Evil Evangelicals Politics Religion as Retardation RepubliKKKlans

One Word: Post-Reconstruction

From The New Civil Rights Movement, “Right-wing evangelical Franklin Graham spent the weekend promoting anti-LGBTQ extremist hate to his nearly 10 million Facebook followers, including by attacking The Walt Disney Company, criticizing the Biden administration’s support of medically-necessary treatment for transgender children, posting a video of his home state’s Lt. Governor preaching jaw-droppingly vulgar attacks on transgender people, and even calling for ‘regime change’ in the United States because he opposes science that support LGBTQ children and teens.”

I don’t know what else to say to the LGBTQ community. The walls are closing in on the gays. Do not think these latest attacks on gay rights are simply another phase of the same bigotry. RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals are intensifying their attacks. This is not more of the same but in a different decade. This is altogether more dangerous.

And do not delude yourselves into believing that it means anything in the 21st century that LGBTQ members have risen to more positions of political power than ever before. Undoubtedly, more gay and transgender people are in government positions, including governors, mayors, legislators (state and federal), executives (state and federal; e.g., Secretary of Transportation), and judges. Yet such progress means nothing, for it can all be reversed. How can I say such a thing? How improbable would it be for society to turn on a minority group that continues to progress year after year? Surely, once the door has been opened, it can never be closed. The LGBTQ community has achieved too much political power to be shoved back into the closet.

I have considered these questions, but then I am reminded of another historical achievement and its aftermath: Emancipation, Reconstruction, and post-Reconstruction. Without going into historical detail, suffice it to say that during Reconstruction, Blacks achieved much — economic, educational, and political parity with their white counterparts. But in 10 years, when Reconstruction ended and Jim Crow began, all those achievements were erased. So, do not think that gay rights are safe in America. History has already proved the counterfactual with Black rights. Wake the f*** up LGBTQ members. Rise up! They are coming for your rights, and they will not stop until they succeed. When people pine for a Christain white nationalist America, they mean to exclude the gays too. Mark my words!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Democrats Nail Own Coffin

From The Hill, “The Biden administration’s decision to end to Title 42, a Trump-era policy restricting asylum claims, garnered a fractured response from Democratic lawmakers, advocates and the administration itself. Progressives and immigration advocates lauded the decision, arguing it was long overdue after President Biden pledged to end the rule during his 2020 campaign. However, moderate Senate Democrats issued a rebuke of the recission, claiming that the administration is not ready to manage a surge of migrants they say will come once the rule is nixed.”

I have no f***ing clue why dumbass Democrats are pushing for this now. I mean, WTF! Honestly, when it comes to immigration, I only care about one thing: Political optics and fallout. Except for the repugnant family separation policy under the traitor trump administration, I’m really agnostic about the ethics of immigration — in favor or against. Also, building a wall is the worst, most ineffective method of controlling border crossings. Building a wall was always a gimmick to pander to the American morons — I expected nothing less. Controlling immigration requires going to the source and limiting demand. Regardless, I am concerned about dumbass Democrats gifting RepubliKKKlans yet another talking point just in time for midterm elections. Are Democrats trying to lose the House and the Senate? What votes do they possibly hope to gain by creating an immigration crisis? Un-f***ing-believable. Look, f***tards. The only voters sensitive to another border crisis are those Independents in the political center. RepubliKKKlans and center-right Independents are always going to vote against Democrats over border and immigration policy even when it mirrors the previous administration. What remains are those true swing Independents, and they are not going to abide by chaos at the Mexican border. Republikkklans are experts at weaponizing any increase in immigration news. Whatever! When are dumbass Democrats ever going to learn that chaos at the southern border always hurts them more than it helps paint RepubliKKKlans as being heartless? Welcome to stupid America.

Evil Evangelicals Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

She’s Back and She’ll Win — Naturally

Sarah Palin on the Masked Singer. Photograph: FOX

As TMZ reports, “Sarah Palin is back in the political arena — that is, if Alaskans will have her … throwing her hat into the race for an open seat in Congress, this after a long hiatus from public service.” I don’t have to do any analysis for this prediction. She was crazy before crazy was cool, so now that QAnon kooks and evil evangelicals are the new cool, crazy kids on the block, she’s in it to win it. One could say this is the moment for which Palin has been waiting. The QAnon kookery and Americans have finally caught up to her way of “thinking,” so naturally, she’s ready to return to politics, and she is precisely the level of stupid RepubliKKKlan Alaskans desire. She’ll win. Never mind that she quit halfway through her governorship to pursue a reality TV career. But, whatever! Alaskans will overlook her shortcomings because they love her hate. Welcome to stupid America! We get the government we deserve.

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Cull the Wack Jobs, Please!

