MAGA Morons Purely Moronic

F*** These M*****f***ing G.D. MAGA Moron Snowflakes! I’m Sick of Them All!

According to the AP, “Confronted with compelling video and photographic evidence in court, dozens of rioters have apologized and expressed regret as the consequences of their actions have started to sink in. The ramifications include potential job losses, financial ruin and possible time behind bars. … Another possible consequence for Colt and others captured in photographs that went viral before they even left the Capitol building: ignominy beyond their lifetimes as those images make their way into history books. … A lawyer for Dominic Pezzola, who authorities say is a member of the extremist group Proud Boys and broke a Capitol window with a police shield, said in a filing that his client’s incarceration has placed his wife and two children in desperate financial straits. … As a procession of rioters ended up before federal judges, some issuing apologies before they got to court, it was impossible to discern who was sincerely sorry and who was expressing contrition in a preemptive bid for leniency from the court. … Among the rude awakenings: No plea deals yet, though they may be in the works. Given it was an attack on what many regard as the citadel of American democracy, the sentiment among prosecutors, judges and the public at large, at least for now, isn’t exactly lenient.”

All these MAGA moron f***tards deserve to be ruined along with their families! I hope the family breadwinners go to jail for decades and force their families into poverty! I just don’t give one G.D. f*** about these morons or their loved ones. And of all the criminals in all the country getting prosecuted for any crime, these traitors deserve absolutely no leniency, no plea deals, and not a single G.D. consideration of mitigating circumstances. These MAGA morons should be found guilty of all and every charge against them and they should be given the maximum sentences to run consecutively. As far as I am concerned, these MAGA morons are no longer a part of this society; they revoked their participation the second they breached the Capitol whether they intended to or not, whether they simply wandered through breached doors, or whether they engaged in violence or not. It’s all the same to me. There is no difference between the people assaulting cops or the wanderer taking selfies; the only difference is the charges against them, but their guilty is all the same.

Then there is the snowflake issue, which galls me more than anything! I say this: If they can’t do the time, then they shouldn’t do the crime! It’s that f***ing G.D. simple, f***tards! Amazing how those screaming snowflake are always the biggest m*****f***ing G.D. snowflakes of them all. As usual, it’s always these conservative and MAGA moron snowflakes that go around screaming how they want their freedoms, usually at the expense of others’ freedoms. Not only that, but conservatives want their freedoms to include being able to tell other people what they can or cannot do (e.g., abortion, gay marriage), especially those actions that only offend their sensitivities (snowflakes!), but don’t actually impact them directly — no one is forcing straight men to marry each other. These MAGA moron traitors are the ones running around screaming my way or the highway, while those who can’t stand it are snowflakes. But now they are facing the full force of the law and all of a sudden they are the victims. They are the snowflakes melting under the pressure. They are the weak morons who want help and leniency. So much for pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, as they so often expect others to do. But never them. They want others to help them or others to take the fall or others to pay the price. It’s never their fault. No, I’m f***ing over it! These people are traitors and truly deserve a traitor’s punishment. Full! F***ing! Stop! No mercy!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

The Georgia Voter Suppression Model: Death of America’s Democracy and People Don’t Care

From CNN, “Former President Donald Trump’s campaign of lies about a stolen election just delivered a huge victory with a new Georgia law that could suppress the votes of many of the citizens who helped eject him from the White House.” This opening line of the CNN article says it all, and make no mistake: The RepubliKKKlan Party is still firmly in the grip of traitor trump. Arizona will follow suit as will other red states in an effort to maintain their grip on minority power, and, of course, no one cares. Mark my words, morons. These new efforts to further suppress a free and fair democracy are falling on deaf ears. While the MSM may be highlighting red states’ efforts to eliminate democracy, most people are too stupid to understand or care that America’s democracy is dying. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times. Traitor trump’s win was the beginning of the end because a truly, truly stupid citizenry looked at that f***tard and said I want him to be leader of America and the free world. Then in 2020, 10 million more people voted yes for traitor trump, the failed dictator wannabe, after living through the previous four years of disaster. I mean how can a country with this level of stupidity survive? It can’t! So, why should any of us be surprised by and expect anything less from the RepubliKKKlan Party, which feels emboldened to limit voting rights? Not only emboldened but also successful. If traitor trump’s presidency has proved anything, it is that people really don’t want a well-functioning democracy. Voting for Democrats only to fix the country after RepubliKKKlans have f***ed everything up (e.g., the recession caused by Bush I followed by Clinton, the Great Recession caused by Bush II followed by Obama, and America’s completely botched pandemic response thanks to idiot traitor trump and MAGA morons followed by Biden) is not a well-functioning Democracy! It’s already too late, f***tards. Not sure why I even bother with these posts.

