliens — none of which is going to save us from ourselves.

Oh sure, we have progressed from creating fire in the Stone Age to harnessing nuclear power in the Modern Age, but those achievements are, doubtless, produced by a vast minority of people throughout history, while those in the mainstream are morons who are content to ignore the world and busy themselves like ants until extinction. Humans really are just busy bees collecting pollen until they die. And Lord knows the last thing humanity is capable of accomplishing is coming together to save civilization. Dare I say it, but I think humanity was meant to eventually die off and kill the world with it. Let me reiterate: Mother Nature will fix the scourge of humanity from the face of the Earth because humans are simply too stupid to recognize and understand the end is coming, and we are the cause. Too stupid because, you know, climate change is a hoax. And by the end, I do not mean in a Biblical sense — God forbid such a ridiculous notion — but in a mass extinction event sense, just like the numerous other events throughout Earth’s geological history. Welcome to stupid America, which is soon to be zero stupid.

American Snowflakes

According to The Daily Beast, “On Monday, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Florida threw out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s mask mandate for air travel and other forms of mass transportation. Deaths from COVID-19—and the mask mandates intended to prevent them—may be on the wane nationwide, but whatever you think about such policies, this is the latest and most egregious example of a judge acting as a partisan warrior in the COVID-19 culture wars. … Now she is substituting her opinion for that of scientific professionals at the CDC, and dictating health policy in America. The outcome could be disastrous, only serving to further embolden the right-wing activists who dispute the reality of this horrifically lethal pandemic. … The CDC first issued a public health order requiring masks in interstate transportation and at transit hubs in February 2021, and it didn’t take long for anti-mask diehards to make getting on a plane or train a nerve-wracking proposition. Still, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued security directives to enforce the CDC order, and the CDC and TSA have extended that mandate throughout the pandemic. Just last week, the CDC extended the mandate for 15 days, until May 3. … Judge Mizelle says that enforcing such a mandate is akin to ‘detention and quarantine,’ which she claims is beyond CDC’s remit. Really? [Truly!] The CDC operates under what has long been called the ‘quarantine regulations.’ The statute in question—the Public Health Services Act—has been in use since 1948, and was designed to prevent interstate and international transmission of dangerous infectious diseases. … Rogue judges, at one time or another, have neutered virtually every major COVID-19 risk mitigation order issued by the Biden administration. But if this order can be nullified, there is literally nothing the CDC or the federal government could do to fight COVID-19. Even worse, the ruling may serve to handcuff the CDC when the next health crisis hits. The agency may become gun-shy, afraid to exercise even the most urgently needed public health powers, and conservative activists who have long made headlines for travel crimes and misconduct will feel vindicated [emphasis added].”

Snowflakes always win! Anti-vaxxers always win! Anti-maskers always win! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons always win! The stupid always wins! The Biden administration cannot let this ruling stand; it must be adjudicated before SCOTUS, which has ironically been upholding some federal regulations regarding COVID. (Normally, I would pursue a tirade about how Biden would let this ruling by a MAGA moron judge go unchallenged, but he is a wartime president, so I’ll refrain.) But whatever! Nothing matters anymore because America is a bunch of whiney f***ing G.D. selfish b*tchy snowflakes who are incapable of doing the minimally required actions to control the virus and help others. If and when COVID comes roaring back, then the public will be unwilling to do anything or follow any regulations to mitigate the pandemic’s spread because America is stupid, and judges are literally substituting their conservative biases for CDC directives. Americans think they are done with the virus, but I promise — the virus is not done with you! Apparently, there are large swaths of the public that the virus has yet to eliminate from the planet; perhaps a silver lining behind this judge’s ruling is the hastening of the end of these people. Welcome to stupid America! Eh, I expected nothing less!

Praise Jesus! God Is Great! Hallelujah!

