Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


From Salon, “As they will show by acquitting Donald Trump and continuing their full-on embrace of American fascism and white supremacy, today’s Republican Party considers the Democrats and their voters as existential enemies. It is long past time for the Democrats to respond in kind.”

No truer words have ever been written, and no truer advice will be so roundly ignored! Indeed, it is long past time, yet dumbass Democrats will continue to be dumbass Democrats by routinely attempting to “unify” and “compromise” (aka give away the store) with RepubliKKKlans. Ugh! And yes! Of course, dumbass Democrats need to start responding in kind! How many f***ing times have I said this? How many f***ing times? Dumbass Democrats and those pathetic liberals need to get f***ing ruthless! F***ing G.D. ruthless, I tell you! That’s the biggest problem with the Democratic Party; they don’t have a powerful, cut-throat left wing. No! Instead, the left-most wing is filled with bleeding heart f***tard liberals who always turn the other cheek! OMG! Kill me know! F*** that! RepubliKKKlans know and understand that Democrats are weak and feckless; that is why they can take advantage of dumbass Democrats and always get away with it because we let them! Whatever! I give up. It’s just going to be four more years of RepubliKKKlans blocking Democrat’s progressive policies and thwarting the will of the majority of the people because we live under the tyranny of the RepubliKKKlan Party — the national minority party. It never fails! Welcome to stupid America! I would say rise up America but no one cares anymore! I can’t wait for nothing to change!

[T]rump Stupid Purely Moronic

Americans Love Their Domestic Terrorists!

From The Hill, “A federal judge declined to send a Utah man charged in the Capitol riot back to jail despite ruling that he violated his release orders. U.S. Magistrate Judge Robin Meriweather reported ‘serious concerns’ on Monday that John Sullivan, 26, violated a previous order from a different judge by purchasing a smartphone, trying to access Twitter, attempting to promote his organization, Insurgence USA, on Infowars and calling on Insurgence USA members to attend his court hearing. … ‘I don’t believe we are there yet in this case,’ she said, according to BuzzFeed News.”

The judge thinks we’re not “there” yet?!?! Seriously?!?! Wasn’t the rioting on the Capitol the “we are there” already part? The judge has “serious concerns” but let’s the terrorist free anyway? Whatever! I give up! Oh, well! Americans get the failing country they deserve, and America is in a complete freefall. Despite all of Biden’s early successes and actions, I fear the unraveling started under traitor trump and cannot be undone at this point. No sense in trying to catch this falling knife of a country. Never have I seen so many judges try so hard to bend over backward to make sure these domestic terrorists stay out of jail and do other things like sending them on vacation to Mexico or out of the country to a destination wedding. A groom storms the Capitol and gets arrested a week before his wedding, so sure, why not? You, too, get to commit treason against America and have your wedding the following week. Whatever! Nothing matters anymore. Seriously! Nothing matters! If the courts cannot protect us from criminals and administer the minimal amount of deterrence and accountability then why even bother caring? Welcome to trump stupid America. Yuuuup!

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

RepubliKKKlan Party to Get More Radical and Attract More Morons

From The Hill, “The surprise retirement of Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), a high-profile moderate who is close to the Bush family and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), is the latest sign of turmoil in the Republican Party as it wrestles with its identity in the post-Trump era.” What did I say, morons? What did I say?!?! I said don’t be stupid; there is no rift in the RepubliKKKlan Party. There is no identity crisis. There is no impending schism. The RepubliKKKlan Party is not imploding. And there is no civil war within the party. RepubliKKKlans are not scared of traitor trump, nor are they running away from him. No! There is none of this B.S. Instead, the purge has begun! I was right. Portman is the first example of a post-traitor trump RepubliKKKlan purge where a non-MAGA moron Senator gives up his RepubliKKKlan seat, making way for a radical MAGA moron crazy QAnon believing Senator to take his place. Moreover, this is not an opportunity for Democrats to flip an open RepubliKKKlan seat. Mark my words, dumbass Democrats! The RepubliKKKlan Party will consolidate its popularity around conspiracy theories and white supremacists, and they will win by doing so. It is merely the 21st-century version of the Southern Strategy. Georgia’s recent Senate wins were a twin aberration created by hyper-attention on a national level. Expect more traditional races in more traditional cycles to fly under the radar and benefit the incumbent (RepubliKKKlan) party.

