[T]rump Stupid MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Looking in America’s Mirror: Traitor [T]rump and Loving the Reflection

Traitor trump is the American reflection. He is the essence of America! Not only is he the image of a vile nation, but like the narcissist in chief, Americans love the image reflected back in that uniquely American mirror. They love it, understand it, and worship it! America is not that shining city on the hill. It is not the land of opportunity. It is not a place for equality and justice and freedom. It is not the great country envisioned by the Founding Fathers, Lincoln, MLK, and others. No! It is none of these features, for citizens have given up and care not for anyone but themselves. There is no greater good to which one should aspire anymore. There is no sense of duty, dignity, and democracy. No! America no longer embodies these attributes. America, as evinced through traitor trump, has become the land of “me” and “f*** you!” America is a nation whereby the minority rules over the majority, and the majority are supine in the face of authoritarianism! The majority just takes it, without question.

Moreover, America is not the home of the brave. Quite to the contrary, America is lead by fearful people. Not fear of losing America’s democracy — although MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans love to b*tch that their “democratic” rights are being lost such as the right to kill “the blacks” and discriminate against “the gays,” naturally! No! The minority (in power) fears the majority (without power). America fears the “other.” For a country that prides itself on bravery, independence, and self-determination, it sure is afraid most of the time, especially of the future and change — those two inexorable truths of life! Boo-hoo. We’re not in the 1950s anymore. Their fear is not rational fear; it is irrational fear, which is fully demonstrated by the growing acceptance and invasion of conspiracy theories into the RepubliKKKlan Party. America is lost. Although in the eyes of too many, America is exactly where it wants to be with some distance to go before it gets to the white nationalist promise land. Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s the mirror, stupid!

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘I Like the Dumb N***** Football Player’

As AlterNet reports, “Trump-endorsed Georgia Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, Herschel Walker, revealed on Sunday that he is a science-denying religious extremist. Walker wrongly insisted the existence of apes dispels the scientific theory of evolution, and there was no Big Bang Theory. He attributes all of creation to God. ‘I tell you something else I heard – now think about this,’ Walker, very proudly, told the pastor of Georgia’s Sugar Hill Church, ‘at one time, science said, man came from apes.’ ‘Did it not?’ Walker, a former college and pro-football star asked, pointing at the audience. ‘Well, what is interesting though, if that is true, why are there still apes?’ ‘Think about it,’ Walker pressed [without any sense of irony]. … ‘So when God came and said, “Now let me create this.” And God created the Earth. And he put Adam and Eve there, and stuff [“and stuff” — I can’t].’”

So, what did one expect from a football player? I’m not going into the content of what he said because the stupid is incomprehensible, and it hurts my brain. The quote above demonstrates the quality of the candidate the RepubliKKKlan Party seeks to counter the eminently qualified and highly educated Reverend Dr. Warnock. Look, f***tards. There is only one reason why Walker is running for a Senate seat: He’s Black! Oh, but I suppose Walker possesses a few more added bonuses that make him the winning candidate in Georgia — one of the most racist states in the country, only bested by Mississippi. The upcoming Senate race between Warnock and Walker is relatively straightforward. The RepubliKKKlan Party decided it needed to counter a Black incumbent Senator with another Black contender, but not just any old Black guy. Oh, no! It has to be just the right kind of Georgia n*****. And let me be very clear about my vocabulary here: Democrats view Warnock as a Senator who is also Black, whereas RepubliKKKlans see Walker as their n***** who can take out the other n*****. Given the excerpt above, conservatives found their guy, who is sufficiently religious, stupid, athletic, and makes, obviously, flaky biscuits, while also not being — and this is extremely important — not being uppity because there is nothing that grinds on white southerners’ nerves more than an uppity n*****.

But wait! There is more! According to The Hill, “Warnock, who won a special election in 2021 and is now running for a full term, is supported by 45 percent of registered voters in the poll released Wednesday, while Walker is backed by 49 percent of voters.” You can’t make this stuff up! America! Too dumb to survive.