QAnon Retard (Dead)

From The Daily Beast, “A leading QAnon promoter who urged both her followers and strangers she passed on the street not to take the COVID vaccine died Thursday of the coronavirus, making her just the latest vaccine opponent killed by the disease. Cirsten Weldon had amassed tens of thousands of followers across right-wing social media networks by promoting the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy under the screenname ‘CirstenW.’ She was prominent enough to become a sort of QAnon interpreter for comedian conspiracy theorist Roseanne Barr, and started recording videos about QAnon with her. … ‘The vaccines kill, don’t get it!’ Weldon warned the waiting vaccine recipients in an undated video posted to one of her online accounts. ‘This is how gullible these idiots are. They’re all getting vaccine!’ [sic] … In September, a QAnon follower named Veronica Wolski became a cause celebre in QAnon circles after she was hospitalized with the coronavirus. QAnon fans besieged the hospital with phone calls demanding that Wolski receive ivermectin, the deworming drug used by some as an unproven coronavirus treatment. Wolski died of the disease later that month.”

Praise Jesus! Hallelujah! ♪ ♫ Another one bites the dust. ♩ ♪ Another one bites the dust. ♩ ♪ And another one gone and another one gone. Hey. ♪ ♫ Another two QAnon f***tards are dead! Praise Jesus. I find it especially rich that “CirstenW.” believed those who got vaccinated were “gullible” “idiots.” I keep telling you, morons! America is just too f***ing stupid. Too stupid to survive. And I mean that in the literal sense — these QAnon retards keep dying because of their own stupidity. And in the figurative sense — the country cannot endure where these f***tards are allowed to prosper and spread their stupidity to others (until they die). Oh, and don’t for one G.D. second let experts try to tell you that these conspiracy theorists are merely being led astray or have some underlying social issues that make them susceptible to such craziness. That is all psycho-babel B.S. These people are just plain stupid. I’m sorry. They were born stupid, or they were dropped on their head as a baby or something, but these people are not the victims of society. Perhaps they are victims of genetics, but not because of societal shortcomings or “the system.” Look, everyone likes to think they’re smart, but clearly, not everyone can be, or the bell curve would be nonexistent. So, it is safe to say that people self-select themselves into the group of f***tards by choosing to believe in QAnon.

The stupid in this country is so deep and pervasive that it can never be undone. Seriously! These stories are the exact reason I created this blog and why I will never run out of stories on which to comment. So, keep dying AQnon retards, please! I know there are plenty of you out there. Welcome to stupid America! So stupid it hurts. *long sigh*

Good! I’m Glad They Died!

From CNN, “[Bob and Sue Walker] died of Covid-19 over the holidays on separate floors in an Arizona hospital. The couple found out they had Covid-19 just before Thanksgiving — Sue was tested in the hospital while getting treatment for what they thought was a COPD flare-up and Bob took a home test when his wife tested positive. Neither of their parents were vaccinated and they both had health issues, son Jonathan Walker, 42, said. He said his dad had kidney problems and other health issues in the past and had recently had part of his foot amputated because of complications from diabetes.”

Good! F*** them! Honestly, I am so over the f***ing G.D. stupid. I can’t stand it anymore. And I love how CNN runs these personal story features as a way to give a face to the “tragedy” that is COVID. Oh, f***ing spare me! All that these stories prove is this: Stupid is as stupid does. In fact, these stories actually make me happy. Hopefully, these were two RepubliKKKlan voters. Lord Jesus! We can only pray so. Clearly, these two special morons were not taking care of themselves in the first place — the dude had out-of-control diabetes, and the see you next Tuesday wife had COPD, which is just a nice way of saying emphysema caused by, no doubt, chain-smoking. I have no idea how these paragons of healthy living thought that they were especially exempt from the worst of COVID, but apparently, they thought they were untouchable — Ivermectin or horse paste protected, I suppose. Un-f***ing-believable. But, whatever. Like I said. I’m glad. They should have died sooner. Stupid people will die in stupid ways. So, congratu-f***ing-lations, morons. You got what you deserved and what any person with two brain cells to rub together could have predicted. Please, anti-vaxxers, just f***ing die already. Too many of you are still kicking! Now, ask me how I really feel. Welcome to stupid America.

Zuckerberg and Facebook Are Enemies of the People!

