Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

‘Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud’ — ‘Walls Closing In’

Ugh! These seem to be the new “trendy” catchphrases for MSM and exasperated dumbass Democrats who keep trying to convince Americans that traitor trump is somehow getting himself into legal trouble, especially after his most recent Nuremberg-style hate rally in Texas where he said out loud that he would pardon all the January 6 insurrectionists and demanded more insurrections if the law comes after him. God! Just f***ing kill me now with this B.S.!

I will cut right to the point: AG Garland is never going to prosecute traitor trump. I say this constantly! It’s just not going to happen — ever — morons. Mark my words. And if it does happen by some miracle of God then the traitor will declare his run for president the next day in which case he becomes the hot potato that would immediately halt any investigations because that’s just how f***ing G.D. weak and worthless Garland is. He would rather maintain the appearance of DOJ independence and fairness at the risk of traitor trump — wait for it — wait for it — getting away with everything as usual. The only reason traitor trump is stirring up controversy at these rallies is because he literally has nothing better to do and he can get away with it. He’s bored and he’s losing the spotlight, so he just wants to remain relevant and popular. His lashing out has nothing to do with feelings of the “walls closing in” on him. The moron is bored and wants attention. Plain and simple. Not to mention, he has to keep the rabble entertained because this is a country of “entertain me!” f***tards!

For years, MSM and dumbass Democrats have been talking about this, that, or the other is finally going to catch up with traitor trump. Surely, he can’t get away with this, that, or the other. For years they’ve been saying the day will come and for years they’ve been wrong! In fact, his whole life has been one long chain of getting away with this, that, or the other. Lawsuits, bankruptcies, failed business ventures, failed casinos, stealing from his charities, failed marriages, infidelity, sexual misconduct, grabbing women by the p*ssy. Today is no different. The Mueller report went nowhere. Two impeachments were defeated. The twin New York investigations have stalled even after the release of his taxes which were supposed to be the holy grail that would undo him. Weisselberg was supposed to crack and turn on traitor trump. Not! Still waiting! The Georgia investigation into his election interference is “heating up” allegedly. But don’t be fooled. This too will eventually stall. And I have heard absolutely no mention anywhere of this little tidbit: But I do hope people realize the Georgia investigation is a case at the county level, which means when the time comes — if the case against traitor trump gets too close — the state can step in and quash it. As for the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection — the mother of all investigations into traitor trump — that will also go nowhere. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People don’t care. To be sure, the committee will deliver a very thorough and powerful report, but there will be no smoking gun, which the public demands to capture their attention because American’s are too f***ing busy blaming Biden for the price of gas and their favorite health food — bacon. Once again, must I remind morons of America that the House can only investigate! Oh, sure they can recommend or make criminal referrals to DOJ, but we all know what AG Garland will do — nothing. We’re still waiting for him to do something with the House’s criminal contempt referral of Mark Meadows. It’s been six f***ing weeks and Garland has done nothing! Unless and until traitor trump actually confesses to ordering the G.D. code red, then he’s untouchable. Untouchable! Mark my words, f***tards!

And don’t believe these recent polls showing a traitor trump slump. A Washington Post article goes into these recent polls, but the piece’s tagline says it all: “There are signs that some Republicans are less positive about him since the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol. But his base holds firm, and that might be all he needs if he seeks the GOP nomination in 2024.” They basically defeat the entire purpose of the article with the first sentence. That just goes to show they don’t believe what they’ve written either. Neither should you. All these polls are worthless once traitor trump jumps into the race. Then all bets are off. Once in, he’ll consolidate support around himself, and his diehard RepubliKKKlan, evil evangelical, QAnon, and MAGA moron base will support him without question. He is going to sail through the nomination process because the man is bored and his candidacy is the only thing that will keep the law off his back! Welcome to stupid America! A country too stupid to survive. Oh, well!

Purely Moronic

Joe Rogan: Stupidity Opiate for the Masses

I don’t listen to Joe Rogan because he’s a comedian posing as a “thoughtful” “intellectual” “broadcaster” “obsessed” with “pursuing” an “alternative truth” of whatever the hot button issue of the day is. He’s one of those people just “asking questions.” I am very comfortable imagining what the rest of his show entails from clips that I’ve gleaned. But let’s face it; he’s a muscled-up racist pothead pretending to be a sophisticated broadcaster when in fact, he is the jejune pied piper seducing morons across America with his nonsense of “differing opinions” because his followers all “think” similarly — everything is an opinion to these people. To them, there is no such thing as truth and facts; everything is relative. Unfortunately, they don’t approach such questions in search of answers from genuinely profound philosophical introspection. No, no. These morons are too stupid for such deep thinking. Instead, they question truth and reality purely because of their anti-intellectualism. It’s just intellectually lazier for them to believe whatever is the opposite.