Wack Job

According to RawStory, “‘The election, I believe, was stolen,’ said a woman with an America flag draped over her shoulders. ‘But we know that, Space Force has it all, Trump has all the information, it’s going to be overturned,’ the woman claimed. ‘What do you think Space Force has?’ the interviewer asked. ‘Space Force is a military branch, you know, just like the Army, you know, all the military. And they literally…the night of the election they literally watched the election be stolen. They watermarked the ballots, they know exactly what happened with every ballot,’ she said. ‘They know what countries were involved, they followed the money, they know what every every [sic] politician that’s been paid off. There was [sic] 260,00 — 269,000 sealed indictments, but I think it might even be up to 500,000 sealed indictments. And I believe that we’re going to have an emergency broadcast and the military is going to come in with martial law and we’re going to be shown, 8-hours on, 8-hours off, of videos for seven days — the world. And they’re going to be showing us taped tribunals, taped confessions, and the world is going to be awakened to what’s really going on with the deep state,’ she claimed.”

I am speechless. These people are smoking meth, right? Or they were dropped on their head as a baby — repeatedly — yes? What explains such incomprehensible nonsense? Truly? What? I have been reluctant to use the word cult when talking about MAGA morons and QAnon kooks because the term implies a small, select few, but what we see here — with every traitor trump rally — are hoards of people caught up in this mass delusion. Of course, there is an internal contradiction in what they espouse. Go figure! Did anyone catch it? Anyone at all? The QAnon kook quoted above inveighs the “deep state,” but she counts on the same deep state (ala Space Force) to bring justice for traitor trump. How can that be? Please tell me, morons of America. How can Space Force be the deep state conspiring to withhold information that proves traitor trump won the 2020 election and thus “keeping” Biden in power. Yet, Space Force is the deep space conspiracy that will bring back traitor trump while simultaneously proving the danger of the deep state. This just goes to show how stupid all these people are. Whatever! America is f***ed because the disease that is the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are killing America. Either these people need to be culled from the herd, or the entire country will succumb to their craziness. These people are not fringe; they are the new mainstream. But most people don’t care because everyone else thinks they’re “a bit off” and funny. Oh, well. Whatever! Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic

What’s the Gay Equivalent of an Uncle Tom?

From the Advocate, “Former President Donald Trump told some fans on Wednesday night that they didn’t ‘look gay.’ During a fundraiser supporting Republican congressional candidate and former Trump administration Housing and Urban Development department official John Gibbs, someone shouted ‘Gays for Trump!’ Trump then asked, ‘Where’s Gays for Trump?’ After someone responded ‘We’re over here!’ Trump looked in their direction and said, ‘You don’t look gay.’ He then told the crowd, ‘We did great with the gay population,’ while the crowd laughed.”

I want to know! What do you call a gay that hates their own community? Seriously? What do you call these people that align with a political party that wants them dead? I have no idea. I’ve seen homocon in print. I’ve also seen Uncle Lindsey [Graham], but truthfully that should be Aunt Lindsey [Graham]. These pejoratives seem a bit too insipid. Let me think on it.

International Indigestion

Ukraine Strikes Russia! Yes!

Slava Ukraini

Reporting from CBS News, “Russia accused Ukrainian forces of staging a daring air raid against an oil depot inside Russian territory Friday morning. The regional governor said two Ukrainian helicopters attacked the fuel facility in Belgorod, about 20 miles inside Russia, and video showed storage tanks in flames. A U.S. official confirmed to CBS News senior national security correspondent David Martin that Ukrainian helicopters did carry out the strike, and anther one a couple days earlier against an ammunition depot in the same area. The official told Martin there was concern in Washington about how Russia might react to the strikes. Ukrainian officials did not claim responsibility for the attack themselves, but as CBS News senior foreign correspondent Holly Williams reports, it was a significant move by Ukraine’s forces.”

Let’s assume this is not a Russian false flag operation. And I like Ukraine’s strategic ambiguity: Maybe they did conduct the strike, maybe they didn’t. Maybe they’ll strike again, maybe they won’t. Whatever the case, it is safe to say that Ukraine has got some big ass balls! They understand the war precisely: Repel Russian forces and go on the offensive! The Russian military has proved to be an absolute disaster. No one predicted the direction of this war, but here we are. Russia is in tactical retreat, and Ukraine is fearless to take the fight to Mother Russia, as exactly should be done. The Ukrainian military knows how to prosecute a counterattack, and it has proved its worth and capabilities ten times over. Now is the moment that the West floods the f***ing zone with weapons and hardware. This is the opportunity that the West must exploit to degrade Russia’s military. Putin needs to be punched in the f***ing face, not merely embarrassed. Russia must be pushed out of every inch of Ukraine — from the Donbas to Crimea. The only way for this war to end is to have Russia leave, having lost control of every region of Ukraine. Then we can talk about reparations! Don’t f***ing p*ssy out NATO et al. Now is the time to knock out Russia while they’re weak. Do it now! This is your chance. Putin started this war, but Ukraine (and the West) needs to f***ing finish it, without mercy!