Normally, I would say despite whatever obstacles RepubliKKKlans devise to suppress minority votes dumbass Democrats need to work doubly hard to overcome them, however unfair they may seem. Voter ID requirements? Fine. Then Democrats mobilize statewide efforts to get every Democratic voter the right IDs. Closed polling places in minority neighborhoods? Fine. Motivate and prepare Democratic voters to wait for hours, if need be. Bring food and water because apparently with the new law if it’s not your own then someone is breaking the law. (OMG. I can’t anymore with the stupid! I just can’t! It hurts!) Restricted voting hours, early voting, and voting access? Fine. Get the Democratic Party to go out into the affected neighborhoods and get voters to develop a plan to vote. If that requires voting on a day off work or requesting time off or calling in sick, then so be it! All these things can be worked around or through. But! But the true death null of democracy in Georgia’s voter suppression law is the prerogative of the RepubliKKKlan-led legislature to “allow the State Election Board to take over county election boards that it deems need intervention. Skeptics say that will allow Republican officials to decide which ballots count in majority Democratic areas, such as Fulton County,” according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. In short, this new law allows the state to determine (overturn) local election results. The end! It’s the end of democracy as RepibliKKKlans will surely impose their will in Democratic districts. Too many Democrats won in that county? No, no! Something must be wrong in that county. There must be fraud. So, the RepubliKKKlan-controlled legislature will be able to step in by installing their own minions to “fix” things ala traitor trump’s original request to find more votes. Georgia will never be blue-ish again. This is how dictatorships slowly acquire and secure power. And no one cares! All the other provisions of the law are a pain in the a** or just a demonstration of RepubliKKKlan cruelty, but the alibility of the legislature to step into local elections and overrule voters’ choices is the real threat.

And make no mistake about it. These Georgia provisions are likely SCOTUS proof, especially given the current composition of Supreme Court Justices. The conservative supermajority — I blame dumbass Democrats completely for this! — has already signaled that states are allowed to conduct elections as they see fit. The Court ended preclearance required by the Voting Rights Act of 1965, with Chief Justice Roberts claiming the South has “changed dramatically” — apparently for the worse, but he’s OK with that — so federal oversight of states that have a history of suppressing voter rights was no longer needed. Again, another reason why traitor trump’s SCOTUS picks were catastrophic for America, but, of course, no one cares, let alone understands what SCOTUS actually is or why it’s so important! Yup! America’s democracy is f***ed and no one cares because U.S. Senators would rather kill federal voter protection legislation to preserve the filibuster. Mark my words, f***tards. I have said that I support killing the filibuster only if Democrats had the drive and ruthlessness to hold power, which would mean passing H.R. 1 legislation, but they can’t (won’t) because they are feckless and keep expecting RepubliKKKlans to want to cooperate and do the right thing, but that is never going to happen. Whatever! I give up! Red states are in overdrive to suppress voters. And dumbass Democrats and voters, alike, will allow them to do so without very much of a fuss; it will be a lot of sound and fury. How can I be so sure? Dumbass Democrats failed to step up at every point to protect voters’ rights as America’s democracy slides further and further into authoritarian rule. For years, RepubliKKKlans have been rolling back voters’ rights and accessibility by means of “a thousand cuts” and Democrats do nothing but be “concerned” and feign outrage, while actually doing nothing substantive or at the very least failing to meet RepubliKKKlan cut-throat tactics with equal Democratic cut-throat measures. They just can’t seem to get motivated, organized, and agitated enough to win at state and local levels where the ability to protect voters’ rights really matters. Guess what dumbass Democrats? Voting every four years does not cut it. Democracy does not survive on mercurial participation. Welcome to stupid America. We get the government we deserve and apparently we like a government where the minority political party holds more power than the majority — always!