This is why enough RepubliKKKlans will show up to the polls to vote for Walker, and not enough Democrats will show up to vote for Warnock — because they can’t be bothered generally. Oh, sure. They did it once, so why can’t Warnock win again? Because it is head-to-head n*****s, and Georgia is still that state where stupidity and white supremacy reign supreme. In effect, the RepubliKKKlans have leveled the playing field so that the election is basically two whiteys on the ballot — one competent, capable Democrat and one stupid RepubliKKKlan jock. Georgians are literally going to show up at the polls and weigh the merits of two Black candidates, and the majority of Georgians are going to tell themselves, “I like the dumb n***** football player.” Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


Whenever I read an article about MAGA moron insurrectionists, it always involves the person violating the terms of their pre-trial release or journalists unearthing their prior criminal history. The list of offenses (convictions, mind you) often involves DUI and DUI manslaughter, sex with a minor (un-f***ing-believable considering these people are usually AQnon kooks), fraud, drug possession (usually meth), gun and ammunition possession, public intoxication, assault and battery, using the internet (to continue recruiting insurrectionists), fleeing arrest (because they’ve been caught violating terms of their release), and grand theft. (The list is not exhaustive.) You get the point. These people were degenerates before the insurrection and traitor trump, with his degenerate magnetism, attracted these criminals to attack our government. These people are all the same. Worse still, traitor trump made being an idiot degenerate mainstream and cool. Hillary has always been right! These people are the “basket of deplorables.” She should have never backed down from that comment, and dumbass Democrats should have never condemned her for such trenchant insight into 40 percent of America’s population.

Once again, Democrats are too f***ing weak and stupid to fight the threat to America’s democracy because they can’t even recognize it or call it for what it is! Words matter, morons! It all starts with first defining the problem. Of course, these same degenerates are now in Congress, and surely RepubliKKKlans and the rest of the moronic hoard will elect more deplorables to Congress because they are a perfect reflection of America — and Democrats are powerless to stop them. Get ready for the great moronic and degenerate takeover of Congress come the next election cycle. It’s only going to get worse. (And I won’t even get into the evil evangelical competent of the dumbing down of America.) Mark my words, f***tards! The idiocracy is just beginning! America is going to be toppled by a mob of druggies and criminals! Fan-f***ing-tastic! I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid (and criminal) America.

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

All MAGA Morons Are -ists

Pro-Trump demonstrators in Oregon
Attribution: Paula Bronstein/AP Photo

From Politico, “One person was shot and killed late Saturday in Portland, Oregon, as a large caravan of President Donald Trump supporters [the Brownshirts (Braunhemden)] and Black Lives Matter protesters clashed in the streets, police said. It wasn’t clear if the shooting was linked to fights that broke out as a caravan of about 600 vehicles was confronted by counter-demonstrators in the city’s downtown.”

Of course, the shooting was linked, and of course, it was a MAGA moron that pulled the trigger and killed someone. (And make absolutely no mistake about it — MAGA morons will kill their own if it furthers their cause of a race war, which appears to have happened!) I have absolutely no doubt of that because MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals have a long, long history of and predilection for violence. One needs to look no further back than to Kyle Rittenhouse, who is a traitor trump supporting a white supremacist who just decided to kill two people because like all the “brave” white supremacist defenders of white privilege and white power killer Kyle is easily frightened when he gets into a precarious situation of his own making — carrying a military-style gun after curfew in the middle of civil unrest in a city he is not from and really has no business visiting. By the way, Kyle will get off on self-defense. Mark my words. But whatever! These people are equal parts scared and stupid! Because, of course, fearless people need to own weapons of war. Mark my words, f***tards. These traitor trump parades — cars, boats, and otherwise — are the pure essence of America! How many f***ing times must I scream it? When are people going to wake up? Why the f*** can’t people see the obvious? America is slipping away, and everybody seems to be stuck on stupid and sports and Facebook (for f***tards) and Twitter (for more f***tards) and TikTok (for the greatest of f***tards). Oh, well. We get the government we deserve, and a dictatorship is a government for morons who can’t be bothered to understand, participate, or care. And now we have the Brownshirts roaming the streets as right-wing thugs and vigilantes. Congradu-f***ing-lations, America!