Politics Purely Moronic

A Gimmick for the Masses

Apparently, Biden saw the polls and is responding accordingly — to the extent a president can respond. As CNBC reports, “The U.S. will release 1 million barrels of oil per day from its strategic reserves to help cut gas prices and fight inflation across the country, the White House announced Thursday. … Roger Read, senior energy analyst at Wells Fargo Securities, noted that Biden’s planned daily release from the SPR is about 1% of daily global production and 5% of U.S consumption. … ‘I don’t want to make it sound like it’s nothing, but you just arrive at the issue where we may be off a lot more than just 1 million barrels. So it helps, but it’s unlikely to solve the problem,’ he said. ‘In the end, it’s a little bit of a Band Aid and I think a little bit of hoping to get later in the year OPEC catch up.’”

This is just a gimmick that may impact gas prices on the margins — perhaps a nickel or a dime. It will be difficult to discern between a drop in gas prices due to Biden’s actions and natural price fluctuations. I guess what irks me is that Biden has been diminished to responding to the uneducated hoards with such a gimmick, knowing that he can’t do much, that his actions won’t achieve much. Sadly, stupid America needs their empty gestures. They need big daddy to stand in front of the nation to pat their heads and assuage them of the fear of perhaps — just perhaps — having to suck up the world’s pain — poor snowflake voters. But Biden’s gotta do what he’s gotta do, so if it works, then great, but people should not expect much. To Biden’s credit, he did try to educate the morons of America during his speech about unused leases and the desire to get off oil. Ha! Getting off oil — the one thing Americans don’t want because, you know, climate change is a hoax. People don’t want to have to endure difficult moments in history and make difficult choices; they just want the president to appear like he’s trying to make the hard choices for them. In the end, I just wish Americans would wake the f*** up and stop blaming Biden and Democrats for sh*t out of their control and start to apprehend the reality of the world around them. Welcome to stupid America!


DOJ Action? Not So Fast, People!

According to The New York Times, “Federal prosecutors have substantially widened their Jan. 6 investigation to examine the possible culpability of a broad range of figures involved in former President Donald J. Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, people familiar with the inquiry said on Wednesday. … The federal investigation initially focused largely on the rioters who had entered the Capitol, an effort that has led to more than 700 arrests. But the Justice Department appears to have moved into a new phase, seeking information about people more closely tied to Mr. Trump. This development comes amid growing political pressure on Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to move more aggressively on the case.”

Don’t get sanguine, people. I’m not sure that I trust the veracity of the reporting and the extent to which this investigation has turned. I’m not saying the reporters are lying, but this appears only to be a small step in the right direction. Oh, sure. I do not doubt that the DOJ is nibbling at the next rung up the ladder but don’t expect this investigation to lead ultimately to traitor trump. I think that’s where people start getting ahead of themselves over the possibility that traitor trump will get led away in a perp walk. That ain’t never going to happen. As I have said over and over and over and over again, the Mueller Report detailed ten crimes traitor trump committed, yet AG Garrand has completely ignored those facts directly in front of him. So, why am I to believe he’s interested in discovering more facts that lead to traitor trump’s criminality? Yeah, enough said! No matter what, remember my First Axiom: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever.

Sorry, but I am not yet ready — and it will take far, far more to convince me — to believe the DOJ is doing anything meaningful to save America’s democracy, for in the end — indicted traitor trump or not — preserving the rule of law is ultimately about saving our country. People may accuse me of damning Garland if he does and damning him if he doesn’t. There could be some truth to that, but the only way Garland redeems himself is to start investigating traitor trump from the beginning. It’s the Mueller Report, stupid! It’s the crimes that lead to traitor trump’s first impeachment, not just his last. Christ! Only in f***ing America does one need to reference the first and last impeachments of a president! Welcome to stupid America. We get the government we deserve.

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Technically, He Looks Up to Everyone

Salon (Saul Loeb – Pool/Getty Images)

According to Salon, “Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) revealed that Washington, D.C.’s world of elected officials consists of 60 and 70-year-old elected officials inviting him to sex parties and snorting cocaine. ‘The sexual perversion that goes on in Washington, I mean being kind of a young guy in Washington with the average age of probably 60 or 70,’ said Cawthorn. ‘And I look at all these people, a lot of them that I, you know, I’ve looked up to through my life [emphasis added].’” He has no choice but to look up, yes? Also, is he virile? I mean, you don’t get invited to an orgy just to look. Was he expected to be the “towel boy” or the fluffer? Maybe limp biscuit eater? I’m just saying. He brought up the subject, and inquiring minds want to know.

By the way. In case you need clarification on RepubliKKKlan triggering events. Attending white supremacist rallies = Good. Orgies = Bad. Sex trafficking (Matt Gaetz) = OK. Key bumps of Cocaine = Bad. Snorting fat lines of cocaine off the thigh of a hooker using a rolled-up c-note = Unknown.

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Eh, I Was Wrong

Reporting from Politico, “Republican Sen. Susan Collins will support Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court, delivering President Joe Biden a bipartisan vote for his first high court nominee.” If this holds, then my prediction that Jackson would not get a single RepubliKKKlan vote will have been wrong. Perhaps Collins is trying to make up for helping to kill Roe.