Eh, whatever! No one cares. America is too stupid to care! No worries, morons. Go back to your inconsequential social media fixations, and don’t be surprised when traitor trump wins in 2024. (Traitor trump is never going to jail nor will he ever be convicted of anything that prohibits his re-election prospects.) Mark my words, f***tards. RepubliKKKlans are fixing all the mistakes that lead to traitor trump losing the last election, and just to be clear: The margin of votes Biden won in three key swing states (WI, GA, and AZ) that determined Biden’s win in the Electoral College was less than the margin of votes that traitor trump won in three key swing states (PA, WI, MI) to defeat Hillary in the Electoral College — 43 thousand versus 70 thousand. Moreover, the popular vote margin for Biden was greater than the margin for Hillary against traitor trump. So, the popular vote was a greater blowout for Biden, but the votes in those key swing states were closer. Think about that for a second! That! My friends is the real sickness and disfunction of American democracy! As I said, it was a f***ing G.D. miracle that Biden won, because if Biden had lost PA, WI, AZ, then the Electoral College count would have been tied and the U.S. House would have re-elected traitor trump because they vote by state delegation (not by headcount), and once again I have to keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: There are more red states than blue states by tortured RepubliKKKlan design, but no one cares because no one is paying attention until it’s too late. See, RepubliKKKlans think about all these political minutiae because they are ruthless and calculating, and trust me when I say that RepubliKKKlans won’t make the same mistakes twice. Dumbass Democrats, on the other hand, just go with the flow. Right down the political tubes. Bidens prevaricating on killing the filibuster is example A of a weak Democratic Party! Whatever! It’s only American democracy on the line. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic Religion as Retardation Social Darwinism

Gods, Guns, and (Probably) Gays!

From The Daily Beast, “A Georgia man who professed a passion for guns and God was in custody on Tuesday night after a string of shootings that police said appeared to target Asian women at massage parlors and left eight people dead. … A student who graduated from Sequoyah High with Long in 2017 who spoke on the condition of anonymity told The Daily Beast, ‘He was very innocent seeming and wouldn’t even cuss. He was sorta nerdy and didn’t seem violent from what I remember. He was a hunter and his father was a youth minister or pastor. He was big into religion.’… ‘Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God. This pretty much sums up my [the killer’s] life.’… His youth pastor at the Crabapple First Baptist Church confirmed he was the suspect and said elders would be releasing a statement.”

Look! This case is open and shut: This guy is an uber-religious incel traitor trump MAGA moron follower who was told to hate women and hate sin, so he killed them. It’s that simple. These people always — always — hate themselves, and we, as a society, have to pay for it because they can’t cope with life! There is a way to remedy such religious conflicts with one’s self instead of involving others. It’s called social Darwinism.

Once again, here we are where a religious f***tard who can’t get laid and is fascinated with guns is easily brainwashed to believe Asians are the cause of whatever his issues are and traitor trump is the Second Coming of Christ. And I don’t care what the killer claims; his actions speak for themselves, so he’s a racist and a misogynist. Religious people, especially Baptists (evangelicals) — America’s crazy version of religiosity — are easily brainwashed. Think about it! It is a short trip from believing religious dogma to the “other is evil, so kill!” American (recent) history is littered with religious nutjobs killing in the name of God. Stupid is as stupid believes as stupid does. Welcome to stupid America!

Conspiracies for Morons Purely Moronic

QAnon and Adrenochrome: WTF!?!?

QAnon and adrenochrome. What the f***!?!? OMG! I can’t anymore with the stupid. It hurts! I hate these people for being so m*****f***ing G.D. stupid! Seriously! This level of stupid cannot be allowed to survive in American society. This is smother-in-the-crib level of stupid. This is euthanasia/mercy-killing level of stupid. But here we are. America in all of its stupidity on full display. I’ve been saying it for well over a year now: America is just too f***ing stupid to survive. It really is. By some miracle of God, Americans managed to purge the head idiot, traitor trump, from office (for now), only to see the continuing rise of conspiracy theorists take further hold (i.e., MTG and the other whack-job in Congress, Boebert).

To be sure, idiots believing in fairytales — ala Christianity — is nothing new, but this — this QAnon — level of f***tarditude is off the f***ing scale and gaining popularity and acceptance as politicians are getting elected to positions in government. It used to be morons who believed such idiocracy would be shunned from society; now, QAnon morons are being embraced and rising to cult-like fame! And not cult-like as in a cult of brainwashed worshipers — QAnon followers certainly are that too — but like cult movie fans (e.g., The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Idiocracy, Reservoir Dogs, and The Big Lebowski). QAnon followers are fashionable because why not? It’s the new thing to be because of social media. The consequences? A truly, truly stupid society that is becoming more dysfunctional, doesn’t believe in science or reason, hates masks, FREEDOM!, the children, and would rather die than be part of the social compact that defines American society and values. These people are stupid and dangerous. They will destroy this country left unchecked. They want to see the end of America. These are true dead-enders! They just keep on believing, and people mistakenly laugh them off as too far out there to be of any concern when, in fact, Americans should be openly mocking them and diminishing them publicly. Do not avoid these people as too crazy to handle, but confront them as too crazy to allow to be part of America! Public shaming is the only way to drive these f***tards back underground. It is the only way to suffocate the movement to a point where AQnon is no longer mainstream. But like everything in America, crazy and stupid and dangerous sells, especially as website clickbait. Ugh! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to stupid America! It’s as dumb as it’s ever been.