And it certainly doesn’t help that his show is getting noticed and attention from the likes of Patriot Front. While Rogan may be mocking them, it does not bode well for him, nonetheless, when tech journalists write that “Patriot Front had good reason to convince themselves the Rogan mention was a helpful’ shoutout,’ as one called it. The group relies on recruiting disaffected young men who, in the broadest terms, fall within Rogan’s massive demographic, and the leaked chats show the group’s leader, Thomas Ryan Rousseau, was ‘desperate’ for any opportunity to break out of a plateau in membership in the low 200s [emphasis added].” Joe Rogan just made himself a recruiting tool — in both senses of the word — for Neo-Nazis. Fan-f***ing-tastic. But actually, it is everything I would expect from a show like his.

Moreover, like Faux News, Rogan is another provocateur for the masses, who are addicted to the opiate of stupidity, (roid) outrage, and FOMO. (I stopped watching Faux News 20 years ago because it was idiotic back then, and it’s only proved worse now.) These viewers and fan base delight in anti-intellectualism because they know that they lack the requisite facilities to keep up with the rest of us. There is a reason why Rogan is so highly paid and basically commands Spotify programming, and there is a reason why Faux News has been the number one “news” cable channel for 25 years. It’s not because these people and platforms appeal to the high intellect of society. It’s because America is an idiocracy and has only been getting dumber since the onset of a Black man becoming president, traitor trump, and COVID. The popularity of Joe Rogan and Faux News is not a cause of our idiocracy; rather, it is the symptom. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic

You Can’t Undo the Stupid!

RawStory reports, “An anti-vaxxer who attended former president Donald Trump’s rally in Texas on Saturday claimed he knew his T-shirt was misspelled, but opted to wear it anyway.” I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a terrible speller. Absolutely terrible, and I am constantly finding typos in old posts. But here’s the thing: I f***ing make corrections as soon as I find them. I would never knowingly leave a misspelled word in a post. How utterly mortifying! Yet, here is this MAGA moron deliberately advertising his stupidity. Un-f***ing-believable! This is why I repeatedly keep saying the level of stupid in America cannot be undone. It can only be culled! Welcome too stupid America! 😐

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

You Get a Pardon!

Wow! Did I not call this just a couple of weeks ago (see Not So Fast)? In fact, this is not the first time. Over a year ago I said as much about traitor trump pardons. And right on cue, as if traitor trump were reading my blog, according to The Hill, “Former President Donald Trump said during a rally in Texas on Saturday that he would consider pardoning those charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, saying he would treat them ‘fairly’ if he were reelected. At Saturday’s rally in Conroe, Tex., Trump said, ‘If I run, and if I win, we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly.’ ‘And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons,’ he continued. ‘Because they are being treated so unfairly.’” Of course, my prediction that traitor trump would want to pardon the insurrectionists is no great intellectual feat. It was only a logical supposition. The real trick is to come off as being authoritative and prescient before anyone else does. And I don’t recall anyone from the MSM or elsewhere — that I’ve read or seen — making a similar prediction going back as early as I had — the day after the January 6 insurrection. (Granted, I thought he would issue a blanket pardon walking out the door. He almost did!) And it’s not a matter of if or who or when traitor trump pardons. It is definitely yes and it is all of them and it is as soon as possible. I’ve long ago learned that conservative political criminals in America always get away with everything because RepubliKKKlans demand it and dumbass Democrats let them! Welcome to stupid America. Nothing ever changes.

In My Legal Opinion Purely Moronic


Veni, vidi, vici! I quote at length from The Hill, “It is hard to overstate what a critical crossroad the challenge to Roe presents not only for abortion but for so many of our other most cherished constitutional rights. … The assumption that we would continue to enjoy our other fundamental constitutional rights to privacy as well as choice in our most important personal decisions free of unwarranted government intrusion, overlooks that the Constitution does not expressly mention any of these rights, including matters affecting marriage, family relationships, child rearing, education, procreation, intimate relationships, private consensual sexual conduct, contraception and medical treatment. States have tried to regulate every one of them. And many of those efforts have failed only because, in a long line of decisions going back to the 19th century, the Supreme Court has, as in Roe, made clear that the concept of liberty guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment includes the same rights of privacy, individual dignity, physical autonomy, bodily integrity and the freedom to make intimate choices that define personal identity and beliefs, on which the right to abortion also rests. … But if the court now overturns Roe, it will base its decision on the fact that abortion, like all of these other rights, is not expressly mentioned in the Constitution. That is exactly what the three current Republican-appointed justices who joined the court before Trump was president said six years ago about the right to same-sex marriage, when they dissented from the court’s landmark 5-to-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges that held that individuals of the same sex have a constitutional right to marry [emphasis added].”