And I will remind readers: How many times have I said it? How many f***ing times? Traitor trump is the messiah for which the RepubliKKKlan Party has been long waiting. Traitor trump is the vileness that embodies the core ethos of the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, QAnon, evil evangelicals, and so forth — basically 42 percent of the population. Traitor trump has shown white nationalists, racists, misogynists, jingoist, anti-Semites, homophobes, bigots, and the whole gambit how to be popular, mainstream, and wield power in ruthless, moronic, and surprisingly still effectively incompetent ways. Before traitor trump took over the party, RepubliKKKlans only dared to dream about the disaster he inflicted upon this nation. RepubliKKKlans have realized their future in traitor trump and they love it! Eh, but none of this matters because Democrats, Progressives, Independents, and even so-called moderate RepubliKKKlans far outnumber QAnon f***tards, MAGA morons, and radical RepubliKKKlans, yet the crazies are taking over the country. We’re doomed because I live in hell where people love the crazy just because their own lives must not be exciting enough, so they relish front row seats with a bucket of popcorn to witness the end of America and democracy. Because, hey, why not? No one cares, so whatever. Ugh! I give up. It’s going to get much, much worse, morons. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark! My! Words! I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!

[T]rump Stupid Conspiracies for Morons MAGA Morons Purely Moronic Religion as Retardation

QAnon F***tards Have Dain Bramage!

From Salon, “Followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory have for years believed, in the face of all available evidence, that Donald Trump would soon begin mass arrests of his political foes and retain power indefinitely. Many of them appear to be struggling to cope with reality after President Joe Biden was sworn in on Wednesday and the mass arrests never came.” Imagine that! QAnon f***tards are disappointed that yet another crazy-town prediction has not come true. What the f*** else is new? It’s just another example of a supremely stupid, stupid America. Only in stupid America do such conspiracy theories emerge and thrive.

I have been hearing and reading much discussion among moronic political commentators, pundits, and various academics about working to bring QAnon followers back to reality, that the “fever” has been broken with the loss of traitor trump and the swearing-in of President Biden, and that the truth is finally starting to sink in with these people. To that, I say hell f***ing no! No f***ing way. We should not consider bringing these f***tards of the highest f***ing order back into polite society. They deserve to be left in the cold and ostracized from society forever. Look, morons! Whatever level of stupid brought these morons to believe such craziness cannot be absolved or undone just like that.

I keep hearing professionals talk about “de-programming” these people and advising others (not crazy stupid people) to try to understand what may have brought QAnon morons to believe such conspiracies. And I am sure there are some interesting (and pointless) psychological and sociological theories that try to explain the phenomena of people who believe in conspiracies. I, however, take a far more simplistic view — because that’s all it takes, really — to understand these people. They have a brain defect! Yes, it’s that simple. Conspiracy theory believers have f***ing brain damage, and I don’t need some complex and needlessly overworked theory to understand that QAnon people are just plain morons! I’m sorry to have to state the obvious, but it takes a special type of crazy stupid to fall for such QAnon beliefs. (And that goes for MAGA morons with their five years and counting belief in the traitor trump con.) One must have a mental predisposition to be so easily duped for so long. QAnon beliefs don’t even pass the most basic test of rationality. The government is run by a satanic cult of Democrats who are also part of an international pedophile ring. Really?!?! Does that really make sense? It doesn’t pass the laugh test, but whatever. It’s called critical thinking, morons! I can’t with the stupid anymore. We should not be encouraging QAnon f***tards to return to society; in fact, we should be preventing them from breeding and breathing.