Nonetheless, war is coming! Make my words, morons. Call it a civil war; call it a race war; call it the traitor trump war. But war is coming! MAGA morons want it, and they will start it. Sadly, progressives and liberals completely lack the will to win because dumbass Democrats are weak — the weakest. Over the last four years of traitor trump’s presidency, we should have built up our own liberal/freedom militia. But no! Dumbass Democrats are still trying to play by a set of rules that went out the window the second traitor trump was elected. F*** me! So, there is that! Fan-f***ing-tastic. Get ready for dictator traitor trump and get ready for unrest like the country has never seen since the Civil War. Although we have the absolute majority in numbers, Democrats have absolutely no will. I give up! Welcome to trump stupid America. The dumbest we’ve ever been and getting dumber daily! Who could have guessed that Obama’s presidency was the last great years of America? It’s all downhill from here. Let it all burn down at this point because no one cares! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Climate Change: It’s Already Too Late, F***tards

Wildfires in America’s West, superheat events in America’s Northwest, droughts, more active and intense hurricane seasons, rain and flooding events in Europe and China, recording-breaking heat events in Europe, shrinking ice caps, snow and ice crippling Texas, more pandemics, daytime flooding in Miami streets, red tide in Flordia, and a collapsing building (yes, the collapsed building in Surfside, Flordia) are just a few recent and new normal episodes to name. Look, morons! It’s too late. It’s too f***ing late. Unfortunately, scientists haven’t figured that out yet. Allow me to insert my own rationale to support such an assertion. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I gave a persuasive speech on climate change in high school speech class. Back then scientists had been warning about climate change and how if the world did not start doing something then the planet would start feeling the effects (essentially all the events happening now) by the middle of the next century (21st). Over the decades since then, the scientific community keeps moving up the timeline. Instead of the middle of the 21st Century, it became by 2100. Then it was by 2050. Then 2035. Now, the newest estimate is in the next few years. Well, let me say this, idiots: It! Is! Too! F***ing! Late! The time is now! (Actually, the time was yesterday!) The time is now and still, a third of the morons in America think climate change is a hoax. How can a country — indeed, a planet — survive with such incomprehensible stupidity? The short answer? It can’t. Full stop! America is simply too f***ing stupid to deal with such a colossal problem, especially when one political party (RepubliKKKlan) is determined to ignore science and reality, but just trust God. OMG. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. And I haven’t even explored the climate wars to come. Oh, yes. The climate wars. Mark my words, f***tards. The next wars will be driven by the consequences of climate change. I’ll save that rant for another post. In the meantime, welcome to stupid, stupid America where apparently believing in climate change is optional. I can’t! The supreme stupidity hurts supremely!

[T]rump Stupid Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Americans Don’t Want Democracy

From NBC News, “Amid Europe’s largest land war since World War II, 7 in 10 Americans expressed low confidence in President Joe Biden’s ability to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in a new NBC News poll, and 8 in 10 voiced worry that the war will increase gas prices and possibly involve nuclear weapons. … Those are some of the major findings of the new national NBC News poll, which found that Biden’s overall job approval rating had declined to 40 percent, the lowest level of his presidency. The survey also found that Republicans enjoyed a 2-point lead in answer to which party should control Congress ahead of November’s midterm elections. … The survey does contain some silver linings for Biden and Democrats, including an increase in those who said they approve of the president’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Also, nearly 80 percent of Americans said they agree with Biden’s decision to ban Russian oil, even if it means higher gas prices. … ‘One thing that has not happened — at least yet — is a rally around the flag reaction with Joe Biden’s job rating increasing. The potential for that to occur could still happen if America becomes more directly involved, but at this stage it is not there.’… Asked which one issue — reducing inflation and improving the economy, or working to end the war in Ukraine — should be Biden’s top priority, 68 percent picked inflation/economy, versus 29 percent who picked the war in Ukraine.”