I am not a trained lawyer, but I am a prolific reader and on occasion, I actually read legal opinions, mostly from SCOTUS. So, I am well-read and I generally speak about matters with which I have beyond a passing familiarity. Everything the lawyer writes in the quote above is everything I’ve been warning f***tards of America about since the day RBG died, with my first post titled Catastrophic!. And then more here, here, here, and here. I will repeat myself again: Citizens are going to be very surprised when SCOTUS starts repealing rights they thought they had been guaranteed in the Constitution but were never really there because Roe was that stone wall holding back a theocratic court of white straight men telling the rest of us how to live. Oh, well. Overturning Roe impacts all of us, but America is too stupid and apathetic to understand the gravity of what is about to ensue. By the time the majority of Americans realize what’s happening it will be far too late. The Hill article by a lawyer vindicates everything I — the layman — have been screaming at you for well over a year. You were warned then and you’re warned now; I suspect no one cares, still. I guess no one will believe until after the catastrophe comes to pass. Welcome to stupid America. Need I say more?

International Indigestion Purely Moronic

News Flash: Brady Retires and Snow in Winter

Dominating cable news programs today are chiefly Brady retires from football — maybe — and there is a snowstorm in the Northeast during winter. Meanwhile from Reuters, “Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine has expanded to include supplies of blood along with other medical materials that would allow it to treat casualties, in yet another key indicator of Moscow’s military readiness, three U.S. officials tell Reuters. Current and former U.S. officials say concrete indicators — like blood supplies — are critical in determining whether Moscow would be prepared to carry out an invasion, if Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to do so. The disclosure of the blood supplies by U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, adds another piece of context to growing U.S. warnings that Russia could be preparing for a new invasion of Ukraine as it masses more than 100,000 troops near its borders.” This is clue #3 according to the Atlantic Council, and the MSM is preoccupied with football and weather.

Un-f***ing-believable. I guess the average American moron is still apprehending the forthcoming Ukraine-Russia conflict as a regional matter wherein America should be completely indifferent to the consequences of yet “another European conflict”; I’m beginning to view Russian aggression as something larger or at least something that will quickly get out of control. Have Americans learned nothing from the last two world wars? I know, it’s a silly question because the obvious answer is of course not! While I don’t desire that the MSM start beating the war drums, per se, they really should be preparing the general public better. I thought that was made rather clear by the recent news conference with Secretary of Defense Austin and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley. One had to read between the lines, but Milley was signaling a not so pretty outcome to the current state of Russia’s military campaign. But, I guess Americans love to enjoy the delusions of adverse winter weather reports and sports trivia. Eh, whatever. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America.


Tucker Carlson, Leader of America’s Fifth Column?

According to Axios, “Republicans running in high-profile primary races aren’t racing to defend Ukraine against a possible Russian invasion. They’re settling on a different line of attack: Blame Biden, not Putin. … Leery of the base, they are avoiding — and in some cases, rejecting — the tough-on-Russia rhetoric that once defined the Republican Party. GOP operatives working in 2022 primary races tell Axios they worry they’ll alienate the base if they push to commit American resources to Ukraine or deploy U.S. troops to eastern Europe. … The second [observable shift in the GOP] is a more recent warming towards Russia — initiated by the party’s most powerful figure, Donald Trump. … The number of Republicans calling Russia a friend or ally rose sharply from 2014-18 — from 22% to 40%.”

Let me be absolutely crystal clear about one thing: Each and every RepubliKKKlan, without a single exception, is a traitor if they side with Russia. Full! F***ing! Stop! And they should be immediately shot for treason. The GOP is full of Russia-lovers and America-haters. They love autocracy and hate democracy. They are all traitors and enemies of the people. That’s really all I have to say on the subject because the sentiment speaks for itself! Long live the democratic United States of America! Death to our enemies, foreign and domestic!

International Indigestion

‘Will Russia make a military move against Ukraine? Follow these clues.’