Make no mistake! Mark Zuckerberg is a domestic terrorist who heads a social media empire that aggregates, disseminates, and promulgates hatred and misinformation that contributes daily to the dumbing-down of America, the death of Americans, and the destruction of America’s democracy, not to mention the rest of the world. Facebook should be regulated out of existence, and Zuckerberg jailed for the rest of his life as a declared enemy of the people. But whatever. America is too stupid! It! Is! Just! Too! F***ing! Stupid! Too stupid to shed itself of the cancer that is Facebook. Literally social Darwinism in action. Welcome to stupid America! Now, I need to check my feed because nothing else matters. BRB!

Another Praise Jesus Moment!

From the Daily Beast, “A conservative radio host in Nashville who derided vaccines and spread misinformation about the coronavirus has died of COVID-19. Phil Valentine was 61. … He had said of the vaccine, ‘I have a very low risk of A) Getting COVID and B) dying of it if I do. Why would I risk getting a heart attack or paralysis by getting the vaccine?’ He also said at the time that he had been taking the anti-parasite medication ivermectin, a drug that comes in different forms for animals and humans. The drug has recently been touted as a sort of COVID miracle cure by conservatives, despite no solid evidence it is effective against the virus and health officials sounding the alarm over people poisoning themselves with the animal version of the drug.” Praise Jesus! Another MAGA moron is dead from COVID. Praise the Lord Almighty. The stupid hath been smote!

Look, f***tards. This is good news! One less COVID truther and anti-vaxxer lying to his listeners and killing the rest of us through his vile, intentional disinformation. We can all live a bit better with this man being dead. I have no sympathy — ever. He deserved what he got, though it seems 61 years too late. Good riddance. I can only hope they all die. I’m over the “trying to be understanding” phase. I’m done. Just die already, people! Seriously. I want to get on with life. Welcome to stupid America. Thank God for social Darwinism; it proves itself daily!

Gods, Guns, and (Probably) Gays!

From The Daily Beast, “A Georgia man who professed a passion for guns and God was in custody on Tuesday night after a string of shootings that police said appeared to target Asian women at massage parlors and left eight people dead. … A student who graduated from Sequoyah High with Long in 2017 who spoke on the condition of anonymity told The Daily Beast, ‘He was very innocent seeming and wouldn’t even cuss. He was sorta nerdy and didn’t seem violent from what I remember. He was a hunter and his father was a youth minister or pastor. He was big into religion.’… ‘Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God. This pretty much sums up my [the killer’s] life.’… His youth pastor at the Crabapple First Baptist Church confirmed he was the suspect and said elders would be releasing a statement.”

Look! This case is open and shut: This guy is an uber-religious incel traitor trump MAGA moron follower who was told to hate women and hate sin, so he killed them. It’s that simple. These people always — always — hate themselves, and we, as a society, have to pay for it because they can’t cope with life! There is a way to remedy such religious conflicts with one’s self instead of involving others. It’s called social Darwinism.

Once again, here we are where a religious f***tard who can’t get laid and is fascinated with guns is easily brainwashed to believe Asians are the cause of whatever his issues are and traitor trump is the Second Coming of Christ. And I don’t care what the killer claims; his actions speak for themselves, so he’s a racist and a misogynist. Religious people, especially Baptists (evangelicals) — America’s crazy version of religiosity — are easily brainwashed. Think about it! It is a short trip from believing religious dogma to the “other is evil, so kill!” American (recent) history is littered with religious nutjobs killing in the name of God. Stupid is as stupid believes as stupid does. Welcome to stupid America!

