The Armed IRS Boogeymen, of Course

According to The Hill, “In an appearance on Fox & Friends this week, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) questioned whether the IRS was ready to send in armed units of agents into small Iowa businesses. ‘Are they going to have a strike force that goes in with AK-15s already loaded, ready to shoot some small business person in Iowa with these, because I think they’re going after middle class and small business people, because they think that anybody that has pass-through income is a crook, and they aren’t paying their fair share, and we’re going to go after them,’ he said. … ‘The incendiary conspiracy theories Republicans are pushing about armed IRS agents are increasingly dangerous and out of control,’ Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said in a statement.” Of course! RepubliKKKlans never want to pay their fair share. They want everything free and have everyone else pay.

The stupidity is sinking in, as I detailed in a recent post. That post was a real-world, real-time example of the level of idiocy that infects and will destroy America. As I repeatedly say, this nation cannot survive with a level of moronity so widespread throughout the population and perpetuated by RepubliKKKlan leadership that it will kill all of us. It just can’t. When I sit in a popular breakfast spot in the middle of a blue-leaning community to hear word-for-word talking points of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons, then I apprehend the disease of stupidity is no longer relegated to the fringes of society but is mainstream, and the infection is spreading. This IRS claim, which literally borders on a level of mental (in)capacity (IQ in the 20-25 range) to believe, is instructive of a nation headed toward a civil war if for no other reason than the intelligent, knowledgable part of society needs to purge the f***tards, lest the entire country sinks into a state of babble and drool. Welcome to stupid America — more true than not.