One last point. People who think QAnon will finally go away without traitor trump are just as f***ing stupid as QAnon followers. Look, morons. There is no way this pervasive conspiracy theory (and all of its derivatives) is going away. They have members of Congress believing this bat-sh*t-craziness for God f***ing sake. People elected these morns to office — on purpose. And there is no difference between Christians waiting two thousand years for Jesus to return and QAnon f***tards waiting for “The Storm,” both of which are never going to f***ing happen, but you can’t convince idiots of the truth of their absurd beliefs. Conspiracy theories and religion — the twin pillars of American stupidity! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s never going to get smarter! Yeah, we’re doomed! The stupid never ends.

[T]rump Stupid Purely Moronic

Traitorous Accomplices to the Domestic Terrorist Attack on the Capitol?

Attribution: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

I have heard that many people are saying Facebook is to blame for helping to incite, coordinate, and foster domestic terrorist groups and QAnon conspiracy kooks that attacked the Capitol. I’m just wondering aloud. It smells true to me. Could be. Is it possible? I haven’t seen anything that suggests Facebook hasn’t contributed to the attacks on the Capitol. I’m just a concerned citizen asking questions! Welcome to stupid America. Apparently, Facebook stupid at this point, and that is just one notch improvement from a trump stupid America!

[T]rump Stupid Purely Moronic

Another Traitor [T]rump Failure: ‘Operation Warp Speed’

From Politico, “In many ways, it was successful, living up to the highest expectations of its architects. The Trump administration did help deliver a pair of working vaccines in 2020, with more shots on the way. But the officials who expected to be taking a victory lap on distributing tens of millions of vaccine doses are instead being pressed to explain why the initiative appears to be limping to the finish.” What?!?! F*** me! This is just another example of f***tard journalists bending over backward to give traitor trump credit for nothing. I hate the MSM at times. Jesus-f***ing-Christ! Just call a moron, a moron! And a loser, a loser!

Look, morons! There are two phases to Operation Warp Speed. First, the development of the actual vaccine, which traitor trump and Warp Speed basically had no involvement, especially considering the first vaccine that came to market took no money from the American government. Pfizer’s efforts and accomplishments were entirely on their own merits. If any credit should be given to a government, then that would be Germany! Moreover, it’s not like traitor trump could have done anything to speed up the development of a vaccine. Every pharmaceutical company had every incentive — besides Warp Speed — to get vaccines to market fast! In fact, it was the implementation of a relatively new vaccine technology that allowed these early vaccines to be created so quickly, not “Operation Warp Speed!” In short, when it comes to making any vaccine, Warp Speed had almost no impact, except setting up contracts to buy doses, which apparently the traitor trump administration initially bought too few from the fastest company (Pfizer) and too many from the slowest company (Johnson and Johnson). So much for “warp speed!”

The second phase is distribution, in which Warp Speed has every bit of control. That’s where the actual failure of the traitor trump administration manifests. They promised tens of millions of dosages and inoculations. Fail! They promised to release the stockpile of vaccines — another lie. There was none! As usual, traitor trump, like everything with the pandemic, put the onus on the states so he could blame them for his inevitable failure. Look, f***tards! This pandemic is a national crisis that requires a federal, coordinated response. You know! Precisely that thing traitor trump is completely incompetent to handle. Whatever! Welcome to the dumbest country on the planet. Welcome to trump stupid America! We’re f***ed!

Where’s the Einsatzgruppen?

[T]rump Stupid Politics RepubliKKKlans

Sunday News Shows: RepubliKKKlans Are Unphased by the Domestic Terrorist Attack on the Capitol (Of Course)

I expected nothing less from treasonous RepubliKKKlans! Even when they try to do (or say) the right things, they still come off as apologists for traitor trump. All in all, this is just more proof that America is firmly in decline, f***tards. Four days after the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol perpetrated by MAGA morons and incited by traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans are already making excuses while simultaneously demanding Democrats stop dividing the country by their calls for impeachment. I give up! I really, honestly just f***ing give up. How the f*** does the RepubliKKKlan Party keep winning any election anywhere, given their propensity to encourage the destruction of America and support for traitor trump? How? Oh, that’s right. I live in trump stupid America hell where nearly half of Americans love this guy. Yeah, America is so f***ed! Beyond hope, f***ed!