This is the second poll in as many weeks indicating Biden has reached a new low in his job approval rating because ‘Merica stupid! While the survey touched on several topics, I quoted the ones on which I wanted to focus my commentary. What stands out is Biden’s low approval on the handling of Russia’s war on Ukraine, which includes the lack of rallying behind the flag and the economy — still. Let’s start with Ukraine. In short, Americans are morons, and, as I have repeatedly said, Americans really don’t care about democracy. Biden has made it very clear over the last month and beyond that what is going on in Ukraine is not merely a struggle against Russia but a struggle for democracy across the globe. If 70 percent have low confidence in Biden’s handling of the crisis, then that must mean Americans place no value on Biden’s achievement to rally NATO and the West. Apparently, Americans are thinking, so what? Fan-f***ing-tastic. I expected nothing less! Maybe people think Biden is not doing enough. Is that why they lack confidence? Doubtful since 80 percent worry about the war escalating. But then again, who knows because there is an internal inconsistency in the poll. Not sure if you caught it, but 80 percent worry about higher gas prices, yet 80 percent agree with cutting off Russian oil to the U.S. “even if it means higher gas prices.” This type of oxymoronic result within a poll is actually more common than you think because we’re in stupid America. There must be some 160 percent hyper-dimensional pie out there that I have yet to read about in a math book because I don’t see how the same population worries about higher gas prices due to the war on Ukraine but supports banning Russian oil even if it engenders higher gas prices. At the very least, Americans should be rallying behind Biden (and the flag) because we are in a war. I know no one wants to admit it, but we are. We’re in it, like it or not. Stupid America wants to believe we have no dog in the fight. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t with the incomprehensible stupidity in America. America is so stupid that it hurts, and the poll is just more proof of it. Who am I kidding? America has always been stupid. This is the same country that was more than willing to let Hitler and the Nazis rampage across Europe. Thank God Japan attacked and Hitler declared war on us, lest all of Europe would be speaking German now — and probably those half of Americans who welcome fascism!

Moreover, Americans can’t be bothered with Ukraine and the implications for democracy at home and worldwide because of inflation! Guess what, f***tards? Who the f*** cares about inflation if American democracy is under threat. I just can’t with this f***ing sh*t-for-brains country anymore — this m*****f***ing G.D. American obsession with inflation and the economy. If I have to hear one more MSM personality or read one more survey about inflation, then I’m going to blow a sphincter. As usual, Americans are just too f***ing G.D. stupid to understand that this inflationary period is because of the pandemic and the current (red-hot) economic recovery. Biden has no control over the economy, as I almost have to remind morons of America weekly, but he gets the blame anyway. Respondents want Biden to focus on inflation and the economy. How exactly is Biden supposed to change the direction of (cool off) the economy? Only in stupid America do citizens simultaneously believe that “big” government is too involved in businesses; yet, the government should be doing something to alter the course of the economy — on a dime. It must be that hyper-dimensional pie math again. And to be crystal clear about inflation: Only the Federal Reverse has the power and tools to influence inflation, which is entirely independent of Biden. Perhaps the average American idiot does not realize this. Maybe dumbed-down America is still stuck on trump stupid, expecting the president to interfere with the Fed as traitor trump tried to do. Hello, f***tards of America! That is not how our system works or is supposed to work. Presidents do not dictate monetary policy if American idiots even know what monetary policy is. Hint: It’s not Biden setting gas prices. Whatever. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t!

If people truly want to do their part to control inflation, then stop f***ing buying sh*t! For the love of f***ing Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross. Seriously! Everything is more expensive, but people live like they don’t care, except they like to b*tch and blame Biden for their unabated spending habits. People b*tch about gas prices but still refuse to conserve or plan their driving to be more efficient and productive. Buy less. Eat less — fat f***ing America. My God! This country might actually become healthier if the 42 percent of Americans who are obese would f***ing eat less. (Am I fat-shaming? Probably. But I stupid shame daily.) Lord knows people are b*tching about food prices, so stop f***ing shoving food in your pie-hole. (Again, with the pies!) You’re all overeating as it is, so don’t give me this “I have to eat” excuse. And drive less. I’ll end my rant with my usual advice. If you want to understand why inflation is so f***ing high, then look in the m*****f***ing mirror. Stop blaming Biden, who has no control over inflation — of all things. F***! I live in stupid hell!

The last point I want to make leaves me apoplectic: “Republicans enjoyed a 2-point lead in answer to which party should control Congress.” Even though this is within the margin of error, it should not be this close at all — ever. It never f***ing fails. Americans can never stick with the correct course long enough to see things through. The moment the world is not perfect, they want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. As usual, American morons have no f***ing clue about anything. This always f***ing happens — every f***ing G.D. time. When RepubliKKKlans are in power, they f*** everything up, and then voters elect Democrats to fix the mess. But when Democrats can’t fix the disaster that RepubliKKKlans left behind fast enough, then voters kick Democrats out of office the first chance they get. What the f*** do voters actually think will happen if they give RepubliKKKlans control of Congress next year? What? Are they supposed to fix inflation? Do people expect two years of kumbaya synergy? Do people think RepubliKKKlans will propose and advance legislation that will make their lives better off? RepubliKKKlans have already indicated that if they win Congress, then they will spend the next two years impeaching Biden and investigating everything. RepubliKKKlans have no interest in managing, legislating, or trying to improve the lives of the average American. All they want is revenge on Biden for winning and to exercise their white grievances. Oh, and the culture war. Whatever! I’ve given up caring because polls like this just remind me that America is one step closer to the end. Welcome to stupid America! The stupidity is boundless. Now, ask me how I really feel!

