Religion Is the Problem, F***tards

From Axios, “Many of the country’s biggest religious institutions are mired in upheaval and scandal, as well as criticized for failing to adapt to modern norms, further alienating potential attendees.” Religion is for stupid people. Full stop! Does one know what happens when religion tells them to forget about the here and now, that this life really doesn’t matter because of a guaranteed afterlife? Anyone? Anyone at all? We get crazy people looking to take the whole f***ing society down with them. Instead of people focusing on the real guarantee — today and the hope of a tomorrow — we have morons that think the point of life is to get to heaven, so f*** life and f*** everyone else. (Everyone thinks they’re going to heaven.) They believe today is just a temporary stop to eternity. One cannot have a well-functioning society where half of it says: F*** it! Welcome to stupid humanity!