QAnon F***tards Have Dain Bramage!

From Salon, “Followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory have for years believed, in the face of all available evidence, that Donald Trump would soon begin mass arrests of his political foes and retain power indefinitely. Many of them appear to be struggling to cope with reality after President Joe Biden was sworn in on Wednesday and the mass arrests never came.” Imagine that! QAnon f***tards are disappointed that yet another crazy-town prediction has not come true. What the f*** else is new? It’s just another example of a supremely stupid, stupid America. Only in stupid America do such conspiracy theories emerge and thrive.

I have been hearing and reading much discussion among moronic political commentators, pundits, and various academics about working to bring QAnon followers back to reality, that the “fever” has been broken with the loss of traitor trump and the swearing-in of President Biden, and that the truth is finally starting to sink in with these people. To that, I say hell f***ing no! No f***ing way. We should not consider bringing these f***tards of the highest f***ing order back into polite society. They deserve to be left in the cold and ostracized from society forever. Look, morons! Whatever level of stupid brought these morons to believe such craziness cannot be absolved or undone just like that.

I keep hearing professionals talk about “de-programming” these people and advising others (not crazy stupid people) to try to understand what may have brought QAnon morons to believe such conspiracies. And I am sure there are some interesting (and pointless) psychological and sociological theories that try to explain the phenomena of people who believe in conspiracies. I, however, take a far more simplistic view — because that’s all it takes, really — to understand these people. They have a brain defect! Yes, it’s that simple. Conspiracy theory believers have f***ing brain damage, and I don’t need some complex and needlessly overworked theory to understand that QAnon people are just plain morons! I’m sorry to have to state the obvious, but it takes a special type of crazy stupid to fall for such QAnon beliefs. (And that goes for MAGA morons with their five years and counting belief in the traitor trump con.) One must have a mental predisposition to be so easily duped for so long. QAnon beliefs don’t even pass the most basic test of rationality. The government is run by a satanic cult of Democrats who are also part of an international pedophile ring. Really?!?! Does that really make sense? It doesn’t pass the laugh test, but whatever. It’s called critical thinking, morons! I can’t with the stupid anymore. We should not be encouraging QAnon f***tards to return to society; in fact, we should be preventing them from breeding and breathing.

One last point. People who think QAnon will finally go away without traitor trump are just as f***ing stupid as QAnon followers. Look, morons. There is no way this pervasive conspiracy theory (and all of its derivatives) is going away. They have members of Congress believing this bat-sh*t-craziness for God f***ing sake. People elected these morns to office — on purpose. And there is no difference between Christians waiting two thousand years for Jesus to return and QAnon f***tards waiting for “The Storm,” both of which are never going to f***ing happen, but you can’t convince idiots of the truth of their absurd beliefs. Conspiracy theories and religion — the twin pillars of American stupidity! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s never going to get smarter! Yeah, we’re doomed! The stupid never ends.