‘[Brian Sicknick] Was an Outspoken Trump Supporter’

So! As it turns out, the USCP officer who was killed during the Capitol terrorist attack was a traitor trump supporter. Praise Jesus! Needless to say, I no longer have sympathy for this guy or his family. He got what he deserved. This is what he voted for. How’s respect for that thin blue line looking now, moron? I guess that law and order mantra traitor trump espouses endlessly won the day for this MAGA moron. I guess blue lives don’t matter after all! Look, f***tards! One less MAGA moron running around, especially in law enforcement, the better. Do not feel any sympathy for this a**hole. I reiterate: He got exactly what he deserved; he was complicit in his own death, and that makes me happy. I am so f***ing sick and tired of traitor trump enablers unleashing the disaster that is traitor trump on America, expecting that they are always exempt from the consequences. I say good riddance! Brian Sicknick voted for moron traitor trump to be president, and he literally died for the man. Moreover, traitor trump has yet to acknowledge Sicknick’s death as a cop who died in the line of duty. Oh, well. Stupid people die in stupid ways. Social Darwinism at its best! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with trump stupid America! Please, by all means, let’s line up all the other MAGA morons willing to die for traitor trump. Whatever happened to traitor trump’s claim that the American carnage stops now! Ugh. The dumbest people on the planet elected the dumbest person in the world to be president, and this is where we are as a result!

Praise Jesus: A MAGA Moron Insurrectionist Is Killed!

Ashli Babbitt is killed! God is great! Praise Jesus! She f***ing deserved it, and the man who pulled the trigger is a hero who deserves a f***ing medal. I saw the video where I heard the gunshot, and she f***ing dropped like a lead balloon! It was great! Praise Jesus! Praise him! I’m only sorry more of these MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan insurrectionists were not killed during the domestic terrorist attack on our Capitol — on the people’s House. The streets should be running with traitors’ blood, but one dead f***tard is a good start. Do not feel sorry for these trump stupid people. I don’t give one G.D. f*** if they are too stupid to discern fact from fiction. Do not feel sympathy for these idiots who have been led “astray” by QAnon conspiracy theories and lies. These alternative fact morons deserve what they get. If their stupidity gets them killed, then I say Darwin was more right than ever! Nature weeds out those who cannot — should not — be allowed to survive or breed! This only reinforces my belief that traitors must be eliminated generationally. Sorry, people! One bad apple does ruin the bunch — parents, grandparents, children. Just don’t be in that bunch!

So, the civil war just turned hot. Mark my words, morons. They started it, and we will finish it. But you need to wake the f*** up, people. While most of America is shocked — Ugh! Really? Still shocked during the traitor trump presidency? — the enemy is regrouping. These so-called “patriots” must be executed. Biden must enter office and unleash holy-f***ing-hell on these people. These people are a cancer on society and must be cured like cancer. Co-existing with cancer does not work! As an aside, I always find it amusing that people throw around the term patriot without understanding the history of the term in America. The only reason patriots of the American Revolutionary War can be called patriots is because we won the war. Do you know what losers of a revolutionary war are called? Traitors! MAGA morons presume too much! And don’t even get me started about how these “blue lives matter” f***tards killed a Capitol Hill police officer. All the more reason why every single person in the treasonous mob should be executed, whether they were inflicting harm or just milling around and looking on — they are all guilty! Full! F***ing! Stop! No quarter! Ever! Liberals need to grow a m*****f***ing G.D. spine and start fighting back. Traitor trump is right about one thing: We cannot take our country back without strength. It is our weakness that provoked and exacerbated this domestic terrorist attack by white nationalists. They saw our weakness and f***ing attacked. Ugh! F*************ck me! I’m over it. America is so f***ing lost! Wake up, people! Wake up!

America cannot survive with this level of stupid existing in the country. How many times do I have to say it? How many f***ing times? Morons must be culled from the herd — via civil war, Tiergartenstraße 4, euthanasia, concentration camps, death camps, whatever. Just get the job done. Now, of course, I recommend all this blood-letting be left to professionals, so give police and military the unqualified prerogative to shoot first and ask questions later; do not take offensive matters into your own hands. You’ll poke an eye out! Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s about to get a whole lot dumber! A country this dumb cannot survive!

TikTok Really Is for Retards

From The Hill, “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday issued a warning about the serious problems associated with overdosing on the allergy medication Benadryl in response to a so-called ‘Benadryl Challenge’ circulating on TikTok. The FDA cited reports of teenagers ending up in emergency rooms or dying after participating in the rumored challenge.” Drink up, idiots! Social Darwinism at its best. Welcome to trump stupid America — a TikTok nation! The “entertain me!” country.