Conspiracies for Morons Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals Politics Purely Moronic

QAnon Is for Morons: Happy March 4!

Today is another watershed date on the calendar for the hoards of QAnon morons that define the general level of stupidity pervasive in American society. The belief is that today is the date that traitor trump will officially become president because somehow, the 20th Amendment to the Constitution really does not, nor has ever, applied since its passing. The 20th Amendment, for idiots out there that don’t understand how their own government works, is the change to the Constitution that moved inauguration day from March to January following election day, which occurs on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. In other words, election day cannot be the first day of November if it happens to be a Tuesday. But everyone knows that. Right? Ugh. Why do I bother asking stupid questions? Anyways, QAnon followers are f***tards because they just f***ing are, and I haven’t even started picking apart the contradictions in their moronic inaugural day beliefs.

There are two paradoxes at work. First, here we have a group of f***ing morons of the highest m*****f***ing order who are supposedly uber patriots that love babies, the police, the Constitution, and everything for which it stands! They followed traitor trump and stormed the Capitol and continue to believe because they are the “law and order” party; they are the “true” patriots, unless, of course, when the Constitution doesn’t suit them, namely the 20th Amendment. They love the First and Second Amendments, and the rest of the Amendments they have no idea what they are, except for the 20th. Typical! They like and want to uphold only some of the Constitution. Naturally! It’s all consistent with the same mentality akin to evil evangelicals, where people pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to believe and enforce. It’s all the same level of stupid; there is no difference! QAnon and evangelicals — the twin American cancers.

Of course, the second contradiction in their beliefs is even more perplexing. So! If only a real president must be inaugurated in March, then what was traitor trump during his entire time in office? A fake president? I heard nothing about him secretly taking the oath of office on this day in 2017. QAnon certainly made no mention of it, nor had they any concerns about traitor trump being sworn in during a supposedly false event when Obama would have still been president — or not, according to their stupid “thinking.” Again, no mention from QAnon about Obama being illegitimate because of being sworn in on the wrong day. Of course, they claim he was illegitimate because he was born in Kenya. (Ugh! Kill me now!) It’s only now morons “think” of this alleged massive flaw in the Constitution that they so fervently claim to love and respect and blah, blah, blah. Whatever! I give up. Look, f***tards. I will say it again and again: America is lost, morons! Mark my words. This level of stupid cannot be undone — ever. The long slide to the bottom began the second traitor trump won, and it’s been downhill ever since. Dumbass Democrats are not — and will never be — strong nor ruthless enough to reverse the damage that is the Great American Stupidity that has been exacerbated, facilitated, and encouraged vis-à-vis traitor trump’s rise and hold onto political power! Welcome to stupid America, forever and always! America as we know it is ending, morons! The stupid is going to overtake this country and run it into the ground. Mark! My! Words!

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

LGBTQ Equality Act — Fool’s Gold

From The Daily Beast, “Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) spoke for five minutes in Congress on Wednesday against the Equality Act, which would prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ people under federal law. Greene said there should be no discrimination against anyone in America but opined that the historic bill was ‘too much,’ that it put ‘trans rights above women’s rights,’ and then quoted Genesis to insist that ‘God created us male and female.’ Next, Greene tried to get Congress to adjourn, before what is expected to be a vote Thursday. The move failed, but she was supported by her Republican colleagues—revealing either their lionization of her or their attitudes to LGBTQ equality, or perhaps both.” And the headline reads, “Its Sponsors are ‘Optimistic’ for Senate Victory.”