Directly from the Atlantic Council, “For weeks, the eyes of the world have been on a Russian troop buildup near Ukraine, as Western officials struggle to decipher Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intent: beef up his attack on Ukrainian sovereignty, or bluff his way to key concessions? Amid a flurry of diplomatic talks, fiery rhetoric, and movements of heavy materiel, we wanted to separate the signal from the noise. So we reached out to our military fellows at the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, who are active-duty officers with the US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, for a sense of what they’re tracking most closely—and what indicators we should all be monitoring to divine Putin’s intentions.” Four things to watch: (1) Pay attention to cyberattacks, military exercises, and evacuations of non-combatants; (2) Keep your eyes on Russia’s reserves; (3) Look out for sub-zero temperatures and medical prep; (4) Watch the waters around Odesa. Read the details at the link above.

Dumbass Democrats Politics

Political Prophet James Carville

From Vox, “Just look at how Democrats organize and spend money. For Christ’s sake, [South Carolina Democrat] Jaime Harrison raised over $100 million only to lose his Senate race to Lindsey Graham by 10 points. Amy McGrath runs for Senate in Kentucky and raises over $90 million only to get crushed by Mitch McConnell. They were always going to lose those races, but Democrats keep doing this stupid shit. They’re too damn emotional. Democrats obsess over high-profile races they can’t win because that’s where all the attention is. We’re addicted to hopeless causes. What about the secretary of state in Wisconsin? Or the attorney general race in Michigan? How much money are Democrats and progressives around the country sending to those candidates? I’m telling you, if Democrats are worried about voting rights and election integrity, then these are the sorts of races they should support and volunteer for, because this is where the action is and this is where things will be decided. You know who is paying attention to these races? The Republican Party. Last I checked, Republicans raised $33 million for secretary of state races around the country. The Democrats had until recently raised $1 million. I think it’s now up to $4 million. That’s the story, right there. That’s the difference, right there. Bitching about a Democratic senator in West Virginia is missing the damn plot [emphasis added].”

I love this man! If James Carville were a political party, then I would be all in. This man is the only Democrat who is not a dumbass and actually understands how to play the political game to win. It seems that most actual dumbass Democrats routinely ignore his perspective and sagacity. He actually gets it! In the words of Carville on Democrats, “Just quit being a whiny party and get out there and fight.” Sadly, he delivers the most sage advice to the least capable political party. Oh, well. Have I mentioned lately that were screwed? Welcome to stupid America.

International Indigestion RepubliKKKlans

We’re Going to War!

According to CNN, “Planned Russian naval exercises within Ireland’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) are ‘not welcome’ or ‘wanted right now,’ Ireland’s Foreign Affairs Minister has said, as tensions between Russia and the West continue to simmer over fears that Moscow is planning an invasion of Ukraine. Russian naval exercises are due to take place in early February, approximately 240 kilometers (149 miles) off Ireland’s southwest coast, Simon Coveney said in a statement late Sunday. The area is in Ireland’s EEZ but not its territorial waters.” That’s odd. But why off the coast of Ireland of all places?

Rewind a couple of years. From The Irish Post, “Russian agents have been sent to Ireland to inspect undersea cables which connect the United States to Europe. … The cables in question are underwater fiber-optic cables which carry internet signals from North America to Ireland, the UK and mainland Europe. … Ireland acts as a landing point for thirteen of these cables, and the Times are reporting that agents from the GRU – Russia’s military intelligence agency – have been sent to Ireland to map their locations. … There are fears that Russian agents are monitoring the cables so that they can be tapped, altered and even cut in times of conflict. … It’s estimated that around 97% of all intercontinental data is transferred through these cables [emphasis added].”

Add to this all of Russia’s cyberattacks on the U.S. and European countries. None of this is coincidental. In isolation, all these “micro” incidents spread out over years and across the globe may seem unrelated and trivial, but I think it is part of a grander Putin plan. I think Russia has been preparing for years, which means any invasion into Ukraine is just the beginning of something larger. Do not underestimate the seriousness of Russia’s moves. The time is right. The world is distracted with COVID and America is particularly distracted with figuring out if we want to keep our democracy or not. Putin’s fifth column is already hard at work in America; it’s called the RepubliKKKlan Party and Faux News. I fear there is far more going on here. We are headed for some disastrous encounters, which could easily spiral out of control. It’s just a gut feeling; I’ve been known to be wrong on occasion. But I have a very bad feeling about this! I also had a bad feeling about COVID in January 2020 before all hell broke loose, though back then my bad feeling wasn’t bad enough. Yikes!