At best, I have watched or read about several RepubliKKKlans — many of which are either not currently in office (Chris Christie, Chris Krebs) or will not be seeking re-election (Sen. Toomey) — calling for traitor trump to be removed. Great?!?! And of those, most only want traitor trump to resign (Sen. Murkowski, Rep. Kinzinger) or for penis-loving Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment (various others). Seriously?!?! Wow! How f***ing brave of you f***tards for supporting options that are never going to happen — ever! Ugh! And at worst are those who just want to wait until 20 January. But then there is what most RepubliKKKlans are saying on the matter: Nothing! Crickets! Silence! All RepubliKKKlans can muster is complete silence on this grave matter — a rebellion against America’s government. Moreover, what RepubliKKKlans are calling for when they do speak up is for Democrats to heal the country by allowing traitor trump to end his presidency consequence-free, of course. It’s always Democrats’ fault for wanting to hold traitor trump and the RepubliKKKlan Party accountable. With a straight face, these morons call on Democrats to yield their principles in the name of healing and unifying the country! Never mind the last four years of traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans actively destroying America by advancing conspiracy theories and promoting violence against Democrats and democracy.

This is all nonsense. First, there is absolutely no reasoning or reconciling with MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans. None! Never! Second, these people are a cancer on society. Healing cannot begin until the cancer is excised! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s the end of America, but people are too stupid to understand it. The cancer is everywhere!

[T]rump Stupid MAGA Morons Social Darwinism

‘[Brian Sicknick] Was an Outspoken Trump Supporter’

So! As it turns out, the USCP officer who was killed during the Capitol terrorist attack was a traitor trump supporter. Praise Jesus! Needless to say, I no longer have sympathy for this guy or his family. He got what he deserved. This is what he voted for. How’s respect for that thin blue line looking now, moron? I guess that law and order mantra traitor trump espouses endlessly won the day for this MAGA moron. I guess blue lives don’t matter after all! Look, f***tards! One less MAGA moron running around, especially in law enforcement, the better. Do not feel any sympathy for this a**hole. I reiterate: He got exactly what he deserved; he was complicit in his own death, and that makes me happy. I am so f***ing sick and tired of traitor trump enablers unleashing the disaster that is traitor trump on America, expecting that they are always exempt from the consequences. I say good riddance! Brian Sicknick voted for moron traitor trump to be president, and he literally died for the man. Moreover, traitor trump has yet to acknowledge Sicknick’s death as a cop who died in the line of duty. Oh, well. Stupid people die in stupid ways. Social Darwinism at its best! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with trump stupid America! Please, by all means, let’s line up all the other MAGA morons willing to die for traitor trump. Whatever happened to traitor trump’s claim that the American carnage stops now! Ugh. The dumbest people on the planet elected the dumbest person in the world to be president, and this is where we are as a result!

[T]rump Stupid Purely Moronic

MAGA Moron Herp Derps!

Oh yeah! This guy is a herp derp! He might actually have a touch of the downs. LMFAO. All of these people being fired from their jobs and arrested are so f***ed. I hope they realize this. Every job for which they apply will conduct a Google search on their name and all this sh*t about storming the Capitol will pop up — forever. Some things do and will disappear from the internet, but not when you’re headline news. So, good luck to all those f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order. The rest of their lives are f***ed, and to that I say good! They deserve every bit of infamy. I hope they can’t even get a job at the local McDonald’s. I hope these guys go homeless, starve, and die. One less MAGA moron to worry about. And I don’t want any government social security programs helping them. They are, after all, part of the “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” coalition. I don’t want any of my federal or state tax dollars supporting them in any way unless they’re in prison. Other than prison, they have forfeited all government assistance for the rest of their lives! Welcome to trump stupid America. Just look at the picture if you have any doubts!