‘Uncommitted’ Voters — Deport Them!

All I can say is that when traitor trump returns to the White House, I hope he rounds up all these “uncommitted” f***tard voters and deports them — citizen or not. Honestly, f*** these people! F*** them all! The 2024 election is our democracy’s last stand, and these morons of the highest f***ing order are more worried about Gaza. Look, you sh*t-for-brains voters! How many f***ing times must I say it? Have you learned absolutely nothing ever since traitor trump came onto the political stage? Do you seriously believe traitor trump would be better for Palestinians and Arabs? What the actual f***?!?! So, at this point, I say bring it. Be careful what you wish for, f***tards! If you’re voting, then you are an American citizen, and your first loyalty must be to this country, not Gaza, a terrorist group, or some other country. I hope traitor trump strips these people of their nationalized citizenship and deports them because they’ve proved their disloyalty to this country, and they deserve exactly what they voted for!

I’ve heard other dumbass Democrats (and even more conservative never-trumpers) support this ‘uncommitted’ drive as a means for voters to express their disenchantment with Biden’s “handling” of the Israel-Gaza war as if Biden is helping Bibi plan military movements. I’ve heard these same people praise this “protest” movement during the primary as the politically correct way to express opposition and send a message to Biden. They contend better a protest vote in the primary than in the general election. But here’s the problem with that line of reasoning: When our democracy hangs in the balance here at home and authoritarianism is gaining prominence worldwide, there is no time for a “protest” vote, no matter how well-intended or innocuous. Dumbass Democrats and other pro-democracy allies in America need to be in complete solidarity and committed to preserving our government in lock-step. Any show of weakness or discontent is an opportunity for RepubliKKKlans to drive a wedge between Democratic voters. I’ve also heard that these “uncommitted” voters will, eventually, return to vote for Biden come November. That may be true for most of these people, but considering Michigan will probably be decided on the margins that are more in line with the 2016 election, Democrats can only afford to lose 10,000 votes, give or take a couple thousand. Moreover — and apparently still completely lost on this sh*t-for-brains country — sitting out the 2024 presidential election or voting for a third-party candidate is a vote for traitor trump. Full stop! No two ways about it! No rationalizing it! People get the government they deserve and desire, and I guess Americans would rather have a fascist leader as president because — Gaza! Welcome to stupid America!