Praise Jesus: Herman Cain Is Dead!

Fantastic! A MAGA moron and SARS 2 denier dies of SARS 2. Just as it should be! Good! I’m glad. F*** these f***tards. He deserved to die and I don’t give one G.D. f*** if I don’t sound sympathetic. I am not in any way sorry for him or his family. I hope he suffered in the end, actually. And I hope Louie Gohmert dies from SAR 2 as well. Unfortunately, not enough SARS 2 deniers are dying from the disease. I’m just saying what every other pissed off progressive is thinking. I am not a turn-the-other-cheek progressive or let’s just all get along progressive. F*** that! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are the enemy! The more of them that die — by whatever means — then the better for all of humanity! Because, you know. This is just all one big f***ing G.D. hoax, right? Welcome to trump stupid America! Only in America is being stupid considered an admirable quality! Yup! Only in America!

Incomprehensible Stupidity: People

From NEWS4SA, “A patient in their 30s died from the coronavirus after attending what is known as a ‘COVID party,’ according to health care officials. … ‘Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and said “I think I made a mistake, I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not,”’ Appleby said.” This is a perfect case of social Darwinism where the conspiracy-theories-for-morons are culled from the rest of humanity, just as it should be.

Don’t Sue Me, Bro!

Rolling Stone says it well, “President Trump, who frequently uses litigation as a cudgel to get his way, is now requiring attendees at his political rallies to sign a waiver promising not to sue him if they contract the coronavirus while there.” Wait! What? I thought SARS 2 was gone! I thought it wasn’t a problem anymore. I thought the country has reopened for business. I thought America was back! I thought… I thought… I thought… Oh, stupid me! I was thinking again when I should be mindlessly listening to the orange idiot in the White House just like his f***tard MAGA moron supporters. Please, by all means! Let the MAGA morons rally in a closed space, cheering for traitor trump without social distancing and maskless — no MAGA moron in his or her right mind dare wear a mask for fear of being called out as a snowflake for giving in to the “liberal hysteria” of having to wear a mask. Let these events become super-spreaders! People have pointed out that traitor trump is really only endangering his own supporters and vulnerable voters, which he needs more than ever. So, let him! Why should I care? Why should I be concerned that traitor trump is literally going to kill his own base? Let him! If his base is too stupid to not understand the inherent contradiction in that traitor trump demands rally-goers sign away their rights over potential exposure to SARS 2, then that’s on them. After all, these are the same f***tard followers who think traitor trump is a great leader. Please, go ahead. Liberals should be celebrating and encouraging traitor trump hold more, bigger rallies. Let the SARS 2 infections roll! Trust me when I say dumbass Democrats need all the help they can get come November, which includes culling the MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan herd by actions of Social Darwinism. Welcome to stupid America!

Just Kill Him!

CNN reports, “A man accused of shoving an Austin, Texas, park ranger into the water while the ranger was explaining to a crowd the need for social distancing is embarrassed by his actions, his lawyer said. A video that gained attention after it was posted on social media includes the moment a young man pushes the ranger into a lake at Commons Ford Ranch Metro Park last Thursday afternoon. Brandon Hicks, 25, faces a charge of attempted assault on a public servant, a state jail felony, said the Travis County Sheriff’s Office.” Just kill him! Preferably a bullet through the head. Seriously! I’m over it! I’m over stupidity! I’m over selfishness! I’m over the conservative mindset! Just kill these idiots. I don’t want them as a part of society. Stupidity is a cancer that must be excised from humanity. Welcome to trump stupid America. Dumber today than it was yesterday.

Christians: Go Kill Yourselves!

From The Hill: “A Louisiana pentecostal pastor who is refusing to abide by the state’s ‘stay at home’ order said ‘true Christians’ see death as a ‘welcome friend.’ ‘Like any zealot or like any pure religious person, death looks to them like a welcome friend. True Christians do not mind dying. They fear living in fear,’ Rev. Tony Spell, pastor of Life Tabernacle Church, told TMZ. What are these people waiting for then?

Dead Man Walking

From Axios, “U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been admitted to the hospital for tests as a ‘precautionary step’ as his coronavirus symptoms have continued to persist 10 days after testing positive, according to a Downing Street spokesperson.” “Precautionary” my a**! What a load of f***ing B.S. It’s code for he’s in serious trouble! A persistent fever for ten days is big, big trouble. He’s in hospital for some “tests.” Tests for what? They already know he has SARS 2. So now they are probably testing for pneumonia or perhaps some indications of potential sepsis. Maybe they really mean that they want to monitor his failing vital systems. It’s already in his lungs (probably deeply) and his immune system is not gaining any ground on the disease as an abiding fever would indicate. Once in hospital, he could go quickly! I’ll be the first to predict that Boris will succumb to SARS 2. He’s a denier, so eh. Who cares? Deniers will deny! I mean this is the same leader that thought community-wide inoculation (herd immunity) of SARS 2 was the proper way for the country to get over the disease quickly — ala traitor trump mentality. In other words, give everyone SARS 2 and let the chips fall where they may. And so now it’s happening just as Boris wanted it! And just like nature, it seems the weak are culled from the herd — Boris!

In the Wise Words of James Tiberius Kirk: ‘Let Them Die!’

From the Orlando Weekly, “After weeks of criticism from lawmakers and the public, DeSantis announced a new sweeping executive order calling for a statewide 30-day stay-at-home order to go into effect this Friday; the order limits movement only to essential businesses and essential activities. The order, which you can read for yourself right here, also lists essential activities that are permitted during the 30-day period, and includes things like exercising, taking care of pets, assisting a loved one, and ‘religious services conducted in churches, synagogues and houses of worship.’” F*** it! If religious f***tards want to meet and die from SARS 2 then let them. The fewer evil Evangelicals the better. I hope they die in droves. We don’t need such morons living in this country! Welcome to trump stupid America!