Don’t be fooled, morons. First, of course, the bill’s sponsors are “optimistic,” idiots! What? Are they going to say this thing has no chance? Really? What a throw-away line to say and for reporters to print. Second, what part of traitor trump’s election to the presidency — yes, he lost in 2020, but with 10 million more voters wanting more of that — indicates…? What part of the rise of QAnon to the mainstream indicates…? What part of RepubliKKKlans maintaining and even gaining power at the state level indicates…? And what part of the rise of all hate crimes during traitor trump’s administration indicates that America has become enlightened enough to be willing to pass federal legislation to protect America’s LGBTQ community from being bigots’ second-favorite — behind Blacks — punching bag for just about everything that goes wrong in America, from hurricanes to traitor trump’s election loss? Tell me, please. How has America evolved? Yes, there are more LGBTQ members in all parts of the government at local, state, and federal levels. Yes, yes! This is true, but how many times must I reminder f***tards that this country is structured so that a political minority — RepubliKKKlans — rule and dictate over the will of the majority — everyone else who is not a RepubliKKKlan.

Last, that see you next Tuesday and transgender-looking-herself bigot MTG already invoked the one thing that will surely give cover to Senators to kill the bill: God! (Seriously, as an aside, has MTG looked in the mirror lately? She has many manly features about her. So, I wonder. Is she transgender? Could be! Why is she so sensitive about transgender issues? Let’s see what is — or was — between her legs!) Ugh! Just another daily reason why I hate this country so much. God! God! God! F*** me! God and the Bible have no place in politics, let alone as a standard to deny inalienable rights to others. F***! I hate the stupidity of people. We should all be humanists, not some radical morons running around spewing hate and nonsense from an ancient book that is nothing more than a thousands-of-years-old game of telephone. OMG! That’s all it is, morons. But whatever! I digress. Stupid is as stupid does and stupid America does a lot of stupid! Sixty votes — ten RepubliKKKlans — to pass this legislation? Not going to happen. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America. Not done yet!

Purely Moronic

Now Biden Is an Absentee President?

From Axios, “The absence of a Marine sentry outside the West Wing on Monday raised questions about whether President Biden was keeping the schedule publicly outlined by his aides. … Biden’s schedule said he would be in the Oval receiving the Presidential Daily Briefing at 9: 45 a.m. The sentry was absent at that time. … Pooler Debra Saunders, White House correspondent for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, told her off-campus colleagues at 9:58 a.m.: ‘There is no Marine standing outside the front door. … The White House says it’s a ‘misnomer’ a Marine must be present when the president is inside the Oval.”

Oh, my f***ing God! This is why I hate people and the MSM. Did anyone else catch the subtle inference intended by this story? Anyone pick up on the subtext? Anyone? Biden is clearly an absentee president. Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t? Seriously?!?! Biden “appears” to be 13 minutes behind schedule and the immediate conclusion — that “burning” “question” — is because there is no guard then he’s not in the Oval Office and clearly he’s not doing his job. God! F*** me! I hate people so f***ing much. So, let me see if I understand the full scope of MSM’s outrage correctly. Traitor trump spent four years being the laziest president ever and who literally filled his official schedule with vague and blanket descriptions like “he will be having many meetings and calls today.” The same ex-president who notoriously would not make it into the Oval Office until 11 AM, who was back at the White House residence by 5 PM, who spent a quarter of this presidency on the golf course and traveling between his private properties, and who spent the rest of his time on the job watching TV. That man literally was an absentee president who was given a pass for four years for his laziness by the MSM, but when Biden “appears” to be 13 minutes late — i.e., he’s not sticking to his schedule therefore what is he doing if he’s not in the Oval Office? Why isn’t Biden doing his job? — then it’s a f***ing “newsworthy” story worth the time and energy of an idiot reporter to waste on such yellow journalism. Un-f***ing-believable. F*** me! We’re doomed because MSM is still engaging whataboutism and gotcha journalism over the most trivial matters. Yeah, I hate America because it’s all stupid all the m*****f***ing G.D. time. The stupid never f***ing ends. Stupid all day, every single m*****f***ing G.D. day. Welcome to stupid America because, yeah, Biden is clearly not doing his job! F*** me! I can’t anymore. I! Just! F***ing! Can’t!

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


From The Atlantic, “Texas had ample warning that this system was vulnerable. A decade ago, another storm caused large (though smaller) failures, as the Texas Tribune explains. A report warned that the state needed to harden its grid to prepare for major storms. But the state’s regulators didn’t want to mandate upgrades. Instead, they issued voluntary guidelines to providers, and they offered financial incentives to make upgrades. This is by-the-book free-market governance: The government shouldn’t make requirements, but companies will do the right thing if it serves their business interests. As we now know, that didn’t work. Rick Perry, the former Texas governor and U.S. secretary of energy, says now that Texans are willing to endure blackouts in order to maintain the independence of their grid. That’s a bold bet to make when hundreds of thousands of them still don’t have power.”