Politics Purely Moronic

‘How much more carnage are we willing to accept?’

The short answer: Endlessly more! I did not watch Biden’s speech because I’m over him, as I said last week! I, however, did listen to the MSM coverage and read excerpts. His address to the nation is exactly as I expected it to be. In essence, Biden used the bully pulpit to stand before the nation sounding exacerbated and entreating action to a deaf, dumb, and mute nation that honestly does not care. He used the word ‘enough’ plenty, but more crucially, he asked the question headlined above. I have an answer for that. Americans are willing to accept an incomprehensible and untold amount of carnage because this nation craves it like an addict craves more heroin. America is addicted to death, carnage, stupidity, and authoritarianism. Americans are too lazy and too apathetic to demand and desire any change on gun control, so expect more carnage. This is what a dying country looks like, f***tards! I am not sure how many times I have to repeat myself, but nothing will change — not because of the many mass shootings up to this point and not because of the countless more to come in the future. Because FREEDOM! Freedom to die and live in constant terror. Yeah! ‘Merica! F*** me! Welcome to sh*thole country America! Welcome to stupid America! Perhaps only slightly less stupid today than yesterday because we kill our citizens here for sport.

Purely Moronic

America to Stupid to Care

Well, this line graph tells you everything you need to know. The Uvalde turkey shoot gained much immediate attention but waned quickly compared to the Parkland massacre. I wonder why that could be? Any guesses? Does anyone out there have a guess as to why interest peaked so quickly in the woes of this southern Texas town? Anyone at all? Any guesses? No one? No one out there has a guess? Well, I think the answer is obvious and glaring. It’s because they’re brown! The kids are brown. The parents are brown. The town is brown. Yes, of course. Don’t you morons know? Little brown kids getting killed is less interesting than teenage white kids getting killed. It’s the brown people, stupid. And don’t even get me started about the Buffalo killings. No one cared about that tragedy because whitey America thought that “incident” was part of population control.

The lack of interest evinced by the graph above is precisely why there will be no change in gun laws. No one in this country cares. America is too stupid to care. Welcome to stupid America! Too dumb to survive — mass shootings and a sh*thole country.

Politics Purely Moronic

Finally! Gun Reform — in Canada

According to Reuters, “Canada’s government introduced legislation Monday to implement a ‘national freeze’ on the sale and purchase of handguns as part of a gun control package that would also limit magazine capacities and ban some toys that look like guns. The new legislation, which resurrects some measures that were shelved last year amid a national election, comes just a week after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers in their classroom in Uvalde, Texas.” Fan-f***ing-tastic! America has another f***ing mass slaughter of children, and Canada acts! Un-f***ing-believable!

Oh, but wait! Senators are good at doing something: Leaving DC. As Politico reminds readers, “Senators are long gone, headed home for the Memorial Day recess, but a group of nine senators say they’ll keep talking about potential legislation to prevent something horrifically and specifically American: deadly mass shootings.” Pathetic. This is why nothing changes, and you’re a fool to ever believe otherwise because I live in stupid hell. No matter, morons! All the same worthless, hateful, and gun-loving RepubliKKKlans will get re-elected as they always do. Nothing matters as long a people can keep re-electing their RepubliKKKlan death cult representatives. Welcome to stupid America! Always dumber than the day before last. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Purely Moronic

N.R.A.: Not Real Americans

These Not Real Americans members are baby killers. If you’re a member of N.R.A., then do humanity a favor by taking your Second Amendment right, sticking it in your mouth, and pulling the m*****f***ing trigger. Full stop! Their convention was an assemblage of anti-Amerian morons who worship guns and hate everyone else in the country who are not gun nuts. They are a cancer on society, for America is a dying nation — literally and figuratively. And Americans love it! Mark my words, morons. Nothing will change because deep down inside Americans want the killing and chaos. Welcome to stupid America