Whatever! F*** it! None of this matters! Mark my words, morons! None of this matters! It’s not like Texas will turn blue after this disaster or ever! No matter what, stupid people will always vote stupid. People love their moronic RepubliKKKlan politicians! People love the stupid! People love the incompetence. People love finger-pointing and callousness. People don’t actually want politicians to provide good governance. And I am not being facetious. I mean it! People clearly don’t care about their own well-being, let alone others, which is why no Texas Democrat has won a statewide election in decades! I can’t wait for RepubliKKKlans to get re-elected in Texas all over again.

Climate change isn’t happening, so why not re-elect RepubliKKKlans. Your relative died from hypothermia during the Texas power failure disaster. Well, your relatives didn’t prepare enough, and obviously, they couldn’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps to survive, so too bad for them. Vote RepubliKKKlan! Deadbeat Senators that would rather be vacationing than do anything (at all) to help their constituents? Keep voting RepubliKKKlan! Morons who would rather stay off the national electric grid to save a few bucks on their electric bill and, God-all-mighty forbid, avoid regulations?!?! Keep voting RepubliKKKlan! It’s always and only ever about the money, never mind investing in the right, long-term infrastructure and policy! Always shortsightedness and greed! It’s the Conservative way! (Get ready for much higher insurance premiums, f***tards!) And it’s always some other Liberals’ fault! People will forget as they always do. By the next election cycle, it will be, What Texas power disaster? But those things Conservatives never forget: God, guns, and gays! Keep voting RepubliKKKlan! Why the f*** not?!?! Fifty percent of voters do! You get what you deserve. Welcome to stupid America. Nothing ever changes!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Traitor [T]rump Will Get Away with It — All of It!

Look, morons! Of course, traitor trump will get away with it — with all of it. He has spent his entire life getting away with it, so all these f***tards (dumbass Democrats, never-trumpers, political commentators, and other morons) that keep telling the general public not to worry; traitor trump still faces a mountain of pending civil and criminal litigation. Oh! My! F***ing! God! What the f***! Hello, stupid, stupid people! Nothing is going to happen to traitor trump! We do not prosecute former presidents — we couldn’t even convict one for inciting insurrection. Any legal case brought against traitor trump — civil or criminal, state or federal — is going to be tied up in court for years or it will be settled out of court with a fine and no admission of guilt, just like every other legal battle traitor trump has faced. He’ll just run out the clock. Why the f*** does no one see this? My head explodes every time I hear dumbass Democrats talking about how traitor trump is done for, that he can’t escape all these legal issues, that he is damaged beyond fixing. Kill! Me! Now! Have these f***tards learned nothing in the past four, five years? Traitor trump is Teflon Don, morons. He is the comeback king! (And people who think that traitor trump is some aberration in politics that represents some outlier of American culture truly have no f***ing clue about the real level of American hatred and admiration for authoritarianism!) Mark my words, f***tards! Mark! My! Words!

The jury may still be out as to traitor trump actually running again for president — I’d say the odds are 50/50 until he can be more confident that red states intensify and improve their voter suppression efforts — but what is 100 percent certain is that nothing is going to happen to him legally — not one day in jail and not any accountability for his actions as president. Nothing! F*** me! I live in stupid hell where idiots, especially dumbass Democrats, are still expecting justice to miraculously happen without putting in any effort. Let the chips fall where they may, which will be in traitor trump’s favor or let’s wait and see. Waiting for nothing to happen! Traitor trump once declared that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it; many thought it was a preposterous statement made in jest. I, however, believed him! The man does not joke and Americans truly are that stupid and that forgiving to excuse anything he would do. We’re f***ed because RepubliKKKlans want a dictatorship and dumbass Democrats are slowly handing America over to become one. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark! My! Words! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic

F*** Dumbass Democrats!

They caved on impeachment witnesses because, of course, they did! That’s what Democrats do: Cave to RepubliKKKlans! Always, without fail. I can’t with this party anymore. I just f***ing can’t! Weak, spineless pieces of sh*t! Most of the leadership are feckless, pathetic losers. Democrats are the loser party! The stupid party! The party of getting rolled by RepubliKKKlans, so why even bother anymore if they will never stand up for justice and accountability? Welcome to stupid America!